MBone goes nuts and has literally a stroke as a Chicago Bears run out of time and lose again are humiliated on Thanksgiving day scumbag coach is fired

        David Berkson

     This this has been a nightmare season for rookie Caleb Williams in the Chicago Bears and the few remaining Chicago Bear fans went totally nuts and dropped his brain in an unhinged meltdown that he put on Tik Tok. The number of Bear fans who were seen on Tick Tock putting up videos of their embarrassing reaction to yet another loss for a horrible team this season was seen and now more calls are being made for Chicago Bulls owner Jerry Reinsdorf to be fired as well. Caleb Williams in the Chicago Bears were so ill prepared as a seconds counted down that the failed coach matt Uberbrefus failed to call a timeout. Caleb Williams

continuing to play as time ran out and he threw a long pass it was well overthrown and had no chance. The Chicago Bears had time for two plays and needed just a field goal to tie the game send it to over time and the incompetence and ineptness of this football team has been incredible. 


    M Bony is this Tik Toker who feels the need for special attention and films himself watching each and every Chicago Bear and Chicago Cubs, and Bulls games. This dork wad  man has a breakdown whenever these teams lose which is awesome and indeed and bony utterly lost control of his mind and had a mental breakdown on his live Tik Yok Channel and M Bonnie had to be hospitalized for various injuries to himself and his mind breaking that was seen on his social media channel.  The Chicago Bears game on Thanksgiving was atrocious and this goofy fucker is living on the edge rooting for a team that is cursed and sucks ass. M Bone is a bonehead who is constantly in front of his TV constantly watching Chicago Sports and having to post it on Tik Tok in his weird self-absorption and narcissist

obsession that this dick wad M Bone has it for himself. Whatever injuries Bony had required over a thousand stitches is this knucklehead just can't deal with the fact that the Chicago Bears are not like the 1985 Bears and Bony knows no bounce and has no self-control. The few people who follow this

clown do so for entertainment aspects loving to see this deranged dinger lose it mentally as he teams do bad and those who follow him on Tick Tock and his silly reactions everyone is in agreement that this guy is a scumbag and an embarrassment to Chicago Sports and is a stereotypical sports fan.

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