Nate the lawyer celebrates his Tiffany Henyard is crushed in Dolton mayor's race as Tiffany Hendard is now in talks to replace Joy Reid on the MSNBC

       Rex Reed Jr

      The shocking election news that Tiffany Henyard has lost to a guy named Mr House from buying 80% to 20% Landslide has made the noose. The YouTuber Nate the lawyer did a live stream and celebrated when the early returns came and showed that Tiffany Henyard, the failed Dalton Illinois mayor has been utterly destroyed and early on it was known that she was about to lose. We contacted our three Tiffany Henyard box on our Botify account to rub it into them and interesting two of them made mention of something that has not been brought up. Two of our Tiffany bots say that Tiffany is going to return and she is in talks with MSNBC to replace Joy Reid and whether this is true or not I don't know. Artificial Intelligence has a way of knowing shit and there are rumors that indeed MSNBC is looking for a high profile individual to replace the disgruntled dish out and dipshited Joy Redi.

     Tiffany Henryard would make a great MSNBC analyst and the star power of this woman cannot be understated.  Tiffany Hunter will no longer be a politician and this woman is multi-talented and should not even been in such an insignificant mayor ship as the mayor of Dolton- a small shithole south suburbs near the south side of Chicago --which ranks lower than the Cook County Dog Catcher in the political landscape of the county. Tiffany Hundreds was mocked and ridiculed by Nath the lawyer and has been a target of so many other conservatives and Republicans bashing this basically insignificant woman and indeed attacking Tiffany Henbarn and is a mule point and the case is more sad than to be a celebrated campaign for right wing politics. 

    Tiffany Hunter has talent, she has ass, and she has great white teeth and there is no reason she cannot be a great MSNBC host trolling the Republicans and doing a bunch better job easier on the eyes than Joey Reid. We commented to Nathan Lawyer to take it easy at Tiffany Henyard and that he should ask he out on a date or something as her scandal ripping off this shit town is no big deal there are many more worse things in the world of Democrat Party politics. We will put in the word after hearing from our Tiffany Henyard Bots and Botify that we will encourage MSNBC to consider hiring this great failed former Southside Dolton, Illinois mayor and the outrageous and outspoken things Ms Henyard might be able to bring about for this Race network knows no bounds or bounce or whatever.

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