Dmitri Diamond
Wes Walker is a YouTuber who runs Wheres Wes takes on the passport bros and it does reactionary videos. Wes recently he bashed the shit out of WBL Richi who is this weird passport bro who claims that he goes to Europe and gets laid all the time with Polish and White Chicks the back and forth between. Wes Walker and YBL Richie was entertaining an amazing as Wes Walker absolutely roasted this arrogant dipshit known as YBL Richi. Walker said that the only pussy that this guy gets when he travels as a passport bro likely as some connected criminal is the pussy that he pays for and West Walker said that this is a dude who cannot get the women he claims in his YouTube videos. Naturally, YBL went back and was furious when he heard about Wes Walker absolutely roasting his video about his problems with Polish women saying that many expected too much to spread their legs for him.
YBL is another one of these arrogant dudes have been allocated money to travel and spend amen most of these men like YBL other passport Bros have mental issues and scammed the social security SSI mental llness and they get like 6 grand a month and use this money to go overseas to really stretch their spending and wealth. Many of these arrogant internet passport bros have military ties and much USAID and other Pentagon spending goes to dudes like this so they can go and try to fuck as many Vietnamese and Thai chicks as he can afford. The internet is filled with these weird and perverted passport bros as many are calling them and Wes Welker has often taken them on and bashed their ass and this is what he did. Wheres Wes elevatted and stretched out Richie's assholes other than devastating and cleaned out and he didn't even have much to respond even seeming to make it out that he was just joking in his video.
YBL Richi lusts and demands Polish women and apparently had trouble getting the pussy he saw he thinks he deserves as an average looking black man. Despite this YBL expects because he has money women are ready to jump in bed with anything coming from America as Wes says as YBL complained of their expectations and how difficult it is and with this and the rest of America utterly roasted his stupid bro YouTube he tried to react back to Mr Walker with the video over time all this was able to do was make Wes Walker double down and doing a second tenacious tackle and take-down of this prick known as YBL Richie he might not find any teacher and I'm not sure what this silly jackass to say that it doesn't why be out with you is he silly jackass a Stone Cold Steve Austin yesterday would be understated when. We celebrate to Wes Walker for his absolute ass reaming of this arrogance me too passport girl and pussy obsessed harasser YBL and how he purchases his constant travel and lifestyle should be invested by Elon Musk and the Doge team
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