Noel Parker
Medical fascist Peter Holtz came on the Race network of MSNBC to basically worn Donald Trump and more viruses are coming and the global left has plans for him and his administration. Be disgusting far left radical Pro virus Maniac Peter hold test looks like a black guy in white makeup disguise and this clown and disgusting human being basically came on MSNBC and threatened Donald Trump. Medical fascist Peter Hotez warned Trump and the United States saying that a slew of economy crushing viruses are going to be delivered by his beloved industry. Squirmy virologist Mr Hotez came on MSNBC and basically talked about bird flu, bat flu, chicken flu, cow flu, parrot blue, ferrets flue and a slew of other
flus and viruses coming from animals as the CDC is planting and brewing up in a laboratory all plan to dismantle the Donald Trump second Republican Administration. Hotez seemed to admit and tell there will be a slew of new viruses dropped on this country as some sort of revenge for electing Donald J Trump and not a nutty woman like Mexico.
Peter Hotel is a health fascist, and he might as well as replace the white jacket with a brown shirt and a disgusting globalist Center of Disease Control and World Health Organization is a communist socialist movement and determine to ruin economic activity and prosperity for anyone outside of their health industry. Peter Hotez has
basically told all Donald Trump and his supporters what is coming and threatening that they will create and throw as many viruses and disease as possible on behalf of the Chinese Empire and the health czar evil emperor from Ethiopia known as Tedros Bulohakas. This disgusting head of the CDC and WHO is a global monarch who seeks to use health in order to trample the rights of the individual of Western democracies.
Peter Hotez is a mouthpiece and a big mouth for this fascist global movement, and we need to be on our guard and prepare to fight against the madness that Peter Hotez has, and the other white lab coats and virus obsessed virologists have in plan. They could not kill Donald Trump with a bullet but now they are planning using a microscopic virus and indeed Peter Hotez has came on this
disgusting news network and basically told what the Center of Disease Control have planned for the United States on in our nation day starting inauguration day as soon as Donald Trump takes office. The fact that Peter Holtz would be so arrogant to even mention January 21st clearly shows the nefarious plotting and planning they likely has been going on for months prepared for the case of Donald Trump won.
This fascist and little geek worm Peter Hotez plans on being the next Anthony Fauci and be a a face of this health fascist movement that has already brainwashed so many people in Asia who still wear the fucking face diaper like it actually does anything. We will stand up and resist this health Fascism and the scum and scoundrels like Peter Hotez who come on fake news networks and Democrat Party media and basically threatened this country with more of the same nonsense that came in 2020 out of China and a bad bad super bat soup laboratory that Anthony Falchi and others conspired to aid Joe Biden in his stolen election.
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