Milwaukee's radical alderman podcaster Nik Kovak fights hard for felons to buy up properties and mislead on jo applications

Wally Jackson
   Alderman Nik Kovac wants felons to be able to buy home sin Milwaukee. the kiss ass politician to the criminal class is typical of many urban shits running politics and Nik Kovak is a fuck that has also tried to ban employers form asking job applicants if they were ex-felons. People like scum Nik Kovak is all that is wrong with society as Mr Kovak shows more concern with ex-cons than innocent people who do not commit crimes and Milwaukee's statue preventing felons from buying properties was put in place for a reason as many ex-cons are habitual criminals. This political propagandist actually became a politician and now radio host of Milwaukee's River West radio and has been rewarded for his servitiude to the criminal classes of Milwaukee, Image result for nik kovacCompanies and banks have a right to examine the backgrounds of the individual that wants to be part of a job team or buy into a neighborhood and Nik Kovak knows many criminals always return to a life of crime form life-long criminal networks. the idea that this guy wants to rescind a law preventing these felons form buying up properties through their network or hidden money is absolutely absurd and shows who is filling liberal shit politicians pockets in urban areas such as Milwaukee. Nik Kovak is a fuck who would erase felons murder convictions or sex crimes preventing companies form knowing who is who that applies for a business and once your a fucken felon you lose rights whether you like it or not. Nik Kovak and other Milwaukee lack politicians who back this measure say that these people paid a price to society and should now be able to use their money to buy property and doing their often minr time for their crimes. Kovak is a liberal shit off his rocker and is safely in a neighborhood one can assure that has little forclosures and would not be prime target for felons and having felons purchase a home next to his. Image result for nik kovac radio

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