State of Daniel is in the state of panic is more death threats against him and his dog Rusty

      Whitaker Marshall III

     The YouTuber on politics a young State of Daniel has been growing and many Democrats are getting annoyed by this pesky internet troll and youtuber. State of Daniel is run by this young 20 something year old Asian American who constantly hammers Kamala Harris numerous videos that he uploads daily. State of Daniel has irritated the Democrats and the extremists within the party that he has been getting death threats for the past month including death threats against his dog Rusty, who's often included in the background loafing on a couch. The derange and delusional hate that the

Democratic party has for those who speak and confront their lies and have different political opinions is clearly seen in all these death threats that primarily go against the opponents of the Democratic Party. The state of Daniel says he's in the state of panic as in the amount of death threats he has been receiving on email and regular email has been alarming and he's extremely upset that they have included his dog Rusty that is in the back usually on the couch. The fact that people will be so unhinged and psychotic on politics angered at what state of the Daniel has to say concerning the presidential run that they would threaten this man's dog is utterly sick. 

    The people who are sending these death threats are sick puppies and indeed these deranged individuals are a threat in the existential threat to those who hold different political opinions. Steve Daniels will insist that he will not be silenced, and he loves doing his YouTube channels and he told his viewers that he and his dog are prepared as he has been given his dog canine police dog lessons. While we here at our charity Anti Pet Association which you can donate on a couple of sidebars and we wish Daniel

would release Rusty into the woods to live out the rest of its life free and not bound to a couch we don't want any harm to come to him or his dog.

       Daniel's getting more proactive to get his lazy and sleepy dog to be able to be more of a guard and a battle dog taking it to numerous training and lessons on how to defend itself and its owner. State of Daniel continues to be one of the up-and-coming incredible political podcasters that very few people know about, and we are very proud to have him constantly on our YouTube

channel in check in with him very frequently is very pleasing to have follow people who are pretty much brand new as 5 months ago we did not even know who the hell they are. State with Daniel hopefully will avoid trouble and extreme democratic party disciples who are threatening him and his dog and he will continue to be a growing Republican force on the internet

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