Jerry O' Leary
Let's go Brandon Tatum isn't former police officer excellent podcaster extraordinaire who battles and takes on the far left whether it be on the Piers Morgan show or on his own personal internet YouTube presence. Officer Tatum tells it like it is and he quite literally is blasting these fascists within the Democrat parties willing to create a civil war confrontation and their protection of illegal aliens in these people who are not citizens of the United States. The Denver scumbag mayor named Mike Johnstone told the media not too long ago he will empower the city and have armed militias to prevent Trump initiating deportation process as this country moves closer and closer to a second Civil
War. Officer Brandon Tatum warned these politicians including Illinois morbidly obese and disgusting JB Pritzker (the pig) that they run the risk of being arrested and charged with treason as Tom Homan made mention on the Lawrence Jones Show on Fox news that section 1847 or whatever of the Constitution says that protecting harboring illegal aliens from ICE amounts to a felony.
Officer Bandon Tatum says that at least Democrat politicians like the ugly Kitty Hobbs-- who likely stole her election from Keri Lake -- and the morbidly 368 lb. Illinois fat pig gangster multi-billionaire Governor JB Pritzker interfere and attempt to stop ICE from doing its job and government duty that they run the risk of being charged as a felon. Officer Brandon Tatum even volunteer to be on the ICE force and he said that Pritzker tried to prevent him from doing this job he quite literally would confront JB Pritzker and beat him in the ass. JB Pritzker is a fat morbidly Al Capone type gangster whom 100 years later now you can be a governor in this corrupt Democrat criminal global state of Illinois JB Pritzker purchased his way to the governor's mansion and this man quite literally is a hundred times more of a criminal than Al Capone ever was and we would make Al Capone blush. Likewise, Kathy Hobbs is a disgusting woman who has no personality and through an election riggings statewide process she likely
defeated the beautiful and conservative Carrie Lake a couple years ago. These demonic Democrat Party leaders along with many others including Denver scumbag mayor Mike Johnstone think that they can overpower federal law and what Trump's orders are to come into their cities and deport these motherfuckers.
Officer Brandon Tatum says that the fat man Jamie Pritzker and Katie Hobbs who looks like a dog face gremlin as Rick Steiner would say think that they can prevent ICE and federal authorities from coming into their land and the idea that they would try surmounting to an insurrection. JB Pritzker should be charged as a with treason this country as his willingness to protect non-Americans and invaders and allow the free flow of criminals from other countries into our cities for the criminal racket is amount of treason. This fat man likely partakes in human trafficking, and he can be charged
with crimes of this nature. Likewise Hobbs is a scum who has done nothing to protect the border of her state and she indeed welcomes criminal aliens and legal aliens into Arizona Hobbes stated she going to stop ICE from doing their job Brandon Tatum says Democrats are going to learn the hard way and he predicted they will eventually fold as indeed Trump can use the military and do as he please when it comes to illegal migrants and the dangerous they pose that these weak and nimble Democrat Party fascists have allowed illegal immigrants in Blue cities. The day is coming for fat man JB Pritzker...his day is a comin.
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