Chicago Bear fans go mercifully on failed rookie Caleb Williams and demand Jerry Reinsdorf and Mccasky family sell the team even though he doesn't own it

    Leo Yost

       Jerry Reinsdorf for the stupid and bad owner of both the Chicago White Sox and the Chicago Bulls once again the Chicago Bulls are playing for the 9th or 10th playoff spot as the team usually does and they are right on pace for this perpetual spot and primarily goal of the Chicago Bulls and their organization from Top management to current owner. Jerry Reinsdorf has been lambasted by Chicago Bulls fans have been calling for the Chicago Bulls to sell the team as now this Rebel act by the fans of sports

teams in this loser sports city Chicago have been using it for the Chicago Bears as well. This past Thursday night's game saw a weak 6-3 perhaps most boring National Football League game in the history of pro

football in the modern era. This game was marred by people wearing paper sacks and calling for Jerry Reinsdorf store to sell the team even though he doesn't own It Chicago Bears pictures of Jerry Sell were all over and while the McCaskey family owns a team they might as well sell it too. Chicago Bears and

not done anything in a serious Super Bowl run since the late 80's and this team and organization is

about as bad as one can get with people booing the Bear's performance throughout the game and. At the end the game is Caleb Williams failed on the last pass the blue boo birds were at its most ultimate and

throughout the game there was chant of sell the team sell the team. The Chicago Bears are owned by a greedy McCaskey family who have been pathetic and unpopular owners having inherited a team when the original owner George Halas died in the '80s. This team is so cheap and they have no vision and

willingness to improve that brand. The Chicago Bears have been the laughingstock of the National Football League and their prized first pick Caleb Williams is a neurotic and eccentric wanker who performed very

badly like many other Chicago Bears past first round picks. Caleb Williams just went to the press conference and said

the Bear's organization problems predate him, which is true and the major problem of the Chicago Bears is they have horrible and stupid owners such as Mr McCaskey and some 94-year-old woman who is the actual owner and whose brain likely in this stage of her life is akin to butter on popcorn not only show the McCaskey sell the team but Jerry Reinsdorf has not won but two Chicago teams and this disgusting wealthy real

estate maggot is in his late 80s. Both the National Basketball Association and Major League Baseball for the sake of Chicago and it's professional sports leagues and the sports fans in Chicago who follow these franchises need to force this old man to sell the team to owners who will put interest in money to improve the product. As far as Caleb Williams his future might not be in sports and some has adjusted that he going to gay porn or something and he might race to greater heights than that than that of a quarterback in the National Football League.

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