Matt Walsh slams celebrities like Sharon Stone and Elk Baldwin and their crazed attack on American democracy and different political opinion

 Sebastian Salvador

    Responding to an elitist speech to a Paris audience Daily Wires Matt Walsh destroyed the scumbag actors who keep talking about their fellow Americans being unformed and uneducated in the world of politics. It appears that jackass Alec Baldwin, who is a dumb actor and a total shelf for the Democrat Party, went on to explain to a foreign Paris elite crowd the way America votes the way it does. Matt Walsh played videos of these celebrities and their breakdown against the American electorate as Mr Baldwin and others are very upset

that the American people do not vote the way that they voted. Likewise, Sharon Stone was upset and spoke another European Conference of her anger and how uneducated and dumb American voters are in selecting their president and why kamala did not win.   

             Sharon Stone went on to apologize to the Europeans for the Democrat Party is a puppet for the wealthy Europeans who figure we should be voting like they demand. Matt Walsh played her videos and said no the American people are informed and that these Hollywood overpaid and shill propagandists like Alec Baldwin and Sharon Stone are the ones who are uninformed of why people voted the way they did. These two make such egregious incomes as insiders of the Hollywood cartel and they are paid to make these European appearances to basically blast the voting decisions and free rights and ability of the American people. Matt Walsh reamed the ass of this old crow Sharon Stone who is no longer in her

heyday and she resembles more the Wicked Witch of the Northwest than anything what made her famous. Stone needs to know her role being American and shut her mouth and not go over to Europe and try to make excuses for our election results and please them with their wine and cheese. What Sharon Stone and this stupid drug addicted alcoholic Baldwin don't understand is democracy doesn't and is not dictated by what Hollywood actors and actress think and say and this was basically the opinion and

point Matt Walsh did as he bashed this these two dipshits in particular for their recent comments. The ability to kiss the ass of wealthy Europeans that the Hollywood left does and Alec Baldwin and slutty Sharon Stone would get underneath and hobnob pussies and dicks in order to remain their status in the American Media and Hollywood cartel. Matt Walsh blasted and indeed these two actors and actresses need to be confronted with the guy with a film camera and a phone about their comments and to be

snarky. We are calling for people to get in the face of Alec Baldwin and Sharon Stone and have them explain to them why they felt the need to go to Europe to bend a knee and to utterly trash their fellow citizens because they participate in a democracy and don't vote the way Sharon Scum and Alec Baldwin voted.

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