Elizabeth Warren is politician woman on the run as independent reporter humiliates her questions her unethical funding from big Pharma

 Alexi Mousolopolous

     Disgusting wicked witch of Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren is one of the more repulsive members of the US senate. This disgusting and obvious corrupt politician is an evil do master who is worth an estimated 60 million despite the fact that the salary for a US Senator is under $200,000. This woman is a grifter who grifts for international sources that pay her under the table and kickbacks and all sorts of funding for this

second-dimension individual. With this in mind, Elizabeth Warren was the latest politician to be confronted wondering why she has such a big mouth on Musk and is so committed to being resistant to the important Doge work of Elon Musk. The primarily reason is because Elizabeth Warren is panicking of the fact that Elon Musk is exposing the massive corruption that has enriching so many Democrat

politicians who are basically bought and paid for including Mrs Warner from Massachusetts that are serving the interest of foreign Over Lords and their money.

      Elizabeth Warner is a disgusting corrupt politician who doesn't want ethics reform and a leak in the faucet of the money fall that goes overseas and then comes back to corrupt politicians such as herself. This woman should be arrested for treason to this country and massive corruption and much like Michael Madigan in the state of Illinois sooner or later this corrupt witch-like

politician Elizabeth Warner will be arrested for her role and involvement in moving taxpayer money for absurd reasons overseas. This nasty old troll politician running from a reporter was great to see and we need more of these Tik Tok YouTubers to confront these corrupt politicians with a camera phone and a mic into their face and forcing to ask the questions that so many want to ask these corrupt politics. Democrat politicians Elizabeth Warren was confronted as a reporter wondered why she received so much money from Big Pharma and if this likely play the play in her vote against Robert Kennedy Jr and the stage show shit show that she gave when he was testifying before shitty politicians such as herself in the US Senate.

\      Elizabeth Warren is in on the take and his and paid for by international and big pharma sources and that has made her net worth over 70 million dollars and she denied that she got any money from Big Pharma as she ran away from this reporter who was trying to expose her to the Tik Tok world Elizabeth Warren can keep running but she cannot hide the fact that she is indeed a corrupt and sick evil individual who's not serving the interest of the American people, but of herself interest in making money and adding to her bank account. Elizabeth Warren is a disgusting wicked witch of Massachusetts who the people of this state need to wake up and realize this woman has stolen from them and has been a fraud and everything she has talked about is she takes money from Big corporate donors and twisted industries such as the pharmaceutical industry  which air drops money to these politicians like Warren and maintains their dominant position in our society and economy. Elizabeth Warren can go to hell

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