Anti-semite Gerald Celente continues to attack Israel as a Pro-Hamas agent any complains about the Washington Post

 Sammy Hamcheck

     A nasty old Youtuber and editor of the garbage magazine called the Trends Journal where this mafia wannabee and thinking nasty old man named Gerald Celente thinks he is a Don Juan or something. The idiotical Youtuber appears two or three times a week with his usual profane rambling rant against politicians and the global war industrial complexes fighting terrorists and Russian oligarchs and dictators. Gerald Celente also is a extremist worried and hating on the state of Israel which is fighting a war against the intergenerational terrorists within the Palestinian people who are raised at birth to hate jews and consider them the enemy

deserving of death. To say that Trendsetter newsletter founder Gerald Celente is a anti-semite a man who extremely hates the Jews and in each and every discussion of the war

Gaza comes from a hate-filled ideology.  Mr. Celente says nothing about the cause of the war and the decades long terroristic war and hits the small Jewish state has faced against their demonic Palestinian extremist neighbors often funneled weapons from the Islamic State and the Islamic republic of Iran.

    Gerald Celente went on to bash the Washington Post as he often does bringing out the paper and talking how is sucks and it now costs people 5ive dollars as Celente went on a long-winded rant about the little business news and actual informative truth you can get from this paper. The Post is way better

  although compared to the Trends Journal propaganda shit that Celente desperately pushes out and is always desperate to sell. I'm sure there js much more news and

entertainment in a Washington Post than the pile of shit and propaganda that Celente puts out in his bias and politically charged news letter. Gerald Celente is a disshelved and disgruntled old man gets profane and swears whenever things don't go his way and this silly bastard is a apologist for Muslim extremism and likely on the payroll of Dubai with his extreme interest and focus on Israel's war,


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