Qatar needs to be next
Ali Muhammed
Qatar has spent billions helping Syrians kill each other and this slick oil kingdom has avoided the Arab spring but things could be changing. Some long ago council elections that were promised have never materialized and the average citizen in Qatar are getting edgy these days. The numerous on-line grumblings have increased and there is no real outlet for disgruntled folks especially in the Qatar owned Al Jazerra television program and network. Migrant workers are disrespected and abused in this society and the economy here in Qatar is command driven from the very top to the Emir. This is a total feudal society and for the moment all is good if you are an Arab and a citizen of Qatar. These monarchs though have to go for real progress ever to occur for all people living in Qatar. Oil money and revenue will not last forever and their undemocratic rule not allowing and political discussion only holds everyone back in the region and just serves to keep the ruling family in form control. Hamid bin Khalifa's days are numbered and just like Hussein and Assad his family may be forced to fight for their lives. In fact, he has given power to his son but we all know the man with the mustache is still in charge with his trophy wife. He and his family will resort to all brutal methods of retaining power in a Middle East that is becoming more fastidious to control and keep power for these corrupt Emirs,Monarchs and Kings
Brian Noonan leaves WGN radio is Nick Digilio far behind
Guy Baldwin
WGN radio should be a stronger voice and in fact every city should have three or more powerful insightful radio stations with good hosts. Cities need to have radio and television hosts who explore the important topics in society and not talk about Angeline Jolie's knew naval piercings and so forth. So it was welcome news here at the Left Shark when the morbid obese Brian Noonan announced on the air that he will be leaving WGN radio to work for his brothers company. He will remain on for a pitiful one day a week gig until finally phased out and put out to pasture. This is a guy who just wants to talk fun and toot the company corporate line pushing sports and players like Patrick Kane and so forth. it is big fat white meatheads like Brian Noonan that keep the high priced sports entertainment shame and obsessions with native born Americans as immigrants come here,study and take all the good jobs.
Right wing nuts Sean Hannitty and Rush Limbaugh's future in doubt
Troy York
Looks like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity will become victims of the over sized corporate giants they so defend daily on the air. Rumors are swirling these two jerks may not have their over-bloated contracts renewed by Cumulus. Now some other mega-media corporation may pick them up but they too
will face the same overpriced costly problems that the current companies that run these two knuckleheads. There is no doubt since the protest agianst Rush Limbaugh took effect that his show has lost tons of advertising dollars. Less companies want to be associated with Rush Limbaugh and of the two Hannity looks more like to have a longer future. Limbaugh is lucky to get as far and rich as he has with the little talent the fat ass has shown. It will nbot be easy for Limbaugh to have to deal with austerity as his ego needs huge contracts to legitiize any opportunities for him to express the hate he does on the air. This is a man that once was paid 18,ooo dollars a year for the Kansas City Royals and how that ate at him inside. Limbaugh is an easy target and so ninties so he really is not relevent in this day of age. A guy like him should of never been allowed on the air and boycotted from day one taken off radio as quickly as he was taken of the NFL telecasts. I beleive that day is coming sooner than Limbaugh thinks.
Looks like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity will become victims of the over sized corporate giants they so defend daily on the air. Rumors are swirling these two jerks may not have their over-bloated contracts renewed by Cumulus. Now some other mega-media corporation may pick them up but they too
A Bear walks into a bar..
Baxter Lomax
This sounds like the punchline of a joke but it actually occured the other night.A bear walked into a bar in Colorado and was caught on a surveillance camera the other night and there were people in the bar so drunk they did not even notice.. The bear wandered around the place looking for peanuts that were not cleaned up. This is an incredible image and video and I wonder how the hell a bear can walk into a bar and no one notice. I suppose it was on a slow Sunday night and the bar had a part closed for the night. When I bartended at the Itasca Inn there were many times I caught people smoking weed or having sex in the closed section in the back. The idea of a zoo type big mammal walking into the bar though was remote and I imagine this part of Colorado was pretty remote edge of wilderness. I wouldn't be surprised if the bear was seen and people thought it was a patrons dog. This bear is lucky to be alive as I am sure the owner would of loved a tax free souvenir wall mount decoration for this bland looking bar in Colorado. Next time I also hope the bear also leave a tip for the workers here.
This sounds like the punchline of a joke but it actually occured the other night.A bear walked into a bar in Colorado and was caught on a surveillance camera the other night and there were people in the bar so drunk they did not even notice.. The bear wandered around the place looking for peanuts that were not cleaned up. This is an incredible image and video and I wonder how the hell a bear can walk into a bar and no one notice. I suppose it was on a slow Sunday night and the bar had a part closed for the night. When I bartended at the Itasca Inn there were many times I caught people smoking weed or having sex in the closed section in the back. The idea of a zoo type big mammal walking into the bar though was remote and I imagine this part of Colorado was pretty remote edge of wilderness. I wouldn't be surprised if the bear was seen and people thought it was a patrons dog. This bear is lucky to be alive as I am sure the owner would of loved a tax free souvenir wall mount decoration for this bland looking bar in Colorado. Next time I also hope the bear also leave a tip for the workers here.
Joel Stein and his lyft taxi fantasy
Terry Blue
Time magazine writer Joel Stein recently was allowed to drop and pick people up in New York city. He did not get a job as a cabbie but signed up on this Internet thing to undercut the wages and opportunities of cab drivers.
Lyft is a new concept where people drive their own cars and sign up for "donations' for their free driving. Obviously this is another thing for twentysomethings to use and save money for themselves and have more bar money. This will hurt real drivers who really do the work that Americans like Stein would never want to do. Joel said it was a fantasy to be a cab driver and i am sure he meant just working one or two days driving yuppies and hot chicks around bars. He has no understanding the difficulty this job involves and the explosion of white collar and media and government work has helped native born Americans like Joel to avoid driving a cab like the Indian migrants he seems to despise so much. Joel Stein in fact most likely advocating the services of LYFT to stick it to the Indian-Pako drivers that make up a large bulk of cab drivers in general. I still want to know how cities can even allow this Lyft to exist if they are not going to get a peice of the action for themselves.This ride share program is without a doubt a new millienum thing to stick it to older immigrant taxi drivers in urban centers that these young folks like Mr Stein so despise.
Time magazine writer Joel Stein recently was allowed to drop and pick people up in New York city. He did not get a job as a cabbie but signed up on this Internet thing to undercut the wages and opportunities of cab drivers.
Al Sharpton fans the flames of racism
Al Sharpton is not a journalist and should never have been given a program on MSNBC. The guy has no interview skills nor any partial debate tactics when interviewing those of opposing viewpoints. Al Sharpton has done nothing in this whole Trayvon shooting except try to stir up violence in America's states. Al Sharpton has done nothing but this is his whole career as an activist and how this cable network hired him for a major prime time show is just utterly contretemps. Al Sharpton is just one of many loud mouth preachers that talk shit about being treated equally while they disdain other groups that feel oppressed by sexuality and so forth. make no mistake about it that Al Sharpton is this nations top bigot and unlike the others he is rewarded for his vile racism. This guy offers nothing in the media world.The guy is a scumbag and looks pretty unhealthy. We can only hope the days of people like Al Sharpton are numbered and once they are gone no one else fills his place on MSNBC spewing more hate and intolerance over isolated incidents in Florida.
Mark Levin thinks & 7 11 experience necessary for White House
The time scumbag Vince Vaughn went to Choo Choo's in Des Plaines
Vince Vaughn stops in Des Plaines and eats at the Choo Choo restaurant
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Vince Vaughn was in the hometown area osome staff members home town. He was walking around downtown Des Plaines the other day after having a burger at ChooChoo restaurant. The suburbs are my domain and to see this geek walking around like a celebrity was a shame. This guy gets to make a living doing easy work making awful movies. He gets fame, fortune, and the ability to meet cool people like the mayor of Des Plaines on the right in the gray suit. He gets free meals at old downtown cheap rundown restaurants. I wonder if he ot to go down to see the Sugar Bowl as well. He came to the North West burbs to promote some TV pilot. . I guess that is a step in the right direction for an ass like him. A guy like him should really be a village of Des Plaines worker..hauling trash from peoples drive ways. I have already ranted about this Chicago area native. I just wish i knew he was going to be in public and out about as I would of gladly loved to have another encounter with old Vince and tell him what I think of his career and ability. Vince Vaughn is one of those well connected people that movie producers love for some reason. Never mind that most of his movies draw little audiences these days as movie goers have tired of the bad comedic nature of this fast talking prick. Vaughn is done for movies after his latest intern failure and i expect his future will be in television on some lame ass sitcoms something akin to two and half men.
Rick Bass black Rhino book needs more words on the Rhino and less on people
Twilight of the mall era
Ned Baily
Things look good at Woodfield mall in sprawl Schaumburg. The place is crowded often with people going back and forth. Some of them buy things many just walk through staring at images of advertising of high end clothing. Malls are the exclusive outlet of wealthy folks who want to walk around and show their designer clothing. For many of the nations malls in America though times are tough and the costs of maintaining the mall is becoming more and more difficult in the era of capital scarcity. I imagine in a matter of time people will even become tired of glorious Woodfield Mall and the mall of America in Minneapolis. People in these suburban areas do not appreciate walking and if they did they would live in an urban walkable community. It does not make sense driving to a huge parking lot and then walking far into a indoor dull bazaar is not anyones idea of a scenic glamor image. Most of these malls are filled with teenagers who have little appreciation for idealistic urban meccas.In a few years they will realize that the suburban landscape is a very gloomy place and the vast majority will escape the scene in their twenties. I think women will really struggle with the excessive shopping coming demise when the economic collapse comes.
Women are the main reason for household and government massive debts we see all over the Western world. Consumerism and the role of these high end malls are the primary cause of this.As far as the other main group you see in these malls, teenagers will come to realize that the very reason they spent so much time in the mega suburban malls across America in the first place was because there was so little of real value to do in their parents chosen habitat of suburbia. Yes even Woodfield mall in Schaumburg will fall as this always transient suburb becomes more ethnically diverse and white flight takes further hold Older folks will want to leave this town along with the twenty somethings. They will all want to move away from increasing number of one ethnic Indian restaurants and shops in the cruddy strip malls that surround this cruddy corporate mega mall. One day Woodfield Mall will be one huge massive ethnic bazaar split into two. One will be an Hispanic flea market while the other half will be an Indian bizarre bazaar.
Women are the main reason for household and government massive debts we see all over the Western world. Consumerism and the role of these high end malls are the primary cause of this.As far as the other main group you see in these malls, teenagers will come to realize that the very reason they spent so much time in the mega suburban malls across America in the first place was because there was so little of real value to do in their parents chosen habitat of suburbia. Yes even Woodfield mall in Schaumburg will fall as this always transient suburb becomes more ethnically diverse and white flight takes further hold Older folks will want to leave this town along with the twenty somethings. They will all want to move away from increasing number of one ethnic Indian restaurants and shops in the cruddy strip malls that surround this cruddy corporate mega mall. One day Woodfield Mall will be one huge massive ethnic bazaar split into two. One will be an Hispanic flea market while the other half will be an Indian bizarre bazaar.
Bill Gates and Microsoft days of dominanace are over
Jason Fool
This is a tell tale week in stocks to see the swith of technology in the past few years. As Facebook finally starts getting annoying advertising on mobile platforms in recent months and seen an incredible rise in stocks, Microsoft saw a huge drop. The business community realizes that windows is replaceable and not likely to come back any time soon. This is good news for haters of Bill gates and how he managed even to get so rich in this pathetic free market economy that benefits the cheaters and stealer's of industry. Microsoft's answers to the ipad were embarrassing and they allowed a Korean company to easily come into the American mobile marketplace while Microsoft was still pushing computers. thirty two billion was wiped out of the Microsoft value in one day and this company hasn't realized that video games are changing too and folks are not willing to shell out sixty dollars per game as they use to. A falling economy for the middle class will usually do this. As companies like Facebook rise you can bet even more old tech giants will see a free fall that will utterly remake the tech world.
It is really no surprise to see Microsoft fail in the smartphone wars. This is a company that has not made many smart decisions in years.
This is a tell tale week in stocks to see the swith of technology in the past few years. As Facebook finally starts getting annoying advertising on mobile platforms in recent months and seen an incredible rise in stocks, Microsoft saw a huge drop. The business community realizes that windows is replaceable and not likely to come back any time soon. This is good news for haters of Bill gates and how he managed even to get so rich in this pathetic free market economy that benefits the cheaters and stealer's of industry. Microsoft's answers to the ipad were embarrassing and they allowed a Korean company to easily come into the American mobile marketplace while Microsoft was still pushing computers. thirty two billion was wiped out of the Microsoft value in one day and this company hasn't realized that video games are changing too and folks are not willing to shell out sixty dollars per game as they use to. A falling economy for the middle class will usually do this. As companies like Facebook rise you can bet even more old tech giants will see a free fall that will utterly remake the tech world.
Elliot Spitzer and Anthony Weiner will be two politicians owned by one percent
If Elliot Spitzer and Anthony Weiner are both successfully returned to office this year in New York it will clearly show that politics in the Empire state are a scam. In no way in real life and free elections would these two guys be able to return to politics as if their hypocritical actions in office are just ignored.n The fact that both of these scrupulous scumbags would return in New York is like some wealthy class parody and mockery of the election process. I am sure that these two guys are being pushed by the upper classes as they are politicians that can easily be expected to pay back their benefactor's and serve them well once they return to important political posts in the state of New York. The scumbag Weiner getting elected as mayor of Wall Street would really be disastrous for the city of New York and any progressive actions to tame Wall Street would never occur. Elliot Spitzer is another corrupt politician that got into politics to screw the system he is suppose to oversee while using proceeds to use really expensive prostitutes. The press is loving these political games as it makes more interesting political news than leaders who really want action to reform our nightmare political system where money can determine winners more than the ethics of a candidate. It is almost like a bad dream for those working folks in New York that need leaders to work for the people who need great leaders to step up. instead it is a shell game for the worse leaders that can easily be manipulated and be puppets for those who abuse and use the system the most. Weiner and Spitzer will serve the master well if elected and New Yorkers need to revolt to ensure these two losers have no political future and voice.
They were wierd but entertaining..The Munsters and the Addams family

One of the greatest mysteries in TV is to why these two programs were canceled at about the same time despite strong ratings. The theory goes that network producers canned these two programs as they were considered too weird for that time. In the mid sixties society was changing and hippies were evolving. The networks were concerned about their images and shows like the Munsters and Addams family had to go. ABC was particularly concerned about their image with the Addams Family. there were those in power at the network that said this mess had to go. the Munsters would soon follow. Both shows were awesome and it is a shame that the cowardly conservative networks let these two programs go in the late sixties. What was so wrong with a program about men loving their wives. Which brings up the latest TV quiz at the left Shark. Who loved their wife more Herman or Gomez? I would say Gomez because he would kiss her about every sixty seconds on the show. Its funny to think how the networks would fail and society would get very weird anyway in the few years after this program went off the air.
The Munsters and Addams Family were to weird for TV
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Otto Jansen

Who cares about Kate Middleton's baby and that ugly prince
Corporate media loves the royal family. The royal family of the United Kingdom are really people no one should care about but they make themselves famous just for being famous. All the gossip magazines for the brain dead zombies who care for a royal family are talking up the expected birth of Kate Middleton's baby. Like most of England these days I doubt if this prince is the actual father. Most fathers in Britain are caring for offspring that are not their own. I doubt the royal family would be any different. How these people get so much press coverage just for their upper of upper one percent noble birthright is a dam shame. The Western press of this type needs to go when news of the royal family is of any news or importance at all with all the problems real people face. This family will be one of the first ones executed if a world wide awakening and revolution actually materializes some day.
Kate Middleton and her prince Harry or William whatever the fucks name is, they are nothing and will be nothing but cheap news stories for a unimaginative, paid for press used by the upper classes to spread their lies,distraction, and misinformation. England has been a falling weak nation with no real independence and is a puppet for America. This country is all but the remains of a sorry people who will no longer be the masters of a universe where the sun never sets.
Helaine Olen expooses bullshit financial improvment industry
Tony Miselli
Financial gurus telling people how they can be a millionaire from reading their books are so full of crap. I have always known that and really was looking forward to Helanie Olen "Pound Foolish". I
have enjoyed seeing her on some youtube channels and she is much better looking than some other authors we have talked about here at the Left Shark. Her exhaustive book though was a little long and after I while I got the jest of it. These people who push all these self improvement finance books and seminars are basically just telling you easy crap that you can easily look up for yourself. Helanie shows how this industry is exploding on their own bullshit confusing and taking advantage of people with little time nor interest exploring the financial markets for themselves.The stock market and real estate profligate adventures that are pitched by everyone from individual journalists to financial titans of our unequal economy, They really sucker many assholes into thinking they can get something for nothing and rich really quickly on any scheme that is marketed. This book is really written for those with an intense interest in how we are getting fucked over by the financial markets and is not easy reading. so this book is only recommended for those with a real knowledge of the economy. i really enjoyed and learned some more about the whole real estate screwjob in one of her chapters as many people in real estate actually made fools out of folks who that they could flip themselves into being a billionaire. Helaine Olen is a very smart person and expert on the industry that turns peoples dreams into a messy nightmare.She is also much better looking than a Les Leopold or David Korten as well
Financial gurus telling people how they can be a millionaire from reading their books are so full of crap. I have always known that and really was looking forward to Helanie Olen "Pound Foolish". I
Peter Schiff shows what a tool he is
Eddie Vedder and music fans hold Chicago hostage
Eddie Vedder is a lame singer and in an era where all the well known musical entertainers are older or dying Mr Vedder has been able to carve a niche for him. How long it will last and he will be performing at places like ball parks and stadiums is unknown, but like I said the other more moneymaking acts are ageing. Mr Vedder is aging to ands his performance in a rain soaked Wrigley Field I am sure was nothing short of unspectacular.
Area residents who are mostly the age of Vedder's kids were awoken up to one or two in the morning as this silly concert was allowed to continue past the assigned curfew time agreed upon by residents with the Rickett's family. A rain delay should of been a cancellation but both sides wanted their money badly and the show had to continue. The fact that this ball park is whoring out to classless entertainers and musicians like Eddie Vedder should be taken to task. It ruins any baseball charm this field had and continues to tarnish this public "landmark". the fact is rich folks can afford to throw money to music events and they hold sway with politics and decisions to hold this concert very late. if they wanted to get this concert restarting at 4 am they would of done it. Bigtime concerts are a favorite leisure time activity of the ruling elites. They could care less about image of a ball park and turning rigley Field into another lame outdoor musical venue like Tinley park or old Popular creek in the Chicago area.
Mitch 'the bitch" Daniels tries to fight Howard Zinn's great book
Gino Frobel
The piece of shit Mitch Daniels, politician from Indiana was once a political darling and hope for the Republican party. He failed to run this last time around and the jerk will not run for president in 2016. This is a guy who tries to muzzle other opinions as word leaked out that this guy tried to get the widely popular Howard Zinn history book banned from public education. It is creeps like Mitch Daniels that Howard Zinn explains has held power and political dialogue for much of this sad nations history.
Many states have had governor's like Mr Daniels who rule with an iron fist and Indiana is well known for its history of racism and lies. Howard Zinn's book A peoples history of the United States is one of the most influential books for people seeking the truth from the lies right wing educators forced-fed us as children. Mitch Daniels prefers it this way and calls differentiating opinions propaganda ignoring the propaganda his kind have held sway for centuries.
if Mitch the bitch Daniels does try running for president someday progressives have to remember what a book suppressing son of a bitch Mitch can be and use it against this hick. Mitch Daniels I believe knows he is a little bitch with little chance of winning the white house and thus why he never puts his face in the race. he knows he wouldn't last a few months under the intense scrutiny that a candidate will face sparing us his presence and ensuring he stays under a rock in Indiana somewhere far away from Washington.
The piece of shit Mitch Daniels, politician from Indiana was once a political darling and hope for the Republican party. He failed to run this last time around and the jerk will not run for president in 2016. This is a guy who tries to muzzle other opinions as word leaked out that this guy tried to get the widely popular Howard Zinn history book banned from public education. It is creeps like Mitch Daniels that Howard Zinn explains has held power and political dialogue for much of this sad nations history.

Indonesia needs to make an Islamic state
Ali Muhammed
The largest Islamic country in the world has such a little voice in Mideast politics. Indonesians are a people who are capitalist first before their religion. There are those who want an Islamic voice in Indonesia and they need to make more noise to the elites who claim they are the third largest democracy in the world. in reality most of those in countryside have little voice in this country. The leaders are more interested in getting into the G 20. This country has always been run like a corporation and after three decades of corrupt dictatorship little has progressed for the masses. Many live in shantytowns while rich Chinese dominate the economy and elites shop in high fashion shopping malls. This country has free elections but little change or progress for the Muslim people is not visible after their own Arab spring in 1998.
it is the West and China that are really trying to turn this country away from Islamic values and put a consumerism morality into the culture of these great islands. Brainwashing a people to put most important thoughts into material things is easiest way to control and distract citizens for easy rule. The West has colonized these lands for many years using Chinese middle men and merchants. Western globalists love Indonesia for its own growing small elites with money and its access to a local poor cheap labor population that will never be allowed to prosper. Indonesia needs an awakening like it did in 1998 but instead needs to overthrow the forces of globalization that only allow one group to prosper and the religious folks in the countryside to suffer and remain poor masses without any real political voice. Indonesia's day of reckoning will come and the trendy expensive stylish malls will burn down once again.
The largest Islamic country in the world has such a little voice in Mideast politics. Indonesians are a people who are capitalist first before their religion. There are those who want an Islamic voice in Indonesia and they need to make more noise to the elites who claim they are the third largest democracy in the world. in reality most of those in countryside have little voice in this country. The leaders are more interested in getting into the G 20. This country has always been run like a corporation and after three decades of corrupt dictatorship little has progressed for the masses. Many live in shantytowns while rich Chinese dominate the economy and elites shop in high fashion shopping malls. This country has free elections but little change or progress for the Muslim people is not visible after their own Arab spring in 1998.
it is the West and China that are really trying to turn this country away from Islamic values and put a consumerism morality into the culture of these great islands. Brainwashing a people to put most important thoughts into material things is easiest way to control and distract citizens for easy rule. The West has colonized these lands for many years using Chinese middle men and merchants. Western globalists love Indonesia for its own growing small elites with money and its access to a local poor cheap labor population that will never be allowed to prosper. Indonesia needs an awakening like it did in 1998 but instead needs to overthrow the forces of globalization that only allow one group to prosper and the religious folks in the countryside to suffer and remain poor masses without any real political voice. Indonesia's day of reckoning will come and the trendy expensive stylish malls will burn down once again.
Wolf Toss is better and just makes more sense than Angry birds
Ned Baily
Angry birds was the huge hit that helped propel mobile gaming past video game consoles a few years back. The culture still is obsessed with this lame game and you see Angry birds all over the place from pillows to socks. Angry birds is basically the biggest thing to hit the mobile platform and has inspired many imitators some of which are even better than birds. Wolf Toss is the same game except you have a hungry wolf tyring to get to the pigs instead of some birds. The wolf has more of an incentive and reason to get to the pigs. The popularity of Angry birds just never made sense as to why the hell would pigs and birds be battling each other. if this game came first would Wolf Toss had been the big mobile game wonder? Wolf Toss makes more sense. Just that fact alone made me able to tolerate the mundane play and shooting down of obstacles.
I play this game maybe once a month or so. Games like this are good when you are really bored and want to drain the last minutes of your phone before it goes dead. Hopefully wolf toss can get more praise and become more influential in our economy and culture. Anything to help slow the tide of Angry bird madness many seem to be afflicted.
Angry birds was the huge hit that helped propel mobile gaming past video game consoles a few years back. The culture still is obsessed with this lame game and you see Angry birds all over the place from pillows to socks. Angry birds is basically the biggest thing to hit the mobile platform and has inspired many imitators some of which are even better than birds. Wolf Toss is the same game except you have a hungry wolf tyring to get to the pigs instead of some birds. The wolf has more of an incentive and reason to get to the pigs. The popularity of Angry birds just never made sense as to why the hell would pigs and birds be battling each other. if this game came first would Wolf Toss had been the big mobile game wonder? Wolf Toss makes more sense. Just that fact alone made me able to tolerate the mundane play and shooting down of obstacles.
Ha Joon Chang talks about overpayment of Swedish drivers
Terry Blue
Terry Blue
Ha Joon Chang blasts the inequality of free market capitalism. In this speech and in previous books he clearly illustrates the difference of pay for a Swedish bus driver to drivers in the third world. he says there is really no way to measure the work ability of two different drivers and the fact that Sven in Sweden is so grossly overpaid to Ahmed in India shows the unequalness of free market model of globalization. It is skewed towards people in the West over people in the third world and is a result of a long legacy of colonialism in the free market history of global trade. The West has used the peon pay and exploitation of workers from overseas to enriched themselves is Ha Joon Chang's basic proclamation over the years.
Ha Joon's take on the poor pay of Indian drivers compared to how outrageously the governments of the Scandinavian countries are able to pay their drivers really hits home as a traffic expert. Like Mr Chang says Indian drivers really are more likely more skilled at their occupation compared to Sveum as they have much more dangerous daily obstacles that their counterparts in the rich world never face. Are Swedish roads so much more difficult for drivers to transverse justifying their higher pay Joon wonders and marvels that it is actually the streets of Mumbai and Delhi that are much more stressful and dangerous for a working driver. The Ahmeds have to drive for a couple of rupels a day while Sveum and his co-workers have the most lavish pay and health care benefits in the free market world. Basically the free market world only favors those that are already rich and work to keep those poor always behind and driving shopping carts.
Rolling Stone cover controversy all about racism
Cougar Face
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev cover on Rolling stone magazine has many conservatives angry. The
glamorization of this young man and how he converted to Islam is discussed in this magazine. People think Rolling Stone is endorsing his attack or giving him uncredited fame. These people realize though that the guy is going to spend the rest of his life in jail and the only benefit Dzhokhar Tsarnaev will get from this feature in Rolling Stone is maybe ten more marriage pen pal proposals a week. What it is they really don't want a young follower of Islam having access to young minds and readers of Rolling Stone. This same phenomena existed a hundred or years ago when writers were traveling with Indians and giving accounts of Geronimo and other great American Indian leaders. It is easier to wage a war of extermination when the views and storyline showing the enemy as fellow human beings is never exosed. Many army generals did not want the American public to read about the red man's plight and their account on what was really a war of expansion and destruction from their own country. Many of these conservatives would pay little attention to this magazine over the years and the racism of today makes them more vocal against this magazine cover. it is this same attitude of hate directed against people who are different that makes young men like Dzhokhar so easily able to be persuaded to join a jihadist international commitment
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev cover on Rolling stone magazine has many conservatives angry. The
More theatres showing Bollywood movies sure to upset movie critics
Nick Dumbgilio
Movie critics like horror and scary movies made by American directors known for scaring the shit out of audiences. This is what i adore as a movie critic and I have to see every movie put out by Hollywood. This is what I do for a living and I follow all trends about movies. One trned that I see is the growth of Bollywood movies by cash strapped suburban theatres. i guess there are just so many indo-pako people in the Chicagoland area these days who refuse to see American movies. they only dig movies from teir native lands that show pewople who look and sing like them. that is the problem I have with Indian movies. They are so bad and who really wants to see 'Bhaag Milkha Bhaag. When the cultural norms of indians stay from their old lands and they don't want to see Chainsaw killer 6 then we have a problem of assimilation in society. Bollywood movies need to stay in Bollowwood or dehli or wherever they come from. I mean how many people outside the Indian ethnic group actually speaks hindi.
AMV has doubles the amount of movies from Bollywood in the past several years. That is pathetic. They are catering to these Southeast Asians and bringing their bad movie products that no one outside of them ever wants to see. It is only a matter of time before Royal and AMC theatres start serving their food and the aroma is sure to make regular Hollywood movie goers stay away further eroding the growth of future prospects of the movie attending event. This is not a good treand at all.
Movie critics like horror and scary movies made by American directors known for scaring the shit out of audiences. This is what i adore as a movie critic and I have to see every movie put out by Hollywood. This is what I do for a living and I follow all trends about movies. One trned that I see is the growth of Bollywood movies by cash strapped suburban theatres. i guess there are just so many indo-pako people in the Chicagoland area these days who refuse to see American movies. they only dig movies from teir native lands that show pewople who look and sing like them. that is the problem I have with Indian movies. They are so bad and who really wants to see 'Bhaag Milkha Bhaag. When the cultural norms of indians stay from their old lands and they don't want to see Chainsaw killer 6 then we have a problem of assimilation in society. Bollywood movies need to stay in Bollowwood or dehli or wherever they come from. I mean how many people outside the Indian ethnic group actually speaks hindi.
AMV has doubles the amount of movies from Bollywood in the past several years. That is pathetic. They are catering to these Southeast Asians and bringing their bad movie products that no one outside of them ever wants to see. It is only a matter of time before Royal and AMC theatres start serving their food and the aroma is sure to make regular Hollywood movie goers stay away further eroding the growth of future prospects of the movie attending event. This is not a good treand at all.
Pat Robertson blames the hoodie
Alex Mousoulpolous
Pat Robertson is an old nut job. What he says can not ever be taken seriously by a public and the few geriatric followers of Pat Robertson and the 700 year olds club are dying off daily. Is it really any wonder that this guy would defend the racist Zimmerman decision of last week. Pat made national news the other day for saying Trayvon Martin is dead because he was wearing a hoodie. This is an argument that has been made before so it comes to know surprise that Pat Robertson is making it now. Perhaps he forgot that otnhers have already mentioned the hoodie. For any person of God or any belief to think that somehow the hoodie can be an explanation for support of the death of Trayvon Martin is not thinking clearly. pat has always been old since I remembered and I think age is finally taking its toll on Pat Robertson. The folks at the 700 club need to somehow take control of their platform and get rid of this joker as spokesman. Monks have worn hoodies for years and would a religious man like pat think they are deserving of profiling and death. Pat Robertson is my Rod Blagojevich/Drew Peterson bum of the month for this latest moronic viewpoint. The guy looks like a pedophile priest and how would he like to be followed by strangers to make sure he don't act like a priest. I imagine Pat Robertson says seven hundred stupid shit things a year hence why they call the program the seven hundred club.
Beer vendors upset sales are down at Wrigley
Guy Baldwin
Attendance is down twelve percent at Wrigley Field and throughout baseball this year. Baseball fans are tapped out and the future of this dull sport is in bleak. In some cities soccer is actually outdrawing baseball in some cities across America. The players are way overpaid and the high costs of going to a ball game are finally starting to take affect for white folks into watching sports. ESPN highlighted the trickle down affect for these poor saps that serve beer to other poor saps watching a really suckie ball club and sport. Somehow we are suppose to feel bad about the economic problems of fat loud assholes that sell cups of beer for seven and a half bucks each. fuck them. Why any fool would ever pay for beer at the prices they sell at ball games across this pathetic sports nation is anybody's guess. Maybe people finally got fed up spending so much dough for such a shitty product.
many of these vendors make up for sagging sales in tips. Why they are talking about this seasons struggles and looking for sympathy now is kinda interesting. The vendors in smaller markets and at White Sox games have it way more difficult than these beer scammers at Wrigley Field. Do not buy the over priced beer for assholes who make three hundred dollars clear for a three hour job. It is very hard to feel sorry for folks like this.
Attendance is down twelve percent at Wrigley Field and throughout baseball this year. Baseball fans are tapped out and the future of this dull sport is in bleak. In some cities soccer is actually outdrawing baseball in some cities across America. The players are way overpaid and the high costs of going to a ball game are finally starting to take affect for white folks into watching sports. ESPN highlighted the trickle down affect for these poor saps that serve beer to other poor saps watching a really suckie ball club and sport. Somehow we are suppose to feel bad about the economic problems of fat loud assholes that sell cups of beer for seven and a half bucks each. fuck them. Why any fool would ever pay for beer at the prices they sell at ball games across this pathetic sports nation is anybody's guess. Maybe people finally got fed up spending so much dough for such a shitty product.
How Jason Pohl helped undo the popularity of OCC
Orange County Choppers was a pretty cool show in the early years. These guys basically created things from scratch and drawings through their head and the show was pretty decent for a while.
All this despite the fact it was used as a corporate advertising vehicle and the various product placement on the show begin to ruin it. The day they hired Jason Pohl though is when the show really started going downhill. This dipstick basically was the unfunny court jester that royal palaces were known for. Watching him design concepts for custom choppers on the computer was about as entertaining as watching cows swat flies all day. This guy added nothing to the program and I am embarrassed that he came from Illinois. Jason Pohl is a typical fat Illinois rural hick and a BlackHawk hockey fan at it too. How the hell Orange County Choppers found him several states away I will never know though I am sure he had connections to the television producer. I don't ever recall a talent search for a designer and it is obvious that technology in this case hurt the craftsmanship which was the only interesting thing about the program. Also just having this nit wit around the shop adding nothing but his loud mouth and sitting on the computer playing with the mouse got quit lame. Jason Pohl helped bring the downfall of Orange County Choppers.
Craig Paul Roberts talks smart
Dr Craig Paul Roberts is a great speaker. whether he is talking about the police state,military security complex, financial scam schemers, government spying, drone warfare, two party monopolies etc,
Craig Paul Roberts has been warning the public that the U S governments actions around the globe will initiate and risk a third world war. Craig Paul Roberts has inside information on how government works through his many years in government and he is clearly one of the great collapse speakers. he is a advocate and reader of that shithead Greg Hunter has this man on his little youtube channel and is really the only guest worth anything on that show. Roberts is a enemy and thorn on the side of the Israel and neo-conservative interest wings in America. they cannot stand a critic of American foreign and domestic policy with the articulate mind of Mr Robert's. he believes the dollar is coming to an end and the massive printing of the U S dollar is a useless attempt to keep elites and their economy functioning. the fact is rich people really don't have wealth but access to unlimited funding for their projects and for themselves while most people struggle to feed families and keep shelter. Craig points out that America is a third world of non-trade able serviceable jobs that is not the sign of a power that can afford military bases all over the world to surround their enemies. Craig Paul will keep the fight against the gangster banksters of Wall Street that are sapping the wealth of the nation into their tiny corner of the country for them to deal out among themselves.
Detroit shows how business elites can fuck over a place
Terry Blue
Detroit is in shambles. It actually could fit in any war zone let it be Algeria 1958, Yugoslavia1994, or Syria 2011. There may be a war like this coming to America's shores and Detroit would hardly look any worse. i visited the city this past weekend locking my doors as Idrove through the massive crumbling streets of the "motor city". It may have been easy driving through these paved streets fifty years ago, but now it is easier to find a paved road in hazard County than here. This shows what happens when the wealthy wage war on the Working/Middle Class. They would rather provide jobs and let the Chinese grow than people here who could likely be political enemies of their money hoarding and tax dodging policies that make them more rich. Detroit is an example and one of the first battles they waged in modern America. Detroit was one of the most job wealthy areas that manufactured everything. This city will never revive until manufacturing and good jobs are brought back to these shores and government needs to make incentives for people to come back and invest in this city. When I say invest it also doesn't mean helping young folks open breweries and gastropubs that only whites. Those with capital today want to keep black neighborhoods bad and jobless so the drug market thrives permitting the prison complex system continuing in America. The amount of money we spend on wars and prison could be used to rebuild manufacturing and decaying cities in America. Assholes that control military spending though find it more convenient to lay waste and rebuild foreign lands that are resource rich. A I drive thru Detroit there are possibilities of these lands returning to a more rural farming approach that people will need more than the polluting automobiles that made this city initially grow as large as it did.
Detroit is in shambles. It actually could fit in any war zone let it be Algeria 1958, Yugoslavia1994, or Syria 2011. There may be a war like this coming to America's shores and Detroit would hardly look any worse. i visited the city this past weekend locking my doors as Idrove through the massive crumbling streets of the "motor city". It may have been easy driving through these paved streets fifty years ago, but now it is easier to find a paved road in hazard County than here. This shows what happens when the wealthy wage war on the Working/Middle Class. They would rather provide jobs and let the Chinese grow than people here who could likely be political enemies of their money hoarding and tax dodging policies that make them more rich. Detroit is an example and one of the first battles they waged in modern America. Detroit was one of the most job wealthy areas that manufactured everything. This city will never revive until manufacturing and good jobs are brought back to these shores and government needs to make incentives for people to come back and invest in this city. When I say invest it also doesn't mean helping young folks open breweries and gastropubs that only whites. Those with capital today want to keep black neighborhoods bad and jobless so the drug market thrives permitting the prison complex system continuing in America. The amount of money we spend on wars and prison could be used to rebuild manufacturing and decaying cities in America. Assholes that control military spending though find it more convenient to lay waste and rebuild foreign lands that are resource rich. A I drive thru Detroit there are possibilities of these lands returning to a more rural farming approach that people will need more than the polluting automobiles that made this city initially grow as large as it did.
Summer movies bombing
Nick Dumbgilio
Summer movies are bombing this entire summer as movie fans get tired of the same old shit. I loved those old Godzilla monster movies and saw all of time like over ten times. needless to say i was looking forward to this pacific Rim movie with cool robots being created to battle some large monsters. oh boy oh boy. i went first midnight show and was a bit disappointed more movie revelers were not there to share the experience. in fact, when I saw the numbers I was disappointed with the low figures. Pacific Rim payed alot of money to create and pay movie critics to promote the movie. People need to go out and see these wonder computer generated movies like OWrld War Z, Lone Ranger,After Earth,
that fucking Superman movie, and pacific Rim. C'mon folks this is what i do for a living and it is not as easy and you may think. if you jagoffs stop going to see movies I will have no outlet nor anything ever to talk about on the radio. I don't recommend World War Z and think Brad Pitt is the worse actor of all time. The dude is only popular with old middle aged women who wish their fifty year old husbands had hair like Mr Pitt. This movie sucked and is one of the summer blockbusters that really deserves to be busted. I am sure there will be a summer movie to turn things around and when it does you know i will let you know at the Left Shark.
Summer movies are bombing this entire summer as movie fans get tired of the same old shit. I loved those old Godzilla monster movies and saw all of time like over ten times. needless to say i was looking forward to this pacific Rim movie with cool robots being created to battle some large monsters. oh boy oh boy. i went first midnight show and was a bit disappointed more movie revelers were not there to share the experience. in fact, when I saw the numbers I was disappointed with the low figures. Pacific Rim payed alot of money to create and pay movie critics to promote the movie. People need to go out and see these wonder computer generated movies like OWrld War Z, Lone Ranger,After Earth,
Michael Savage's political zoo is a rare funny right wing read
Sarah palin studies Oprah on how to creat a media empire
Tony Miselli
Sarah Palin was never able to govern. As leader of the fiftieth state of Alaska she took her orders from oil elites in running the state with a little more than half a million residents. She somehow impressed old John Mccain who made the foolish mistake to put this dimbo on the ticket. she was a complete disaster but right wing media outlets loved her and she was soon a staple on cable broadcast. She is now worth a reported twenty million from her media platforms and this is the primary reason she was so quick to leave the governors house in steamy Alaska. As we have seen in the past it is not too difficult for women who are not that bright to make millions and millions from television and I am sure Oprah Winfrey gave her some insight on how to be a media darling and get money for nothing. This is how rich people operate and scam money for themselves and perhaps there is no easier way than to get into politics and television. All you have to do is say some very stupid things in front of the cameras to make yourself standout from the other politicians. when you have a system that rewards people for their smugness and bullshit in front of a television screen then you have a system that deserves a total collapse.
White haired old prick gets slapped at Red Line Tap
Baxter Lomax
Red Line Tap is a great Chicago bar that is way out of the way that i use to work. It is way North West of Loyola University and is another bar filled with young folks and neighbors who want nothing to do with old folks in the burbs. One of reasons why you see so many young folks in cities and away from the browning suburbs is because local leaders allow cool drinking establishments such as Red Line Tap. well the other day a very old looking middle age reporter walked into the Tap to try the Ike Turner shot. In a piece he was writing for the geriatric newspaper industry and the Chicago tribune. reporter Dave Hoekstra found out why they call it the Ike Turner shot as he got slapped out of his seat in this tavern tradition only unique to the Red Line. From the looks of the photo it appears that Mr Hoekstra does not even know what the fuck hit his ass. It is always good to slap the shit out customers from time to time.
Red Line Tap is a great Chicago bar that is way out of the way that i use to work. It is way North West of Loyola University and is another bar filled with young folks and neighbors who want nothing to do with old folks in the burbs. One of reasons why you see so many young folks in cities and away from the browning suburbs is because local leaders allow cool drinking establishments such as Red Line Tap. well the other day a very old looking middle age reporter walked into the Tap to try the Ike Turner shot. In a piece he was writing for the geriatric newspaper industry and the Chicago tribune. reporter Dave Hoekstra found out why they call it the Ike Turner shot as he got slapped out of his seat in this tavern tradition only unique to the Red Line. From the looks of the photo it appears that Mr Hoekstra does not even know what the fuck hit his ass. It is always good to slap the shit out customers from time to time.
Joe Mathews and Mark Paul California Crack up talks Californians financial woes
Greg Hunter and USA watchdog just a gold pusher metal dealer
Troy York
Greg Hunter has a youtube podcast and has some interesting guests talking about financial and international matters. he is some investigative reporters who couldn't get a journalist job so he started this thing called USA watchdog. The dud is interesting to watch if you actually care about economic matters than what size Kim Kardashian is this month. however, I have noticed that his program seems to be an advertising outlet for gold. The guy pushes gold more than inner city gangs push dope.Greg really hates the money financial system and is trying to educate people about this country's debt problems and the printing money scam of the fed. half of his posts and guests seem to have gold as the priority of the topic of the day. However, just using another alternative of a worthless mineral is not any solution to the problems of government and civilization. Greg Hunter is worried about the coming bond collapse and how we are all screwed when it comes. People will be dumbfounded when they see their televisions off and jobs gone. many will go to their gold stash and sell their jewlery for an extra month or two of broadcast cable.
Greg Hunter has a youtube podcast and has some interesting guests talking about financial and international matters. he is some investigative reporters who couldn't get a journalist job so he started this thing called USA watchdog. The dud is interesting to watch if you actually care about economic matters than what size Kim Kardashian is this month. however, I have noticed that his program seems to be an advertising outlet for gold. The guy pushes gold more than inner city gangs push dope.Greg really hates the money financial system and is trying to educate people about this country's debt problems and the printing money scam of the fed. half of his posts and guests seem to have gold as the priority of the topic of the day. However, just using another alternative of a worthless mineral is not any solution to the problems of government and civilization. Greg Hunter is worried about the coming bond collapse and how we are all screwed when it comes. People will be dumbfounded when they see their televisions off and jobs gone. many will go to their gold stash and sell their jewlery for an extra month or two of broadcast cable.

How the Blackhawk owners Wirtz family made their money

The Wirtz family made their fortunes selling alcohol to sports fans throughout the years. They basically are like the Al Capone of t hype of the Chicago Black Hawk run that the franchise lost tons of money. Bill Wirtz is now dead, but he was really a fucking piece of shit. I hope this alcohol driven rich family continues to lose money from owning this expensive hockey team. They will not hang on to this franchise for long as making money from fools is what the Wirtz family is all about. rocky Wirtz inherited the Wirtz family fortune and control of the Chicago Black Hawks ..well because he is a Wirtz. That is how private capitalism works these days. Monopolies enable familes to hoard wealth where they can buy sports teams and other ways to corner the free market for themselves and buying the political local leaders you have to in order to help yourself. I am sure that when the expenses pile up for Rocky he will follow the guidelines that his fathers policies were that drove fans nuts. He is after all a Wirtz. This family is not made of geniuses. They basically made money from a drinking drug that is legal and needed for people to be social and enjoy themselves. Both the Wirtz family and the Chicago Blackhawks just suck despite their temporary success. Their fan base is drawn forn onbe white corporate segment of the population and a few racist zombie bandwagon jumpers who are more fans of winners than cruddy hockey. When the Hawks start losing and the Cubs rise these same folks will easily swap red for blue.
This family has owned the Chicago Blackhawks for many years and anybody who gets rich from passing booze to drunks is a disgrace. I recently read that despite the media and city's obsessions with teams only when they win.
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