Dream money
Geriatric shits with easy broadcasting jobs are great jobs for old men with no countries or sports aside from basebore. Bob Uecker's voice makes me ill and having to listen to this old clown call games for my beloved Brewers through my whole lifetime is a disgrace and why this sport doesn't turn over broadcast announcers or teams more often. Baseball is boring and getting worse by the year and having these geriatric fucks refusing to step down and having a new face and voice be the brand is a embarrassing aspect of the game. Bob Uecker and his voice is annoying for many fans who turn down this broadcast and his continuing role and the likes of Los Angles Dodgers Vin Skully and others refusing to retire is one of the problems facing baseball as this sport stagnate s on all fronts. This joker has made a stellar career and income form a dream money job of calling a ball game and for this is why sports and spending of it is a mark of insanity in the private controlled economy long hijacked by economic terrorists swindling workers and people out wages and enforcing this social stratification of society where playing ball is more financially rewarded than service work.

involved sports has done such a shitty job on field and in the broadcast booth as the Ueck and the amazing thing in this backwards world a shit like him is beloved. Bobby loves this sport because he has made so much dream easy money through the ages but alas as he get older this dream will end soon. The Ueck can't be in that fucking broadcast booth boring Milwaukee's sport listener forever. Baseball is stale and is declining majorly and part of the reason is these old men calling the game and these broadcasts and constant baseball ideology is alot ahhhhh like church and pastors reading over and over again from a fake book . Baseball and called commonly the bible. Baseball and church have alot in common both unopened to change and having one man speak and call all of the action day in and out of service. One must wonder why baseball hasn't seen similar attendance declines and drops of follower ship and only the purchasing power of broadcast and corporate advertisers best explains the difference of why baseball is even still mentioned and followed as most baseball tickets are just corporate purchases and give away. Corporations ar e not dumb enough to purchase church seats and distribute them to friends and cronies.

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