Nick Shirley covers the English riots against migrant crime and predicts a Civil War in England

       Sebastian Salvador

     YouTube flogger Nick Shirley is a transatlantic amazing YouTuber who goes around and interviews areas attention protest in rioting. Mr Shirley prior to coming to Chicago for the Democratic Convention was covering the English riots against the global rule and corruption of their government. The massive amount of crime that brown my migrants from Islamic lands and stans have produced in England erupted into a major riot after three little girls were brutally murdered by a Muslim migrant.

Nick Shirly talked to many of these activists and protesters long tired of the dangers and crimes of mass migration toilet flushed by the globalists in England and the takeover of their country by the global order centered in London. 

     Nick Shirley spoke to many people who explained to him the situation in England and the constant harassment and brutality White English people face as the indigenous people of this land and how their government is encouraging attacks against the indigenous people. The protests are a desperate attempt of the white English to bring world attention to the plight of indigenous people and to retake Great Britain and to push back against the brown migration/invasion and colonialization that seek to take over the

country and replace the native people. With this in mind, Nick Shirley happen to be in England and talking and seeing the mood in the rural areas of England where mass migration has become a major problem in recent years. Mr Shirley predicted a civil war. In fact, a Civil War was mentioned by many of the English protesters in the streets against the tyrannical

government and the brutality that they often have to face from Mass migration and how brown foreigner sand their migration are indeed a tyrannical weapon against them by their bad governance. 

    England has not had a civil war for some many centuries but many are predicting that within 10 years Great Britain and much like the United States will have experience Civil War and much of it is by a corporate Global corrupt entity intent on spreading brown people and using brown people to take over the West. Nick Shirley says that eventually

the world will have to come to the situation that the European indigenous people are not going to let their countries be overrun as Canada and the United States and he predicted that a civil war could occur very soon in Great Britain. Whether Nick Shirley grabs a rifle and fights for the English people and their battle against the globalist is not known as this

guy would most likely like to just cover it and interview the participants after a battle, as this is safer and he would not have to risk much limb. Nick Shirley is an amazing YouTuber who has a microphone and just ask the right questions with a lack of charisma that makes many question the huge amount of subscribers that Mr Shirley has been able to accumulate through the years. Surely, Nick Shirly will be coming to Canada in a few months and Shirley he will seek out the political division that potentially could be a powder keg game in Canada and Quebec. Young Nick will also make mention and hope for the possibility of a civil war that he can cover sometime in the future.

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