PJ and JP Sears blast Joy Reid saying there's no need not to see your family for Thanksgiving if they didn't vote for kamala

    Luke Frey

         The disgusting Troll and black supremacist MSNBC hosts Roy Reid has doubled down on her hope and demand that she splits families up for these holidays concerning the election in a absurd rant that has been mocked and ridiculed throughout the internet. The disgusting black supremacist and weird MSNBC host Joy Reid has called for people to boycott their family during Thanksgiving how this disgusting black woman has not been fired on MSNBC remains a mystery and everyone from Steven Crowder to John Matrix of Black and White sports to Russell Brand have been calling this woman out in her insane demands. Joy Reid is telling liberal Democrats do not go and see their Trump supporting

relatives for the holidays because their candidate lost the election which is insane and Joy Reid is a insane lunatic. The toxic division and family's fracturing is a dream of this mad woman that MSNBC and left wing Democrat media needs to be called out and this black woman with yellow hair and close crop big nose straight out of Africa needs to

be fucking fired. With this in mind AJ and JP Sears twins admonished this disgusting black supremacist Joy Reid and they went and did a video together showing unity between different political viewpoints and that all families should get together.

      No one should listen to Joy Reid as this woman is filled with hate and she has no family and likely is miserable during the holidays and wants other people to be miserable jewelry was not alone as other far left liberals made the same comment that people should boycott they're conservative family and do not go to Thanksgiving and Christmas family get togethers and the total decline and dullness the MSNBC has gone with its analysts and anchors actually promoting family disunity is utterly reprehensible. This

is a news network that should be shut down and sold off with the amount of garbage shitheads like Joy Reid that are promoting with stupid ideas and willingness to and hope and desire to break up the family units that has made this country solid and strong throughout this decades Joyless Reid is a horrible and disgusting walking demon and this woman should not be allowed to have the mass media position and reach so many people with her delusional and derange ideas.

      To say that Joy Reid is a disgusting monster and a black supremacist is not understated  and it is the same thinking of family disunity which explains why the black family is like 78% out of wedlock and is run by maniacs like Joy Reid on the post that have a stranglehold on the black family and this may account for so much structural cultural problem within this community. Joy Reid is a bitch who should go to hell and AJ and JP Sears pretty much sold this and had a Thanksgiving get together and family

surrounding of all family different political viewpoints and shows that you can easily be done. No one should listen to anything on MSNBC that comes out of from their idiot anchors from Rachel Maddow to Joy Reid.

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