lee Park Kong
From tropical trees to endangered animals China's growth in the last decade has been a major assault on the environment and total disregard in drive for profit by these Chinese companies. he country is also the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases and a list of other problems the economic engine of China is causing is the basis of Craig Simon's book called "The Devouring Dragon'. The growing wealth of the Chinese consumer has gone to feed their superstitious nature and use herbs and medicines for all types of ailments that is quickening the pace of animals going extinct. All sorts of Asian species are becoming more and more rare as Chinese demand takes into little consideration of the consequences of their exploitation and slaughter of wildlife. China will even go to other countries to get the timber for their homes and Turtle eggs for their medicine cabinets. The abuse of foreign lands to get access to mineral-rich lands shows the extent that China's power can cross these days with no sign of slowness and curtail until recently in the news.

The book starts off exploring how disregard for the Yangtze river basin occurred and why the situation got so worse as rural populations moved for factory jobs and growing industry just dumped chemical waste into whatever water stream was most local. the shameful actions of the Chinese is upending the planet destroying what seemed impervious ecosystems and undermining all important gains and victories of environmentalists through the years. The author writes eloquently about how fast the pace of deforestation of papa New Guinea has seen as people formerly connected to nature sell out to Chinese companies and resource extractors Simons says eventually America and China will have to sort some type of carbon-cutting agreement as projections of Chinese economic growth and increased emissions caused y tis growth will leave these two polluters of the planet to have to reach an accord to improving the habitat of all. This book focuses on China's responsibility and cause for the quickening pace of environmental destruction and the land of the dragon will be judged by whatever future generations of people that have to clean up the immediate and selfish mess this nation has wrecked on the globe in such a shirt time.
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