Jackie Butterworth
The incredible transition of this one time yoga super star leftist us into this right-wing militia mad man has been complete. JP Sears went full militia with a Southern Confederate Railroad militia show as Mr Sears and the gun advocation that he long has presented has gone over the edge. JP Sears went with a full-fledged militia racist show as having the Confederate Banner in the background. JP Sears no longer gives a flying fuck. JP Sears is going full racism in his latest transition into a militia character and now he's running an actual podcast with a militia theme. The sad transition of JP Sears into this right-wing
demagogue has been complete and we on the left have been warning that this madman would go full crazed radical Ku Klux Klan and this is exactly what has happened. JP Sears basically has a Klan show with a Southern theme wearing a Dixie Dukes of Hazzard number One hat along with confederate flyers and banners as this man is extremely proud of his Southern Heritage.
JP Sears in his love of guns naturally would eventually turn into a malicious militia show and the viciousness that JP Series has now gone on to with a militia pro-gun Pro American nationalist show knows no bounce. Whether JP Sears gets pushed back and pressure from advertisers for his incredible regression into a militia right wing word salad is not known, but likely will be ignored is as much of his crazed nationalist rhetoric of the past 4 years. JV Sears has flown under the radar of cancel culture in
few targets have come his way, however now that he has a full-fledged Ku Klux show that's Pro gun, Pro militia, Pro Confederacy one can fully expect the JP Sears will be feeling the heat from the left whether it be boycotts or pressure to the advertisers. JP Sears has stepped over it an edge with his new malicious show and has angered many on the left who are sharing his program is living example of how through the years and someone becomes more of a seller and extremist. It is like JP Sears has done the
next Alex Jones as many people wondered who would replace Alex Jones and Mr Sears in his news program definitely is making a run and this could be precisely the why JP Sears has done this new character. We believe JP Sears wants to replace Alex Jones on Infowars and thus his Confederate celebration and militia podcast was intended in order to get his support from Alex Jones fans
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