Nick Shirley sees a three-man riot in Panama and over blows a situation in order to get clicks and klout

     Jason Fool

       In what may appear to be the first nine riots to be reported on YouTube's Nick Shirley pretend that there was a massive riot with a video even though he couldn't show anything and didn't have nothing on video. Nick Shirley looked like he staged a riot in Panama as Marco Rubio was visiting the country as United States moves closer to reclaim something it had built and given to Panama. Now America may have to take it over before the Chinese grab it. This fool Nick Shirley was in Panama for a contentious week as negotiating between Panama and the United States went on with the possibility of not only the United States taking the Canal Zone, but all of Panama runs the risk of being taken over and

perhaps made into the 51st state as we have suggested.  Foolish Nick Shirley claimed that there was massive rioting and gunshots rang out, yet we saw very little chaos much less than a average Antifa protest and Shirley showed just three or four people throwing stuff and wanted might have been the most non-violent riots than anyone could make claim.  

     Nick Surely got down in the ground like a fool and likely set off some fireworks pretending their gunshots as the chaotic situation this weird YouTuber is done throughout his short career has been hilarious and outstanding. This quite

literally was the first non-riot riot that a journalist pretender like Nick Shirley was acting like there was and nothing could be done found in his video which actually showed a riot that he was claiming. This silly Jack is always looking to make new and interesting content and this fool gets to travel the world he is this popular and growing large however his disingenuous reporting was seen as there was nothing in Panama that could be described as a right aside from some rock throwers and it surely did not even have any evidence of a riot that this fool was claiming he was taking cover from numerous gun fires.

     Nick Shirley is one of the silliest fuckers on YouTube and somehow always finds himself in the middle of a controversy and whether this guy is CIA and deep State needs to be investigated and perhaps commented on by other podcasters and YouTubers. Foolish Shirley did his usual report coverage asking the locals what they thought about

possible new ruler new ruling of Panama by the United States as this is yet another country that Donald Trump thinks about adding to the American Empire. Indeed, Panama was created by the United States to create this canal zone why Panama was not made into US territory then and is unknown and perhaps it is still in the coming and destiny is one to say that all Central America will become part of the American Empire and we will have our perpetual enemies in Azteceland Mexico surrounded.

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