Jake ' The Rabbit" Roberts
Clearly there is no more of a failed mayor than scumbag Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson as the failed in stupid mayor of Chicago has been a complete failure and many of his former voters and constituents are confronting him in these Monday free-for-alls and open forums at City Hall in Chicago. The amount of criticism and attacks Brandon Johnson has to humiliatingly take to his face knows no bounce in addition to the increased scrutiny from the local Chicago press. Brandon Jackson is a total sleaze ball who is in the pockets of teachers unions and only through the corruption of teachers
unions and the massive flow of money from the public schools and federal money to this corrupt institution explains why a jackass like Brandon Jackson is mayor of Chicago.
Brandon was upset as reporter William Kelly asked some questions and made reference to Brandon Johnson's wife which sent this nerd off. The bad Chicago mayor flipped and told the reporter that his wife should be referred to as first lady and the insanity and meltdown of Brandon Johnson over this term and William Kelly referring to his wife by the first name early ticked off just left-wing lunatic Brandon Johnson doesn't know anything about government and thankfully we have a city hall that rejects many of his proposals as this idiot wants to increase taxes to pay for the latino illegals in the city of Chicago
from primarily from Venezuela and Columbia. Brandon's constituents have been confronting him about this skimming of resources for Chicagoans and giving it to foreigners and indeed this corrupt bastard Brandon Jackson is in the pockets of the global gangs and human smugglers mafia that wants to move people until other parts of the move and the world and take a cut.
Brandon Johnson is one of the worst and most corrupt mayors in the city of Chicago and this guy is going to be a one-term mayor as he becomes more mentally unfit ,unhinged, mentally challenge, and rejected by both the people of Chicago and the media tired of his stupid word salad games that he plays trying to sound so articulate when instead he sounds like a jackass. Brandon Johnson is being humiliated all over the place and one has to wonder how much he's going to take before he goes full
authoritarian and starts hiring a private police force to go after his political enemies. Make no mistake, like most Democrat politicians Brandon Johnson is clearly a psychopath and a nasty evil individual who would do everything in his power to retain power and this delusional and deranged jackass can only get worse by the month and in the coming months as he desperately clings to power and lies out of his arse.
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