Scumbag president garbage President Joe Biden pardon his son Hunter and Hunter Biden considers running for president in 2032

      Ryne " Bozo" Bosworth

     The old lunatic knowledge Joe Biden has done it and totally brought the Democratic party and their fascism and corruption into the limelight. Joe Biden pardon his drug addicted and psychotic son Hunter Biden the other day and one of the darkest chapters in the history of this nation. With a flick of a pen slow Joe pardoned his scumbag son Hunter for a 10-year period were this extreme drug addicted and crazed maniac will be pardoned for any crimes he committed of financial and physical means. Hunter Biden is so emboldened now that he is talking among his friends that he is a possible presidential contender and

someone to reckon with in the future of politics as he is above the law. Old disgusting slow Joe Biden lie to the American people along with his black bitch Karine Jeanne-Pierie stating numerous times that he was not going to get involved with the prosecution of his sleazeball son and the serious crimes that this son of a bitch and son of Joe Biden faced in the coming months. 

     Failed and soon be former president habitual liar and pure scum Joe Biden has shown his true colors and the ability of this man to lie to the American people and deceive them throughout has been a trademark of this madman's political career. Hunter Biden is without a doubt one of the worst individuals and seems like this silly scum runs in the Biden bloodline. It should not come as no surprise as many people predicted this scumbag loser 93-year-old president Joe Biden would pardon his criminal son and indeed the entire Biden family has been a criminal syndicate that has profited from its

corruption with foreign governments and business entities that have funneled untold millions of money into this old idiot loser Delaware senator. The global corruption and money behind it in fact has made this geriatric jackass Joe Biden a presidential candidate using the full weight of its electoral system to rig and get a victory for the Democrats in 2020. 

    Donald Trump upon entering office needs to reverse and erase the pardons that Old Joe granted his son and they need to make some rule that family members can't pardon other family members and just disqualify this pardon. Trump can essentially do it with an executive order and indeed the special privileges of Hunter Biden would require such necessary action from president Trump in addition Hunter Biden could easily face state prosecution as well and certain states should go after higher Biden and bring up charges against his criminal activity and how he used the Biden name in the presidency to financially benefited and bribe foreign nations in governments. This is not the end for Hunter Biden and despite what this moron things he is never going to be president like his father. Hunter Biden may indeed one day given the current trajectory of the corruptive Democrat fascist party be a presidential

candidate and many people are assuming that in 2032 they may come down as a contest between Hunter Biden and Tom Cotton in the election. Hunter Biden is a criminal and the state courts can go after him and this is indeed a possibility and everything must be done to bring the full way to justice not only to this drug crackhead Hunter Biden but his father as well. Joe Biden will be seriously prosecuted once he is out of the White House and he no longer has the control of the justice system and in quick succession Donald Trump and the new Justice System needs to bring charges of bribery and corruption against slow Joe Biden. The last years of Joe Biden's miserable months and years should be in a prison cell and clearly this maniac failed President. Joe Biden has crossed the Rubicon with his decision and all hell's going to be paid for this fucker and his past corruption with countries like Ukraine and others

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