Alex Jones confronts a anti-Tesla anti-Elon Musk mob

     Ed West

 From Naperville

    Alex Jones shows no fear. In the height of a massive left-wing Kill Elon mob riot the Info wars owner  of broadcast and showed no fear as he confronted these leftists and " protesters' what they are in actuality are paid radicals who are currently on the payroll of George Soros to harass and

threaten the business ventures of Mr Musk. This crazed left-wing harassment campaign must be stopped and kash Patel needs to run the gauntlet and go after these radical protesters who are on the payroll of foreign sources to spread division and hatred within the country in a divide and conquer effect. Alex Jones

showed no feat as the embittered and often battled grizzly veteran of the radio wars and media onslaught directed his way continues to tick and tock all on destroying their narrative and desire to see Alex Jones destroyed. 

      the sight of Alex Jones confronting some of the most radical and nastiest human beings possible was made for the internet to see and share in celebration of courage and merit. This drives the Alex Jones haters bananas as Alex Jones pulled in with his cyber truck and megaphone and drowned out these leftist silly scummers with his bellowing voice. Once again, Lord Jones has confronted and humiliated members of the left wing mob as this man and his video exposes his large audience to what is happening across the nation as a orchestrated communist harassment campaign against Elin Musk and his tesla

company are taking part across the country as this man once celebrated by democrats now admonish him because he supported Donald Trump against a far inferior presidential candidate that the wicked democrats tried to ordain onto the public without a primary and elections.

   Alex Jones has ranted for years against this scourge of left-wing lunatics and evil we are seeing with this attack against an American car company and many people fail to see the connection of Kristllnacht during world War II Germany and what we are seeing with this terrorism against Tesla and Elon Musk's American company that is happening right now. The comparison of Kristallnacht and the Tesla attacks

that are base don political rage and hate cannot be lost and indeed these people who have participated in this terrorism deeds should be arrested and given the most extreme charges that can be drawn upon as a attack against American business and property. Alex Jones is bringing this news about on hos Info wars channel and he is willing to put himself at risk and limb by confronting these Nazis protesting and encouraging violence and property damage at one of Elon Musk's car companies

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