Dagua humiliates the Rooster yet again on Cats Diary

     Jacoby Genevese

    Once again Dagua the cat has humiliated the rooster as Cat's Diary follows several cats owned by the South Korean or Japanese  family who post their videos on Tik Tok of the crazy antics of their chickens and ducks and their interactions with a family of cats. This intergenerational squabble is often caught on this huge YouTube channel called Cat's Diary. The star of this Cat's Diary has to be the rooster, the big white duck, the dog  and the main cat. While there are several other cats it is the black and white Dagua with an ugly nose that is the star and

highlight of this video and the battles that Dagua has to do fighting and battling the rooster on a wicket basket is utterly amazing and a frequent battle. Cats Diary is one of the best YouTube channels I've ever seen involving animals and while we decry the ownership of pets through our charity organization called the Anti-Pet Association we can't help to chuckle at the antics of the cats ,the Chicken. the  Rooster over there in South Korea. Dagua is an ugly cat with a very big nose that only a mother cat would love and it often battles this Alpha angry rooster who comes in the house and messes with a

cats. The battle and pecking order is always seen between Dagua and the various chickens and roosters that make up this family loves to upend the wicked basket that these two awesome battle for space and possession and he often gets the rooster stuck on the bottom. 

    This was once again seen in the latest video is Dagua once again uses cat like instincts to get one over the Rooster and humiliate him under this basket. Dagua is an incredible creature who should be free and we at the Anti-Pet Association would love to have Dagua set free from this owner in Japan and be able to roam around the mountains ranges of this famous island

nation. We are calling for the abolishment of pet ownership not only United States, but Japan as well and all pets from small lizards, to birds, to cats and dogs,  too large donkeys should be released from human captivity and imprisonment. Hopefully one day Dagua will be able to live free as a wild animal that God intended but in the meantime he will be a integral part of the other cats of Cat's Diary loving and cat fights and fighting with chickens and roosters for the world to see

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