Psychotic is Episcopalian Pastor Marianne Bud becomes a national and religious disgrace

 The horrible and disgusting Episcopalian likely lesbian preacher who tried to preach and admonish Donald Trump in his family is a woman named Mary Ann Bundy. This woman is nuts crazy women such as she have been infiltrated various churches with their work and crazed far-left ideology and Progressive values and this is indeed it is what happened to the Episcopalian Church. The Episcopalian Church is no longer even considered a real Christian church or organization they have become so woke and crazy to the left that no one takes him seriously as a real religion. The Episcopalian Church basically is a woke cult and with female pastors like Marianne Budd have become an utter disgrace this woman

has been lamb blasted all over the Internet and she continues to do so with calls for Mirianne Ted Bundy to resign for her bringing politics to a sermon that was supposed to be a Washington Interfaith

sermon with pastors of various religious sect talking. Marianne Budd decided to use their platform to promote herself as a narcissist and sick very ugly woman who likely is a lesbian and this woman's agenda within the church to spread LGBTQI within children should be investigated and called out. 

     Indeed Miss Budd's one of her main calling points trying to mock and really bait down Trump was saying that there are many people who are scared and many people and children who are LGBTQI and they are scared. However, there are many straight and Christian children who are very scared especially in our nation's campuses where psychopaths like Marianne Budd have power and user discretion 

disgusting power trips to silence those who might have a different opinion. Marianne Budd has been utterly eviscerated as well as she should for her views and role in the church trying to use the bully pulpits to gain brownie points with the Democratic Party and the other extremists within the rainbow mafia within this crazed fascist political

party. This pastor is being ridiculed still to this day is an utter disgrace and investigation into her and removal from her as a pastor should be commenced. There are no place in Christianity for these "weird" pastors whose main motivation is not to worship and spread the word of God but to spread the vile and filth of Gay cult and spread sick and twisted LGBTQI poison position as norm for children. 

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