Professor Dave Callum appears on peak Prosperity with trends and calling ou shady corrupt Democrats

Casey Kelso
   Dave Collum and Chris Martenson sat down and talked of how the Democratic corruption national committee shot themselves in the foot in pushing ahead the candidacy of Hillary Clinton whom most of America realized would be another sixteen years of the treasonous policies of her husband and Barack Hussein  Obama. The aid for media became more bias and desperate in the months prior to the elections as evidence pointed to a tight campaign despite Donald Trump being outspent by two hundred billion by the corporatist global trade urban backers of the inequality society bill and Hillary Clinton help usher onto America. Chemistry professor Dave Collum and peak Prosperity podcaster Chris Martenson recapped the year in 2016 which was a crucial brutal blow to the trade banking classes seeing Donald Trump gain an easy victory. Just as Democrats blame the Russians more and ore Americans  are blaming California's illegal alien voters and their ability to illegally partake in our elections as to how Hillary Clinton nearly stole another eleImage result for dave collumelection and had her plans of inundating millions of Syrians into America thwarted by tru supporters. The Russians saw Hillary Clinton's assertions for a no-fly zone as a declaration of war and rightfully Russian spending and involvement in Americas election skyrockets but was well short of the money and influence of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states. Dave Collum is a leading figure of predicting trends and is garning more and or publicity for himself with these great interviews talking the ridiculous nature of the progressive and how they are blaming the Russian and hackers for America deciding Hillary Clinton was unfit and unable to lead this nation. I wouldn't trust Hillary Clinton to run on la Quinta motel in Wichita yet alone the White House. neither would Martenson who knows along with Collum that the Ukraine crisis was triggered by the West seeking new markets to plant gas stations and Dunkin Donuts for their global Indian cronies.

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