Notorious B.O.B works up a sweat eats a hundred dumplings in Korean house food challenge

 Chuck " Cheesepuff" Goodwin

     Some people work up a sweat in a gym, however for obese and overly eating Notorious B.o.b  works up a sweat eating hot food and he tries to break records and get himself onto the Wall of Shame. Notorious B.o.b got together with another food eater and they did the 100 dumpling challenge and throughout this challenge the notorious one was doing his usual head sweating, and he

needed to pat it down his bald head all over the place. Notorious B.O.B is a gorger and a gluttonous silly bastard who does this YouTube channel where he eats so much food in one sitting enough to feed a family for a

week. Notorious B.o.b doesn't have any problem with this or the visual effects and indeed this man is quite proud of his eating talents and openly displays them on his YouTube channel. Notorious B.o.b even made fun of himself saying that while other people get a sweat in the gym and work out he eats out and pigs out and this is how his workout is the way and which he prefers.


Notorious Bob with fellow famous food challenge😋 over-eater king Adam Moran Beard meets Food

 Notorious B.o.b is a heart attack away from having his YouTube career and notoriety taken away from him and this silly jackass continues to make a horse's ass of himself on his YouTube channel. Notorious B.o.b and the other guy finished the 100 big Asian Asian sticky pot dish very fast. This man was clearly fond of this challenge and enjoyed

his time eating this delicious sticky pot pork meal. The self-centered and selfish attitude of Notorious B.o.B is utterly reprehensible, and he is yet another YouTube over either who wants to show his talent of being able to Gorge himself in front of a camera and then uploaded onto the internet.

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