Karine Jean Pierre days are numbers drops off application to various circuses Ringling Brothers and Barnarmy whatever

        Archie Bannister

    The desperation of Joe Biden's ugly press secretary Korean Jean-Pierre is showing in her miserable face. The horrible first lesbian press secretary and complete narcissist will no longer be a scene of our political system with her bizarre press conferences and heard lies bad defense of what has been a failed presidency and administration. Karine Pierre has absolutely no qualifications in the position she has and this woman is a complete disaster... a talking time bomb and Joe Biden only picked her to be his representative and front of the press because she is a black woman. One of the great moments of

Trump's victory  is the fact that this woman is going to be gone and we will be spared from looking and at her ugly face and hearing her stupid voice. Karine Jean Pierre know she's going to be jobless very soon and she is dropping all these applications, and this woman has sent several applications to Barnaby Ringling Brothers Circus. 

     This woman wants to be the first ever black female ringmaster, but a more appropriate job for her in making history will be the first press conference clown which she is. Jean Karinne Pierre is a complete clown in her qualifications are clownery and this is the best position for this woman to get into in future job occupation and prospect. Before Kamala Harris put the word salad in word salad Karinne Jeanne Pier was the biggest word sound confused talker there was and this woman has made an art form of

lying to the American people. What exactly is Karine Jean Pierre career path and she can do after her career as a defender of Joe Biden's failed presidential administration is unknown. This woman might likely get a MSNBC or CNN gig or she will go back to under the rock that she came from doing@  jobs and no one knew aside from Joe Biden who has decided to hire her cuz he has some fetish for black women. We are indeed in the last days of cream pie Karine Jean Pierre and having to deal with this crazy and delusional dipshit of a woman and her wigs and the quicker the Trump presidency can proceed we can move forward and get away from the trash that was part of Joe Biden's Administration including this fuck face of Haitian descent. 

      Karinne Jeanne Pierre is proud member of LGTBTQ likes to get down between woman's pussies as a lesbian and perhaps she can add some sexual and racial diversity to these circus big corporations, No one will miss Jean Pierre Curie and indeed the greatest thing about Trump's Victory just might be linked will not have to deal with this dumb motherfucker for another 4 years in the Press Room unable to answer tough questions about the failure of Joe Biden's policies.

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