Another Somalian refugee attacks American on our soil

Andy Cruz
   A wicked Somalian refugee has once again attacked Americans on American soil as a terrorist with sympathies to the Islamic global caliphate went on a stabbing rampage before being shot down and sent to his God on the campus of Ohio State University.Image result for Abdul Razak Ali Artan, The Obama caliphate is responsible for bringing in these Somalia refugee demons as Somalians are perhaps the worse and most uncivilized of the Muslim population in the world. it is obvious the Obama-Clinton hegemony wanted more of these type of Somalian refugee scum as a bridgehead onto our soil and bringing about a displacement and eventual bloodshed as was seen in Columbus the other day.  The  poor people of Minnesota have been induleated with these Somalian people though the years and know all about the evil and sensitivity of these people especially given their barbaric religion. Image result for Abdul Razak Ali Artan,
  Abdul Razak Ali Artan, an 18-year-old Somali refugee and demon of Islam was some how allowed into out country and given schooling being a student at Ohio State student. The bastard ploughed his car into a group of people on campus and then began slashing them with a butcher’s knife before luckily being dropped from a highly alerted campus policeman knowing full well the dangers posed on campuses by all these foreigners influxes into the country by Obama and his global Islam agenda for America. Abdul's brain was poisoned to believe that those who pray to an imaginary God in the preferred way of the lands of his ancestors were somehow superior to the rest of the world and an excuse to justify his murderous rage against people was all that was needed for this Somalian. abdul-razak-ali-shotSomalians shouldn't really care about foreign policy in Iraq and if he did he should of been a man and found way to travel there and fight for his religion and have the opportunity to slaughter Shiite because some Sunni's would tell him so. The world is full of these insane deranged young male Muslims whose own pathetic lives are sad and they feel the need to use their religion to force harm upon others because of their anger and derangement and the last thing Western governments and countries should do is accept more of these bastards to cause harm. Muslim jihadist supremacists need to stay in the lands of the deserts and camels and the police state needs to round up and deport this fifth column Muslim supremacists  as quickly as possible Image result for Abdul Razak Ali Artan,

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