Barack Hussein Obama worried as a month left in the election and the walls of Justice slowly closing on him

          Troy York

    Failed former president and Perpetual scumbag Kenyan-born Barack Hussein Obama has come out from under his rock the failed former president is campaigning heavily for Kamala Harris and he apparently in Pittsburgh making fun and attacking Donald Trump saying that Mr Trump could never change a tire. What is hilarious is I can't picture Barack Hussein Obama ever changing a tire either and the idea that this guy would make such a claim and mockery when he obviously is an individual who

doesn't get his own hands dirty smacks of the typical hypocrisy of the failed former president and race hustler from the south side of Chicago. Two-term president who has the craziest opinion on presidential economic successes and he makes the claim that any president who has a successful

economy record is based on the previous president. Obama is a funking dweeb and also was trashed for a video as he admonished black men in a video where he was seen berating them for not getting behind Kamala Harris as Mr Obama thinks that they should all be behind Kamala Harris much like they were behind Obama in 2008 and 2012 basically only because of the light Carmel color of her skin.

      I don't know if anyone cared to mention Barack Obama that we are well past those years and we are in  2024 this is not 2008 anymore asshole and your global DEI woke race divisive policies and politics are not acceptable by many more today and your woke opinions do not hold as much weight as they once did. Barack Hussein Obama has been extremely jealous of Donald Trump I don't through the years and it has precipitated in the past few months as Donald Trump as he holds huge rallies and something that Barack Hussein Obama could not do on a consistent basis during his campaign runs. This jackass

Barack Hussein Obama was seen in a video of him chastising black men and this video has already backfired and this idiot failed former president has been chastised himself from the internet and right-wing blogosphere and media attacking this cretin who seems to keep appearing only during election time to give his opinions and then going back under the Rock that he crawled from under. Even the Rock "Dwayne Johnson likely thinks Obama is a clown and a joker in this day and no ... no one cares about Barack Hussein Obama and his fucking views anymore. 

     The failed con man Obama looks tired and the cognitive decline of Mr Obama and his trouble formulating words was seen in this recent video as he decried and excrement  black men for not enthusiastically getting behind Kamala Harris who by all means is a dipshit and her dipshitness has brought forward to the situation of Kalifornia and cities like San Francisco being a excrement shit filled city because of shit heads like Kamala.  Barack Obama is making public excrement of himself  and embarrassment for Dumbocrats and he needs to stay out of this political race as he adds absolutely

nothing to the debate or political process aside from the same usual garbage that he is always been a trademark of this charlatan scam artists of of this failed and scumbag President Barack Hussein Obama. Obama is worried that Trump's going to win again and might redirect the focus of a vengeful investigation use of lawfare against him as the amount of crimes that Barack Obama has done as a failed president and now a failed former president cannot be understated

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