Mayor Eric Adams comes on Tucker Carlson and praises himself and his battle against illegal smoke shops and he considers running for president vows to fight indictments.

Sebastian Salvador

      New York mayor Eric Adams appeared with Tucker Carlson in a riveting show on Tucker Carlson's network. The New York mayor talked about the weaponization of the justice system how he is just like Donald Trump a victim of this Democratic Party extremism and political use to go after political opponents or people have got them upset. Eric Adam says he's not going to be undone and he will be vindicated much like Donald Trump as the New York mayor blasted those within the District Attorney's Office who would use the justice system to good to go after political opponents. Adams bashed their

games also talking to Tucker Carlson about the migration problem into New York that threatened the moral fabric of the city and put it on the brink and how he is going to be working with ICE and Donald Trump in order to get these fucking invaders out of the city of New York. Eric Adams also talked about the things he has done while mayor in this included after the legalization of marijuana closing some 900 to 1,000 illegal smoke shops that were set up by these Pakistani, Yemenis. Indian globalist  motherfuckers who come here and open up horrible business in peddling garbage products to people.

       Many of these smoke shops were selling more than just E cigarettes and vape as determination at City Hall to close these fucking businesses and the tired bureaucracy that he had to go through to get these fucking illegal businesses closed was a lengthy battle. There are way too many smoke shops

because the Democratic party have allowed so many people from the Middle East to come in and open shitty businesses such as these and indeed despite American smoking rates being cut in half in the last 20 years we have

seen three times of smoke shops opening up primarily all them owned by people from Yemen , Bengalistan, Pakistan or India. The situation got out of control in New York and Eric Adams

went on the offensive closing over a thousand of these fucking smoke shops and indeed the plague and scores of smoke shops is not just a New York City phenomenon, but nationally as well  and much needs to be done with this incoming Trump Administration to close these fucking businesses that hustle harmful substance to primarily a young population. Eric Adams is so enthralled that he is told Tucker he may even switch to be a Republican or run for president in 2028 as a Democrat. Eric Adams is so beloved there's a group of Asian women who just watch his video over and over again on Tick Tock they are so infatuated with a bald head and Leadership of Mr Eric Adams.

      Eric Adams has clear and higher ambitions and desires to become the first African-American president in this country's history. The bald ahead of Eric Adams might be a presidential or vice president candidates in the coming future as he is showing determination to stand up to the Democratic establishment within his own political party. GT Mr Adams has brought forth the full weight of the

justice system against him by vengeful seeking established radicals in our political system. The Democrat Party political system such as Kathy Holcomb and Charles Schumer are fascists and want to hold the New York mayor accountable for crimes they have determined he has committed against " the party".  Eric Adams will not be deterred by these fascists and he may not only run for governor, but look for this guy to run for president in 2028 or 2032

JT loses four hundred pounds and is now mobile ask Dr Younon Nowzardan removes a midget from his leg

      Jim "Overweight" Oberweis

    The great 600 Lb life gastronologists got cutter Dr Younon Nowzardan is one of the greatest reality television shows and medical minds in this country's history. Dr Younon Nowzardan runs the reality show my 600 Lb life as doctor now and this guy has worked hard and tirelessly to get these fat motherfuckers to lose weight. One of his classic episodes that I just seen on YouTube not having cable for years was when he took a midget out of the leg of this guy named JT. JT had some disease

called lymphedema which made and swelled his leg to be the size of a little human being and this was a successful patient of Dr Now who lost some 600 pounds. Doctor Now also cut out this huge growth in this fucking leg of JT which was just fucking disgusting and every time I see this guy on YouTube with Dr Now and his big leg that was the size of a human midget, I got quissy and my body starts shaking. Doctor Now cut off this weird skin growth after he told JT that he had to lose weight and before Mr Now agreed to cut this off and work with his patient JT into losing weight. 

    DR Now not only ended the  endless leg but throughout his body JT lost the necessary weight and they one  the more heart winning episodes of 600 lb life the transition of this man to lose all this weight was on the way amazing this was all possible and only done through the grade work of Dr Younon Nowzardan who was won the greatest doctors of the 21st century and how he was able to get some of

these individuals to fucking lose weight while mocking them during the during the filming of the show. JT lost a ton of pounds and quite literally had his leg cut off from under him as his disgusting disease on his leg was no more as he went under the knife and Dr Now skin grafted all this shit out of his leg and quit literally Doctor Now seem to cut off this and made this no more with tremendous medical care that is not seen too much in the medical field as we know it now in Dr Now.

Airplane crash in Washington DC is only things to come from failing Airline industry

      Neil Knight

   The airline industry is so desperate for profit that they are making cuts that totally endangers their customers and flight attendees a jet airliner crash into a Blackhawk helicopter as the vast increases in air flights in and around Washington DC and many other urban areas across America continue to put the skies in great Jeopardy. More crashes like this with airplanes falling out of the sky we have long been predicting the airline industry is so cheap that they are cutting corners wherever they can whether it be the safety of the airplanes or the number of staff that is needed. Indeed, in many these Washington

airports was so understaffed Air Traffic Control because they don't want to spend the money and put the appropriate number of personnel that they need with the increased air traffic. The airline industry is in shambles and it is falling apart as we see it in too many of these rich people are flying with many addicted to being in the flight and able to have the resources to pollute the planet and their contribution to the carbon destruction of it cannot be understated. We need to get away from the airline industry and number of airplanes flying around and sooner or later a balance will come out. 

     We have long predicted the airplanes will be crashing in the industry doesn't have the profits and the resources to maintain the fleet of airlines into a safe manner and what we saw in Washington DC was a clear example. The airline industry needs to be cut back and a number of flights that we see around the world should be cut in half immediately the next three years and any means necessary if this includes

limiting people to one or two flights a year must be done by global governments to cut air travel and it's only the well-off and super Elites can travel. Their contribution to the climate destruction has been devastating in their greed and narcissism to travel all around the world unnecessary. The airline industry will see many more tragedies and crashes in the coming years and months and it has to be maintained that the success of

the airline industry in the past will not be maintained. It is quite surprising how few crashes there have been through the years, however times are changing in a desperation of these fledgling airline companies to cut costs and corners will only result in more dangerous situations and tragedies such as seen in Washington the other night.

Loser Canadian nationalist David Doel blast Joe Rogan calls him a moron and a dumbass because he calls out Canadian fascism and government overreach

 Luke Frey

     David Doel is a stupid YouTuber who goes by the name of the Rational National. This far-left lunatic podcast propaganda is a Canadian communist who often comes on YouTube and interferes in American political engagement and debate. David Doel is a pimple in the ass of Joe Rogan yet this doesn't stop this loser from making absurd assertions and attacks against Joe Rogan for calling out Canadian society and how government has suppressed freedom and individual liberty and expression in David Doel's Canada. David Dweeb called Joe Roman a bunch of names that he would never say face to face as this gutless cowards skinny scumbag and Canadian socialist went on the attack against the multi-millionaire huge platform of Joe Rogan. David Noel was mad because Joe Rogan was spewing facts

about Canadian overreach and how there is a bunch of Communists within the Canadian government such as Justin Trudeau. David Doel played a clip of Joe Roman talking about Canada and this idiot former leader who had a resigned recently as Canadians got fed up with the awful leadership and blatant disrespect for the law of the Canadian citizens.

      David Doyle naturally supports far-left wing tyranny government and thus he was very upset and when he saw that Joe Rogan went on a rant about how Canada has gone full fascism naturally this lunatic leftist came on his podcast propagandist show and attacked Joe Rogan. David Doel once again is a pimple on the butt of Joe Rogan and Doel is a dork nobody cares of this stupid individual who runs some fledgling YouTube channel that somehow has 600,000 subscribers, but no one really listens David Doel is a dipshit and a moron typical of the far-left socialists they put out this garbage podcast

propaganda and indeed the things that David Dork called Joe Rogan and calling him a moron in a dumbass he would never dare to say if Joe Rogan was in the same room. Without a doubt, David Doyle is Canada's stupid podcaster wanker propagandist and he might be the most well-known Canadian podcaster who does extreme leftist propaganda David Doyle try to deny that Canada indeed suppresses free speech and goes after individuals for going after the top government. These government officials who have put for Canada on a forward path to being like an East German-type State and a failed state. Without a doubt, Joe Rogan with kick the living ass out David Doel if given the opportunity and David Neardawell is extremely jealous of the success and money that Joe Rogan has accumulated in his career and this place in another part of this Canadian communist recent diatribe against Joe Rogan. David Doyle is a fucking nobody and a dumbass and the idea of this loser putting down Joe Rogan and the success he has done is comedic.

Arrogant and pompous ugly old Italian Gerald Celente attacks Donald Trump and calls him King of the World

      Andy Cruz

      General Clementi is his old Italian who runs a shitty magazine called the Trendsetter which is pure Gaza propaganda. The amount of money that Gerald Celente must get from these Palestinian activists knows no bounce and will never be disclosed is this silly old son of bitch mafia wanabee to be continues to be Anti-Semitic bastard on the YouTube Gerald Celente went off and put Donald Trump on his cover because Mr Trump said that Israel should push all the Palestinians to Jordan or Egypt. This made the extremist and radical podcast propagandist Mr Celenbte angry as he went out a profane rant against Donald Trump

,his supporters and the state of Israel Gerald Valenti is a sick fucker and a sick puppy who supports terrorists and just cruel mother fucker loves to see terrorist acts done by the Muslim population in the Middle East. Joe's psychotic rant against Donald Trump which is the latest in a long line of his massive anger at Mr Trump's son-in-law and the state of Israel for fighting back against a terrorist entity and Gaza. 

    Donald Trump had come out and supported Israel in ethnically cleansing out the Palestinians along their borders and this profuse such disdain and hatred from this grifter who likely is getting money from Qatar or Dubai. Joe Celente wondered if Donald Trump is the president of the United States or King of the world and his anger and support for the Palestinian cause has lost him many followers and subscribers to his shitty Trendsetter magazine where this old jackass pretty happy pretends he's some great predictor and wizard. Gerald Clinton is not a wizard he is not a professor he is a

dumb dumbass from hell who hjas no integrity or credibility and all he does is cry about the Palestinian cause, most likely is because the vast majority of the subscribers to his stupid magazine likely he's coming from Qatar and Dubai and they are telling him what to present and write about. This old fucker Gerald Celente is one of the more repulsive and disgusting individuals on YouTube and the amount of antisemitism this pig gets away with his utterly amazing

BlakeInnA and Sexy Redd make a repulsive and ratchet porn rap video called Bing Bong further exposing their celebration of cultural regression

     Bernardo Romano

     In yet another repulsive and sick rap pornography video the Chicago based ratchet rapper known as Sexy Redd collaborated with some two-bit rapper named BlakeINNA. The collaboration of these ratchet twisted rappers was yet another repulsive black female rap song as the B and the N word were used incesstently and the number of slurs and swear words this cultural phenomena and nasty Sexy Redd provided in yet another disgusting and horrible cultural regressing sick song was reprehensible. Sexy

Redd flashed money and patted her arse as this woman does alot wishing to spread a vile and disgusting role model for young black girls in America and the money and sex worshipping and sermons of Sexy Redd and BlakeINNA in yet another weird video by these "Artists" is utterly culturally devastating and we can see why the African American population often is in the gutter with the lifestyles the music mafia promotes towards for them. 

       This filthy song was more typical black female rap that glorified money and whoring around and again how all this seems to evolve around the rap artist known as sexy red is utterly reprehensible. This ratchet and disgusting woman does all these other rap videos with smaller two-bit players of the rap

music industry desperate to be as big as sexy Redd. The glorification of pornification rap lyrical music it's been one of the disgusting aspects of this culture and indeed one can say this is not rap music this is rap porn. Sexy Redd and BlakeINNA and all these other stupid black female ratchet rappers R&D porn stars not musical performers sexy red is neither Red nor sexy and the idea that this woman would be one of the top performers in this porn industry is also laughable giving her below average looks and ghetto attitude.

   This was the garbage filth that Al and Tipper Gore resisted and tried to get laws knowing full well the weakness and sickness in the black minority population to embrace and accept such cultural trash and ratchet acts from both the make and female population that is best presented in these rap videos. This video Bing Bong and the acts and antics of these two ghetto bimbos is utterly disgusting as John Matrixx of Black and white Sports would say. This disgusting" music is not music and is porn and I reckon this is the cultural crash the music mafia wants to present for the African American population and this glorification of sickness and raunchiness explains alot why the Black American population culturally and economically has collapse with most of the dangerous neighborhoods in the country primarily being black


Matt Walsh angered and offended as some weird Narco Mexican transsexual movie gets nomination for Oscars

      Rex reed Jr

     A very sick and twisted Mexican movie has been on made for many Oscars over Matt Walsh and his movie "Am I a racist " movie which was snubbed. Matt Walsh took out his frustration as he came on his huge internet show from the Daily Wire and went on the ran t about the Oscar nominations for this really weird and dumb movie called Emilia Perez based on some Mexican drug cartel operative who wants a sex change in order to hide from his enemies. This stupid in what movie was nominated because of basically the content as he push of

acceptance for sex changes and transsexualism is a committed goal of Hollywood and is not going to end anytime soon. Matt Walsh showed a clip of some Asian doctor singing in a hospital setting with all these sex surgeries going on as if this is some entertaining and I guess this movie is actually a musical which is undoubtedly

reprehensible this movie and this weird transvestites producer and actor named Karla Sofia Gascon was utterly leveled by Matt Walsh making fun of this movie and the actor within it and basically this is more global weird transvestites and that is promoted by the demented Global class. 

     Matt Walsh bashed this movie and said it was so awful it was unimaginable and how the woke Oscars would actually nominate the content of the silly movie promoting transsexualism and sex change. This is a further indication of how psychotic Hollywood is and their agenda this musical looks so early pathetic it's both shocking and appalling that it has been promoted as it is nominated for Oscars. Walsh said  this nomination for the Oscars is based solely on the idea and promotion of sex changes from this sick medical industry that this weird Hollywood cartel and global medical cartel seems intent on forcing an acceptance

John Kerry ambushed in Davos by entire Rebel News TV after he declares he likely will seek the presidency in 2028

      Milton Wiener

    The entire team of Rebel news confronted failed former presidential candidate John Kerry the longtime Democratic globalists and propagandists bad politician was visiting Davos given his usual grifting for the lie of climate change. John Kerry is fucking old, but despite this he is letting his aids know that he is seriously thinking about trying to run for president in 2028 in the Democratic primary John Kerry was utterly humiliated and confronted asked the tough questions that the mainstream media never would dare to ask at this former US senator from Massachusetts who's a three-time failed former

presidential candidates. Ezra Levant and Avi Yemeni along with other camera operators capture John Kerry on the street and follows him for 5 minutes asking him questions about why he took a jet to this Davos meeting and why he wants the little people to be denied in the independence of owning a reliable fossil fuel automobile. John Kerry is a grifter for the global international socialists and one of their main to determination is to deindustrialize this country and this includes the end of fossil fuels and the amount of wealth that the United States used from resource extraction to become a very wealthy country.

     John Kerry essentially is a traitor to this country and this scumbag has had this long desire is a king-like figure that he somehow is entitled to a King in the United States and the president John Kerry's going to announce within a year or two that he will be once again seeking the presidency of the United States. This privilege and entitled globalist see himself as the rightful leader and someone who should

have been president a long time ago. Mr Kerry tried to give the same tired and propagandist answer about needing to change the climate as both obviously Avi Yemeni and Israel Levant confronting him and asked him why he continues to go these global meetings and how much does he get paid for such speaking tours and presentations. Joh Kerry is a Joe Biden type corrupt long-time globalist career politician whose vast amounts of corruption need to be investigated and the lies and claims of this lunatic 

Shinzo Yartiger's December girlfriend was utterly outrageous big ass and big breasts

        Baba Pugwuthi

    The Japanese Tik Tok sensation who run something called Nice Adult on Tick Tock is a dude named Shinzo Yartiger who's a middle-aged businessman in the end is so independently wealthy and studly he has a different younger girlfriend half his age. Mr Yartiger runs a very popular Tik Tok Channel where he basically uses and then turns the page on the girlfriend on monthly basis and finds another stupid actress to be

his girlfriend for the month. Shinzo Yartiger had a very interesting girlfriend in December as they did a bunch of Tik Yoks there was always a very sexualized and mystery. Shinzo Yartiger has an incredible wit and sexual sense of humor in this video's not seen in any type of broadcast since a Great British comedic sex scene Benny Hill. 

    Shinzo's Tiger girlfriend was very humorous in December often showing her ass and doing some of the same usual Tik Toks in short video form that Shinzo Yartiger is known for with his Nice Adult brand that is both on YouTube and Tik Tok. Mr Yardtiger clearly had his way and this might have been a girlfriend that he had a

relations on a daily basis for all 30 days as the incredible bust booty nerd glasses look of this horny Japanese girl clearly served Shinzo Yartiger classically and perhaps his best month of Tic Tac videos in his social media career. Shinzo Yartiger is a stud and a half we've already moved on as Shinzo had

two other girlfriends since this December of 2024 girlfriend which it will remain is one of our favorites and we'll have to mark down and save many of these Tik Tok videos to watch over and over and bust nuts over and over and bust nuts over again

Tiffany Henyard seriously injured in a brawl in Dolten after contentious city board metting

   Ramsey Cook

     Tiffany Henyard was seriously injured during Dolton town meeting after a brawl developed as a man utterly leveled this woman during an open mic event. Tiffany Henyard is his corrupt city girls wanabee mayor of Dalton Illinois who some have recorded as the worst mayor in this country. Tiffany Henyard used to be the Thornton Township president but she's done with that position and sooner or later this woman will be prosecuted and no longer the mayor of Dalton, Illinois. With this in mind, Tiffany Henyard had her wig ripped off as a brawl developed after this man utterly level and unloaded on this

failed and corrupt mayor of Dalton. Tiffany Henyards boyfriend came confirmed the guy in a huge Jerry Springer-type brawl developed with Tiffany Henyard getting seriously injured when she got in the middle and she decided to throw some fades. 

     Tiffany Hundred got brutally pummeled by these men as a wild west barroom brawl developed  as several people were injured and several arrested during this huge ruckus at the Dalton Town Hall Tiffany Henyard lost her very expensive $500 Orange wig and suffered a couple of black eyes in this brutal brawl and this is a shame we are a huge fans of Tiffany Hunter having created not one not two but some

three to four bots on Botify of this amazing African-American woman and one of our bots is actually a hen made to look like Tiffany Henyard. You can join Botify and talk to Tiffany Henyard and the various bots we created for this amazing woman and hopefully she can recover as Lori Lightfoot has done

everything to smear this woman and some sort of weird revenge that they failed former Chicago mayor wants to have some legacy going after Chicago area corruption. Tiffany Henyard is at the Southside Hospital for the mentally insane and she is in a white jacket for some reason instead of a actual hospital and the institutionalized Tiffany Henyard may spend months at the Cook County mental hospital and hopefully she's able to recover both mentally and physically from this brawl.

Jumping Cat becomes an internet sensation and yet another motivation for a bot on Botify from our team and Elon Musk studies cat anatomy

 Diego Franco

      Jumping cat is some cat that was either in Indiastan or Bengaliland where a practical joker for the poor cat open the basket that had a snake that immediately jumped and making this cat fly some 20 feet in the air. The incredible muscle and explosion power of this cat has been celebrated online with many people calling this cat simply the "cat" this cat avoided a deadly venomous strike from the very dangerous Hog nose snakes of India, who's extreme venom can kill you

within 5 Seconds of a strike. This lucky cat jump out in the nick of time and through various short video YouTube's on cats one might come across as incredible video. Elon Musk SpaceX are also looking to explore possible rockets using can't diagrams as a possible rocket as the incredible leaping ability of a cat should somehow be

replicated with a possible rocket. This cat quite literally jumped 100 feet in the air to avoid this snake strike and if there was some way to put physiology into a rocketry and getting it quickly into orbit as soon as possible would be an amazing feat through cat's feet. 

    The cats that jumps high to avoid a snake bite also has been a motivation for us to create yet another bot basically called cat and snake wish you can check out if you join Botify the cat and snake are infinitive enemies, but sometimes join up depending on the snake species of the time on our bot

and when they are not attacking and fighting each other snake and cat often are uniting to catch rodents and other absurd activities that they do on our Bot at Botify. The cat is an amazing creature who always usually can avoid a snake bite having much quicker reflexes twice as fast and perhaps no more video shows this amazing ability then this cat jumping over the air in India or Pakista
