Michael Smith of North Carolina arrested for wire frad money laundering for using bots to increase fake music sales

     Reggie Rapper

         The amount of fraud in the music Mafia system including its new form of streaming cannot be understated and a recent arrest of a creep from North Carolina illustrates this point. Michael Smith has been indicted for wire fraud and money laundering as this man created and use artificial intelligence music to milk royalties from artists into his own coffers while using fake accounts to hide his illegitimate streams that he was doing so by the billions. Michael Smith created millions of bots and indeed the streaming and creation of bots is not only used in the music industry but by the internet podcast world as explaining the huge so-called audiences for uncharismatic and stupid streamers such as hasan Abi or Piker oir whatever that fucker calls himself.  

      Well the FBI meanwhile has indicted Chin Gag from China who runs a huge bot click Farm bot Farm who we blogged about in the past and the number of Chinese computer Bots used for fraudulent means in the music industry often boosting undeserving artists especially in the rap and hip hop industry cannot and quick enough. One of the main reasons the rap and hip hop has the huge sales and the scam

money into it is indeed from fake accounts as steaming purchases are not traceable to actual physical product and manufacture what. The 52 year old Mr Smith has been arrested and Smith basically had a fake streaming system with many fake songs mixed with a few

others whom this chump stole royalties from as a streaming service. What Chin Gag's role in this plot is not known as the Chinese content by farmer has been known by his setups where he has 150 smartphones going in once and he's constantly clicking either purchases or subscriptions for untalented and undeserving YouTubers and Tik Yokers. The chances are very low that Chin Gag will ever be

extradited to United States so in the meantime scum like Michael Smith from North Carolina are the ones being caught and being made of an example of this massive fraud of fake followers and purchasers on-lien and in the music industry. This sleaze ball stole $10 million from a period of time between 2017 to last year the series problem of computer bots and their ability to be manipulated boosting the audiences of losers of political podcast propaganda needs to be established investigated, researched, and identified. We know a very well there are a lot of bad rappers given fake sales and klout and then they use their money to support other corrupt industries whether it be the jewelry industry, sneakers, or high end "urban" clothing...in addition to bad podcasters who are purchasing bots in order to make their audiences much larger than they are in any sense.

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