Steven Tyler's voice drops out and is kaput finally forcing the old rocker to retire

     Kyle Perry

        One of the things we cannot stand at the left shark blog is these old rock and rollers still performing some 50 to 60 years after they were in their twenties. This disgusting aspect and weird corruption continues to go unabated and the number of old men pretending that they are 40 years younger every summer continue to get gigs and rock concerts throughout this country. However, one major individual and a major development will no longer be a part of this grift thankfully Steven Tyler's tonsils or lyrics or

whatever dropped out and the man cannot sing and thus we can be spared having 78 year old Steven Tyler pretend this is a 1970 still. The idea that Aerosmith was still performing up to a year ago with Steven Tyler who busted his throats during a performance one or two years ago. Steven Tyler has finally been forced to retirement as this guy and  his wig will be put away. 

    Steven Tyler quite literally looks like a European Nobelist elitist from the 16th century with their big wigs and powdered noses and the elitism of these 70's era rockers and the amount of money that these has been of a musical genre that has been basically dead today being able to still fill out concerts is a scam and a stink. Thankfully we will no longer see Aerosmith and if we do they'll have to have some other lead

singer and the idea that these bands continue to play like Pink Floyd, Muddy Waters, and Roger Waters or whatever is utterly discussing these men are old they are tired. Their voices  can barely stand up and yet we are supposed to believe that they can still draw audiences without a major grift and likely payout from some USAID Democrat Party money event grift no more will we have to hear Steven Tyler pretend that he's still a rocker or even though he needs a rocking chair and Mr Tyler is gone and we should be very thankful.

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