Tyreek Hill is a lying bastard and is going to be the Antonio Brown of this generation

      Bradly Austin


   The disgusting Miami Dolphins overpaid over styled and stupid baby mama drama jackass Tyreek Hill is an idiot. Tyreek Hill was speeding and endangering pedestrians when he was pulled over outside the Miami Dolphins stadium before a week one. The illiterate and dumb baller was non-compliant with the police refused to roll down his tinted window and then acted like the privilege and ghetto Southern black man that he is. Anyone who uses the word bro or brah every other sentence is clearly a illiterate dumbass and make no mistake Miami Marlin baller Tyreek Hill is a

illiterate, low IQ, individual who likely would be in the Florida state penitentiary cell unit C were  it not for professional sports and the vast amount of money that is thrown to these thugs. Tyreek Hill is a scumbag and a half who was taken down by the

police for his non-compliant snarky attitude and clearly this man has been given so much money for the stupidity of professional football that he thinks of himself as someone special. Hill is a privledged, nasty, entitled, and elite and this pretty much explains the whole attitude problem of this scumbag who is well on his way of being this generation Antonio Brown.

     Tyreek Hill was taken to the ground and he cried like a little baby saying bro and brah complaining like the little bitch that he is. The entitled and massive ego of this fuck head pretty much can be explained from the high salaries and incomes that this corrupt system throws to Black bastards who play ball and this fucker even made mention to the police how much money he had and that he was being stopped because they were jealous of his expensive car. We need to do everything to demonetize

professional sports and the corporate backers of that would pay such a illiterate dumbass like Tyreek Hill so much money clearly I wondered given the number of expensive automobiles that his Dolphin teammates who stopped along the side of the road when Mr Hill was being humiliated by the police if part of their massive contract requires them to spend heavily on a vehicle of a certain brand. Tyreek Hill is a jackass and a half and how he presents himself in this police camera video clearly shows the addictive narcissism of the modern professional athlete, especially the black man in professional

football. The high huge salaries entitled to these pricks from a corrupt media system likely explains the attitude and anger he had when being stopped for breaking rules and endangering people with his extreme speeding. Again, we cannot emphasize that without professional football and the money wasted and thrown by corporate entity this silly bastard Tyreek Hill would be in prison

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