Arthur " King" Eaton
Stephen King is a psychopath far left radical who opens his mouth way too much in his late stage of Life. The arrogant and pompous horror writer is a stupid left-wing motherfucker who thinks that he still relevant and of some importance, thus we have to hear much of Steve King during elections in this king of all jackasses continues to attack troll Donald Trump. Mr King is a deranged lunatic angered that his political side and who he voted for lost the
election. With this is mind, the erratic and deranged Mr King is a violent person if one ever reads his books and this man's life has been immense with violence and the question needs to be known as whether Stephen King is a serial killer or a murderer.
This man's DNA should be taking given the sickness of the number of books he's written and the twisted evils that he seems to have intertwined in his fucking brain. One has to wonder if Stephen King is anything to do with the murder of our favorites World War II comedy era Hogan's Heroes. Like Stephen King, Bob Crane was a writer and a film enthusiastic who wanted to work for Hugh Hefner's Playboy in much the hardest way .Bob Crane had ran up 8 years of a great starring in the classic television show "Hogan's Heroes" as he was looking for gigs and found a new hobby given the sexual revolution in open sex era of the day.
Women were throwing themselves at men and anyone on television was revered as a religious figure and thus Bob Crane and his friend Bob Carpenter made many movies of amateur style with various women young women during the early seventies. Somehow this hobby of his eventually wind up getting himself killed and while much of the suspicious and logic has always been pointed Bob Carpenter as the killer many other are assuming that others could have been involved. How about Stephen King is this killer Stephen King is a psychopath who loves and has made his wealth through film and murder and
this man is wretched and ratchet enough to basically have caused Bob Crane's murder. It would not be beholden that this man is indeed kill someone in his life and if he killed a famous and popular Hogan's Herald's actor it should be known and he should be investigated. for it clearly Stephen King as he is today a delusional crazed
maniac as one can read through his Twitter X accounts and it has made many wonder how many people Stephen King has brutally murdered in his younger days. Bob Crane's murder is one that is of historic proportions and needs to be solved pronto and indeed Mark Stephen King as another potential suspect in this case and his whereabouts and involvements in this murder in 1974 should be thoroughly examined.
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