The end of the video game industry as we know it

Ned Baily

Microsoft's decision to increase price of the new Xbox that will be out of the price range of many bored teenagers in suburbia. Maybe Microsoft didn't get message that poverty rates are increasing for working folks and those who bought these systems over the years. This insane decision will only gravitate more people to free smartphone games or those games that cost five bucks or less. The idea of buying an expensive box platform and buying immobile games at sixty dollars a pop is outdated and the primary reason video game sales are slagging. As Microsoft and Sony bring out new systems after like seven years the industry and technology has changed and will leave these two companies behind. Console makers will not be able to change the trend to tablets and Microsoft is trying Just Cause boss blames lack of focus on games for Xbox One unveiling disappointment – Gaming newsdesperately to integrate this console with television viewing. A year of declining sales of packaged games should of let these two foolish companies know that there will not be a need for more expensive consoles to a society already maxed out with the weakened economy. Maybe in 1998 people would of actually gave a shit about this new console from Microsoft but it is obviously plain to see that this will be another bust for Microsoft. People are getting away from the known harmful affects of primary first person shooting massacre games these systems produce for children. The quicker consumer electronics and their violent games are vanquished through the free-market the better it will be for society in general.

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