YouTube and Tick Tock are swirling with aliens are coming within the next 3 weeks and will bring Nathan stokelman's can't do she with him

     Aaron Luther

 Animal stories

      The  aliens are coming and for Nathan Stopleman this could mean the return of his long beloved and dead cat Doshi. Nathan Stopleman runs an unpopular and little viewed podcast called "Lift The Veil" where this slow talking jackass wanted an actual paid....subscription..hahahaha. Anyway, we love this guy and Gary Null's show for the perfect sleep machine and have long had both of them programmed

  for the sleep time machine. Nathan Stopleman came before two hundred followers on his live stream and made news of the coming of the aliens in three weeks as many Tik Tok and other libtard space accounts and channels have been saying in their conspiracy talk. Nathan Stopleman has been suffering from major depression since his Siamese cat died and this man had this beautiful cat as a background

prop and seems unable to get another Siamese cat to replace his beloved Doshi. we miss doshi and everything that cat represented and if indeed the aliens do visit earth in three weeks or inb 2028 or 2029 long predicted on this blog we believe Doshi the cat of Nathan Stopleman's show will return with them.

     Many are predicting the coming demise of the Earth with this possible coming of aliens onto the Earth just ironically in time of the 2024 election and many are wondering if these aliens are man eaters or not. Perhaps Nathan suggested these aliens hate Trump and may be coming to interfere and help the Democrats. Nathan Stopleman is a conspiracy nut and stud and a half who needs to snap out of it and

speak with more energy and concise plan as a podcast propagandist from hell and Mars. Why this man has not purchased a new cat background and a Siamese one at that is not known but clearly this man needs to a background prop to somehow distinguish himself rom the thousands and thousands of other weird and obscure podcasts and \Art Bell Wana bees.

The aliens may or may not be coming and in three weeks we sill see if they come or this is yet another UFO and alien hoax which there has been over a million since 1947 and the first reports of flying space aliens and flying saucers that have provided thousands of hours of talk time for dweebs and cats like Nathan Stopleman, 

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