Shaun Thompson goes off and destroys gangster Union Thug Harold Daggert

    Noel Parker

       Calling out our enemies both foreign domestic Win radio Sean Thompson went off on the union Thug domestic terrorist of the Longshore workers. Shaun Thompson went off on this idiot gangster and his threats to America to threaten our economy into cripple it and Chicago's WIND  incredible talk radio host early unloaded on this gangster thug known as Shaun Thompson speaking in a 1940s gangster movie dialect mocked this repulsive and wicked human being who has a 5.5 million dollar mansion and a yacht. This Union Thug and Longshore Union leader has threatened this country in our economy for on behalf of increased

wages to the tune of 77% a year for his low uneducated Longshore workers make no mistake this Union Thug is trying to cripple and hurt our US economy and whether Harold Daggert it is working on behalf of the unions or are foreign enemies such as China needs to be investigated. Shaun Thompson

smacked this Union Thug and talking about his history and how he was once indicted for murder and somehow use these political connections to avoid a sentence Sean Thompson call this man a criminal pig in his threats to hurt the US economy should be taken seriously as the Chicago radial talk

show host admonished the Democrat Party in the system that rewards these gangster criminals such as that the Longshore workers are a part. Shaun Thompson went on to mention how the insurance industries and cahoots writing off 20% of all imports is stolen from these longshore pirates given to ghetto peeps which he says the Longshore workers likely are stealing these products Sean Thompson called Harold Daggett a scumbag in a criminal who should all be fired for their threats and intimidation against our US economy and  being bagmen for a mafia global trade system  that steals Sean Thompson unloaded on this scoundrel and Mafia Union Thug Harold daggers who by all Essence is indeed a scumbag and a

economic terrorist and this man should be arrested pronto for his desired to put this country in risk for his selfish greed this 1930's era gangster has been granted this criminality through a Democrat Party that Shaun Thompson says is committed to spreading criminality in this country in the long shore strike is more and evidence of this nefarious criminal plot and strike Shaun Thompson call this idiot a domestic terrorist and demanded that we automate the all the ports in this country to prevent these

economic terrorists and thugs like Harold Daggert from holding the country and our economy hostage with their egregious and sickening  salary and benefits demands and extortion. Harold Daggard is a useless motherfucker who should be thrown in the river according to Shawn Thompson and indeed this motherfucker is
The number one enemy of corruption in AmeriCCPa WIND radios Shaun Thompson

indeed trying to cripple and hurt the US economy and all other aspects of us industry and business because he might likely in our opinion is a criminal foreign agent on work from our foreign enemies whether it be China or Russia or Mexico Sean Thompson says the longshoreman should not be existing and they are a criminal racket of extortion the WIND radio host went on to mention how few workers there are in China and how more efficient and productive reports run without the extortion racket of this criminal Mafia system that Herald Dagger represents with his insane Union demands threats on the US economy on and crazed economic income raises demands Shaun Thompson went on to blame the port

workers for the cahoots working with the Mexican drug cartels and bringing in drugs and people and Sean Thompson ridicule and gut fucked Harold Daggart talking in his voice throughout his 1 hour rant against this scumbag Longshore union representative who most likely is the enemy agent spreading chaos and attacks against the broader US economy. Shaun Thompson called out this fat ass and the Bash in the corruption that the Longshore Union membership and thuggery is and he said that we should fire all these criminals much like Reagan fire the air traffic controllers in his first year in office who similarly threaten the entire US economy with their egregious salary demands Sean Thompson went on to smoke several $40 cigars often fantasizing it might have been something else and he quite literally wants to smoke Harold daggard and kick his fucking fat and corrupt ass.

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