David Pakman loses millions of wealth throug his trust fund and mutual funds due to Trumps tariffs

Jordan Morgan
  Left-wing idiot savant Argentine troll Youtuber David Pakman came aboard his little viewed podcast program and blasted president Trump and his Mexican tariffs as our president brilliantly found a way to hit Mexico in t  pocketbooks for their unwillingness to stop the spread of peonitise into America and not funding a wall that the Mexican drug cartel government has failed to stop. Past Mexican presidents and officials, including drug cartel leader Vincente Fox have encouraged the growth of Mexico's illicit narcotics industry and pushed for more inclusion and global and regional expansion of their network.
  Pakman blames president Trump's willingness to go after plutocrats and their domination of global trade as the main problem for this snowflake leftist his selfish financial gains are more important than his third adopted country as a trans nationalists. Pakman doesn't want president Trump serving Americans but instead serve the financial interests and shareholders such as himself who live in urban gated skyscraper neighborhoods. Pakman is a prick always has been a prick and always will be as he is among the top progressive propagandists and lies time and time again in Trumps trade wars as this shit is more worried about the prospects and growth of China and Mexico than for the people which he takes tax advantages and is allowed to settle as an Israeli-Venezuelan national.  Hartmann is another wine sipping propagandist libtard that is funded to divide and attack American foreign policy and support of our enemies as these broadcasters are funded by such.  Pakman  is another wine sipping propagandist libtard that is funded to divide and attack American foreign policy and support of our enemies as these broadcasters are funded by such. David Pakprick knowns these tariffs are having a tremendous impact on the pocketbooks of the oppressors of Americans and he among other continue to lie that Americans will be paying a tax when I  fact they already have been paying a high tax of thes overseas goods to support and subsidize the luxury lifestyle of these internationalist transgendered trans nationalists such as himself. 

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