Actual Justice Warrior Sean and Gregory Foremon into the black conservative perspective bash and double down on Brandon Johnson's extremism and racism corruption

   Bernardo Romano

   To say Chicago emittered and evil mayor is under extreme heat is understated news reports that this corrupt black supremacist mayor Jackson has spent $150,000 of taxpayer money to upgrade the furniture of his wife's office and the disgusting diversion of money of taxpayers to the family of Mayor Brandon Johnson is already reprehensible. Actual Justice Warrior Sean Fitzgerald on YouTube along with the Black Conservative Perspective Gregory Foreman have been

battling and destroying Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson for some time now in the past week. They have done several videos together of the embittered and corrupt racist Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson who by all means is a incompetent boob and as well over his head not sure of what he is capable of. There is no presd conference that

Brandon Johnson does not play race card of every criticism and truth telling of him about race and this committed far left radical black supremacist. This wicked mayor is out of control and deserving of the heavy criticism he has been receiving. Chicago mayor Brandon Jackson cries and bitch of racism and said all these personal vendetta attacks against him are based on race which both Gregory Goreman and Sean Fitzgerald dismissed as more insanity and

absurdity of this radical and crazy psychotic mayor. This teachers union plant basically was put into office because he's an extreme plant for the empowerment and enriching of the Chicago Teachers union, a horrible Union that protects the worst professionals who do a terrible job at their job. 

.   Brandon Johnson is under attack like no other and some are suggesting that this son of a bitch in pig may eventually have to resign his position and the latest Furniture Scandal office furniture scandal of Brandon Johnson is just a long line of crazy incidents following the failed Chicago and radical mayor. Gregory Forman says this man was pimping out his office to the tune of $80,000 and what role and why his wife would need such luxury furniture needed to be

explained. Likewise Actual Justice Warrior played the meltdown where Brandon Johnson reminded his audience that he's a black man and because he's a black man he's facing criticism for the horrible job he's done ad mayor of Chicago.  Mayor Brandon Jackson is a corrupt and sick individual who needs to resign and new calls for this

monster to quit and resign as mayor of Chicago are being made and in a couple years the voters will get to kick this guy out of City Hall like they did his predecessor

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