Sick Alex Jones now making up stuff of corporatists trying to sell cockroach juice and milk without evidence

 Jackie Butterworth

    Crazy Infowars Mania host Alex Jones is spreading lies and talking about the New World Order of Hulk Hogan, Scott Horton and Kevin Nash. The Infowars host came out with a 10-minute video about the globalist attempting to get people to drink cockroach milk and without evidence Alex Jones said that there's a distribution Network that is ready to spread this vile and despicable type of juice to the schools across this nation under orders from a global order to get people to accepting and more used to drinking and consuming bugs. Alex Jones went on to talk about how disgusting and

germ ridden cockroaches are as perhaps the vilest insect there is and he says people should be shocked then many in the global order desire to spread these creatures as the alternative food source for struggling school districts. Again, Alex Jones provided no evidence of this NWO plot and I think Alex Jones is eating cockroaches himself along with the horseshit that has been a trademark of his show since its founding.

     Alex Jones went off on the New World Order which was formed in 1995 when professional wrestler Hulk Hogan formed with two other wrestlers to make attack and mince meat upon the world and this indeed has been a goal of the New World Order and achievement it seeks to spread in success. The bizarre nature of Alex Jones and his obsession with people being forced to eat bugs is weird and perhaps Alex Jones should get used to eating bugs if this is indeed the future of humanity. We are in the last days of cattle raising for beef and the massive Steaks that this man has eaten many times for free throughout his life exploiting his fame for freebies putting many streak restaurants out of business in Austin, Texas and Boston, Massachusetts is deplorable. The free steak dinners Mr Jones has received as a radical radio host turned his one-time buff pro wrestler type body into one that would make Dr Now disgusted. Jones received so many steak dinners a radical talk radio right wing host. I don't think Alex Jones has ever paid for his own steak meal and indeed Mr Jones has eaten so much steak cattle that he essentially resembles human cattle more than a human being. 

    The crazed right-wing talk show host does a bug video every week and his latest one accusing governments of trying to distribute a wear style cockroach milk is unproven and likely a byproduct of his deranged and delusional mind to say that Alex Jones is like a human cockroach would be understated and indeed as a writer I have made in my personal goal to attack this man left and right now I am one of the more extreme and only liberal writers at this blog that are willing to take on maniac monsters such as Mr Jones and his crazy talk that he spreads to his psychotic audience. The Alex Jones report with Jackie Butterworth can be found here at this blog the King and I blog.

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