Michael Khieu and others smash nasty Los Angeles mayor Karen Bass and her silence and inability to comment on the Los Angeles fires

       Jake "The Rabbit" Roberts

     The horrible woke and some with a communist mayor of Los Angeles Karen Bass wasn't going to getting it down and going on the lowdown with several women in Ghana. This disgusting and far-left radical mayor of Los Angeles is a total failure and a buffoon and when she was confronted at the airport and asked about her comments and thoughts of the brutal fires that have been hitting Los Angeles .This woman was silence and crickets as this is because this woman has nothing to say and she has no policy aside

from self-destruction for Los Angeles and whether she is purposely doing this cutting the budget in order to make chaos and fires events occur in the city is not known. It is not known, but it should be

investigated as Karen Bass is a radical a stupid woman who has no business being in a position of power and this woman is totally incompetent clueless another bad urban mayor with bad intentions for her role in government and Power. 

     Michael Khieu of Tic Tac utterly destroyed this stupid woman for being in Africa and having very little to say of the situation in Los Angeles nor does she have a plan on stopping these fires and saving the city. the video of a popcorn brained Karen bass unable to comprehend or answer a reporters

questions has gone viral with many people calling for this bad Los Angeles mayor and the Kalifornia governor to resign for their awful performance as leaders in time of tragedy and shock. Quite literally Los Angeles is a dumpster fire and whether this dumpster fire was set on purpose through criminals within the city or criminals in government like Karen Bass should be open to investigation. Miss Bass is a criminal mayor who has been negligent in enforcing the policies to keep the city running

effectively and safely and her desire to cut wildfire budgets is criminal act. Khieu cannot believe this weak leader has cut so much funding for police and fire and now we are seeing the consequences for the city and what could happen when bad leadership is elected term after term. She needs to be brought before

Congress for Congressional hearing held by Jim Jordan and the Republicans to answer for her failures during this time of crisis and mass fire in her city.  Not only should Karen Bass be brought in but their DEI lesbians in charge of the fire department. Kristen Crowley and the other top officials who also happened to be lesbian should also be brought forth to a investigation of these fires and these incompetent boobs literally are destroying America's second largest city and, in our opinion, most likely they have programmed and pre-planned this. We are calling for a January 6th type special committee for a long time full investigation into the failures of the Los Angeles Fire Departments and the leadership along with mayor Basshole needs to be conducted and these heads need to roll with a major prosecution for derelic of duty and other possible accusations that might be proven true

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