Tim Walz Band on the Run at the Minnesota State Fair as tough questions to make him unhinged and run

Joe Jupiter

      The disgusting dog shit-obsessed horrible vice presidents nominee of the Democratic party is a disgusting individual named Tim Walz. Tim Walz is a gutless coward who is lied about his military service and there are dozens of things we can get into Walz being a horrible candidate and a bad human being. This far left lunatic and his progressive beliefs that transgendered teachings and surgery should be enabled for all young people it's just the tip of the

iceberg of this dumb politician. The idiot was at the Minnesota State Fair and taking some easy questions about his history with a fear and Tim Walz took some easy softball questions before he had a question about the Gaza conflict in the brutal execution style of six Israeli hostages by the Hamas maniacs that Tim Walz has shown support for the

Palestinian cost naturally the crazed vice president nominee ran away from this question with his staff as this man does not want to have any bad and negative response to tough and concise questions concerning foreign policy. Tim Walz went and looked for his dogs as he walked his dogs to the fair laying several dog shits down on the ground after feeding some of his corn dogs from his black Labrador mix.

     Tim Walz and his dogs offend people and this guy spent the last few days eating popcorn and corn dogs at the fair sounding as stupid as he ever and how this man ever got elected such a major position still

remains a mystery. Minnesota is a weird State who has in the history elected rotten and bad people to major political office and little is ever discussed about this fact and how the voters in Minnesota don't seem to take their votes seriously and keep electing seriously weird shit like Tim Walz into office. Tim Waltz does not like controversy or tough questions and fix explains his running away from an important foreign policy question that many Democrats are on the fence trying to support both sides of what should be a obvious support of war for Israel fighting terrorists. Tim Walz doesn't want to offend the Muslims in his state as this man knows there's a strong chance he's going to lose and Tim Walz wants to waltz back  back in into major political office and have it for another 30 years

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