Matt Walsh crashes a female race baiting brunch group as he's about to release a movie about not being racist

      Shinzo Yartiger

    The Daily Wire's incredible host Matt Walsh will be releasing a movie called in my races Matt Walsh gave a sneak preview as he went undercover and one of these woke Dei seminar lunches that This Woman's organization was having basically just accusing all the white people that they need to do more of ending their racism and their white privilege Matt Walsh incredible ability to act and pretend to be a waiter and crash this woke feminist meeting was utterly hilarious and we cannot wait until this movie is released Matt Walsh is set to release this movie where he covers the scam and gripped of anti-racism and basically put pushing and promoting of white guilt by these far left racial organizations. Matt Walsh has hilariously made comments as he dropped dishes and join in the anti-White conversation that these women were having about how basically evil white people are and they all cause racism as if racism didn't exist in other groups. 

     The excitement and the eventual release of Matt Walsh's Daily Wires moving is being anticipated and Mr Walsh is indeed a talent that is not as exposed as much and which should be celebrated more and give him more publicity we expect this movie to do very good as Matt Walsh is a provocateur and he will go after these libtards and the

anti-whites DEI dishwashing of racism that they want to enforce on white people to constantly wash their racism off the plate on a daily basis. The disgusting anti-whites race scripting organizations will be highlighted and put on the Spotlight by Matt Walsh when it will be coming out in the middle of

September and from the looks of it Walsh will wash utterly humiliate these anti-white racism organizations who are actually the racists themselves. We highly look forward to this movie and more of man Matt Walsh his work at the Daily Wire it's just man has an innate ability to fuck around and anger the political left and there's little that they can do to silence and make Matt Walsh find out and this absolutely drives them monkeys and bananas.

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