Breaking news Jim Acosta resigns and quits CNN

       Woody Underwood

         Today we have the great news that Fake news CNN analysts and scumbag Jim Acosta has resigned from CNN this horrible and stupid beat reporter was nothing but a paid Democrat Party operative and his show and scum like him have long transition and moved the CNN networking to basically a CCP Network working hand in hand with the wicked and nasty Democrat Party. Jim Asshole said this was going to be his last broadcast as he refused to go to the midnight shift and the humbling and humiliation of Jim Acosta through the past couple weeks has been very steady and embarrassing for him online. Jim Acosta decided that he had enough and thus the news of the other day was when Jim Acosta came on CNN and utterly quit and resign on air.

     This clown acted and thanked people for allowing him into their living room and CNN never had great ratings to begin with and within the past 2 years. The ratings have dramatically dropped and I reckon it is because they had so many dumb pieces of shit like Jim Acosta and Don Lemon on air a s their so-called network talent. CNN will move on and likely their roster and futures improved getting rid this deadweight with Jim Acosta who is a very toxic and dumb individual by all means should never

been in the position that he did with mainstream media.  Acosta was only on the air as he was trusted by the Democrats he served the interest of the Democrat Party as an official media propagandist. Jim Acosta no longer is a kingdom media monarch as this man quite literally thought of himself as a king and acted like a king throughout his years on the network of fake news. Jim Acosta had to deal through the years of these lesser-known podcasters who confronted him and tried to go viral with their own

personal debates with this king of fake news. Jim Acosta is also known for a accosting the presidency of Donald Trump in the first few months after he upset Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Mr Costa became the official face of the media resistance to Mr Trump with his constant brickery and refusal to give up the microphone numerous times when he was trying to ask his usual dumb and stupid questions.

     Jim Acosta is a low IQ dumb individual who many people did not respect nor like in many wondered how this idiot was even on prime time network television. Tim Acosta no longer is on prime time and hopefully he will not be rehired like the bald idiot Brian Stelter, but given the shape and position of America's media there's always a chance Jim Acosta is now looking for a new job in he is applied for the Tacoma Junior High School boys basketball high school basketball coach.  Whether this silly jackass gets his job and begins his new career as a Junior High basketball coach will remain to be seen, but given who Jim Acosta is there is a strong chance this guy will fail in this job as well.

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