PillznarRy flips of the cackling hens at the View and their support of new weird transvestite conmgress thinge Sarah McBride wanting to use womans bathroom

       Ed West

 From Naperville

      The incredible 1,000 subscriber YouTube host known as PilznarRy flipped out feels very delivered another banger political commentator and opinion YouTube Channel show with an incredible opinion of The View and their attack on Congresswoman Nancy mace. The View is triggered for putting into law that men cannot use women's bathrooms apparently there is a disgusting transsexual that is coming to congress

elected in Delaware and Pillsbury wondered what the fuck is with this little silly state gives so many shitty politicians. PillznarRy is this meth taking podcaster who is so profane he swears every two sentences and he's an amazing YouTube channel to observe and report on. Pilsenary hates liberals and leftists and the cackling hens of the View were on his radar the other day. the PilznarRy one utterly

unloaded on the racist Sunny Hoston and Whoopi Goldberg and he blasted the old bitch known as Joy Behar and one of the most profane YouTube videos I've ever seen. PilznarRy  went off on these disgusting women and their attack against Nancy Mace for initiating laws that this transsexual cannot be using the woman's bathroom in Congress. 

    The last thing that Nancy Mace and the other congresswoman need to see is this weird transsexual who is elected and marking the first post-op transsexual Sarah McBride to be elected into Congress and Nancy Mace was going to put the kibosh on any attempt by this weird politician into the women's bathrooms this obviously upset the lunatics at The View with Whoopi Goldberg in particular warning

Nancy Mace and telling Middle America to accept and not worry about transsexuals as they are not thinking about you and don't be scared of them. Nobody is scared to transsexuals they are just standing up to this weird left-wing agenda of the likes of the shit of The View who want to promote transsexualism and to attack those who stand up for women an stand in their way of weird new societal behaviors that they demand such as men pretend to be women so they can go into the women's bathroom and smell all day if they want and get off on it.

     Whoopi Goldberg is a job ugly woman who is a token DEI comedian and was never funny in life Pillsbury gave the View facts and their lies that transsexuals are not that large of group and are not taking women's sports away and indeed the political left and the scum like the ladies at the View are trying to praise the threat of transsexualism to women's sports and to basic School environmental settings. The left wing and their obsession with men trying to pretend women is just another bizarre aspect of this failed globalist party indeed the whole

transsexualism aspect of the Democrat Party in the Pro tranny platform seems to be taken from Europe and something that the European left has been backing much longer. PillznarRy says transsexualism and transvestiteism is disgusting and being a disgusting politically bias and propaganda network the cackling hence the view want to annoy conservatives with their View and basically this is what ABC Disney does having this garbage on the network to come in admonish America for not accepting transsexualism in sports high school

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