Andrew of Run Don't Walk productions bashes the sexy but aging ass of Alexandia Cortez

        Ramon Ramos

     Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been humiliated by Andrew of Run Don't Walk productions doing another hit of the radical left and laughed at the Democratic party drama of this Caribbean Communist being denied a leadership position of  a oversight committee. The extreme Democrats and the bananas weirdos of the propaganda podcast world flipped out and exploded like a

Pineapple in a wood fire pizza oven. Andrew spoke of the legitimate reasons why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was denied the leadership position given the fact she is nuts and a extremist leftist. In reality, this woman is not even a Democrat but a mobocrat as AOC is the ultimate Green Party hijacker of the Democrat Party. Andrew couldn't help how the silly and scummy left-wing Democrat media was coming to Alex's side in declaring Jerry Conolly as too old and ill to have this position that drooled from the mouth of Ocasio-Cortez who wanted so much it messed up her lipstick. 

    Andrew played the incompetency and clownish activity that has been a trademark of the wicked political career of this wicked witch from the Bronx who is only 35 years old and thinks she knows everything about the way the world runs, and she is the smartest person in each room she enters. One has to remember this two-bit whore was nothing but a bartender before foreign and corrupt money wishing to install communist into the United States and the home of the country with the biggest economy. This woman is not even qualified to be a teacher and in charge of a grammar school yet alone a special and important committee that this bartender and her sycophants thought she was entitled. AOC is a joke a a byproduct and the pretty face of the toxic and incompetence in our political system but ...make no mistake as I like to write and say.  

    AOC Cortez is a lunatic. Alexa Droid-Ocasio always has been and this Cortez cunt always will be a libtarded freak taking orders from foreign sources to push certain policy and thought in our congress and attempting to divide the nation with her conspiratory insanity. Thankfully, we have great podcasters and patriots like King Andrew of Run Don't Walk absolutely hammering the hammer and sickle sicko Alexandria Crack Cortez who sees herself as some globalist and overlord she quite literally wants t be the next nasty Nancy and the way AOC looks already ragged at a young thirty-five she is headed in that direction. Alandria is no king and she is no queen just a two-bit former bartender who has the intelligence of a drunk bar fly ho and this woman is only in the position she is in our congress through a determined DEI global puppet system looking for more control within our political system.

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