Mitch Welch
The incredible British born YouTuber and stand-up comedian and actor extraordinaire Russell Brand utterly eviscerated the number two covid propagandist. Russell Brand utterly destroyed the scumbag and weirdo pedophile looking Peter Hotez the ugly and silly Peter Holtz was on CNN once again spreading lies and saying there's a concentrated campaign against anti-vaxxing vaccines and this man is a disgustingly open and propagandist for the corrupt industry of big Pharma and their control over media. This explains why a dipshit like Peter Holt has constantly and is always appearing taking over the reins of the nefarious and sinister industry from the aging and soon to be dead Anthony Fauci.
Russell Brand went on to mention how over a billion dollars was spent on the propaganda of forcing the jab on people during the fake crisis of 2020 and Peter Hotez has been in the scene since and his ugly mug is increasing on these corrupt media outlets such as CNN and MSNBC in the past few months. One should not be
surprised that these two propagandist Democrat Party networks are tanking in the ratings when they constantly have these stupidest and dumb ugliest individuals as their guests such as this
weirdo Peter Hotez. Brand called out the bullshit that Peter Hotez keeps saying and that given that he is paid so highly and given a special interest in big pharma his contention that there is no direct link between Autism and vaccines needs to be questioned and Russell Branson indeed there is research coming out they will counter what this dipshit Hotez says.
Russell Brand also mocked when Peter Hotel said he gets frustrated with Robert Kennedy Jr's skepticism for vaccines and once again Peter Holtz has being so involved and financially benefited for speaking and being a representative for this dishonest and corrupt manufacturer of vaccines and drugs that everything he says should be taken with a grain of sperm. Peter Hotez is so rewarded financially by
CDC WHO this could explain his anger at Trump's new cabinet health director in Robert Kennedy Jr. Russell Brand says scumbags like Peter Hotez are panicking as representatives of big pharma and they are extremely worried about men like Robert Kennedy Jr and other skeptics of their scam and gig and bran says that their gig is up with a coming new Administration. Brand also played a interview between Dr Drew and Dr Jay Bhattacharya who went on to
speak of the massive money into the vaccine propaganda and support for these risky and untested rRNA changing gene therapy gene splitting vaccines. Both Dr Drew and Bhattacharya blasted DR Hotez for not being disingenuous and having any truth telling or knowledge of the risks and dangers these new Fauci WHO vaccines have for the human body and Peter Hotez is both a dork and a clown a man with little knowledge and trustworthiness and is only a pediatrician
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