James Howard Kuntsler has Richard Heinberg and they talk...oil of course
Nothing beats hearing these two guys talk about economic collapse and how hopefully oil will run out. In this podcast Heinberg is promoting his new book Snake oil and Kuntsler is talking about accounting fraud with the American economy. We look forward to reading this snake oil and sure it is the usual straightforward expose of the rotten fuckers that big oil is in this society. Sometimes I don't know whom is more awesome Kuntsler or Heinberg from hearing them all over the Internet or reading their books. This is a rare example of where you can catch two of these great prophets of doomsters talk to one another and compare their knowledge and notes about the economy and how energy relates to the destruction of many economies and businesses. Both of them will talk about the need for society to refurbish itself and move back to walkable communities as driving gets more and more costly for the average Joe and only those that can afford Bently's and Jaguars will be able to keep driving.
Who cares about Miley Cyrus
Parents are in such an uproar. As someone who has no kids nor likes pop music these days talking about this little bitch Miley Cyrus is not mucho important in my daily life. I do love to see social conservatives mad as hell so in that regard I am pleased. In another way though this celebrity worship and desire is exactly what is wrong with this country. So what if this little bimbo wants so desperately the national attention you bastards give to them with their outrageous antics. So what if Miley Cyrus just wants to be another Brittany Spears. Can you blame her when you live in a culture that worships singers instead of female scientists or women who accomplish things everyday on the job. America is on its way to becoming the Roman Empire these conservative exlepitives say yet they support a capitalist system that encourages and financially rewards the popularity that sexual antics like Miley Cyrus is trying so hard to exploit. I don't know what type of awards show this was or how old this daughter aof another elitist singer is but obviously if they think this will sell records they will act in Roman orgy type ways no matter how much you try to stop your kids from watching this. This is the direct result of the free market they so claim to back up and love. All your kids will be acting like Miley Cyruss in one point or another unless they become a celibate nun so get over it. You do want grandchildren?
Mark Zuckerburg wants to connect everyone to his ads
Otto Jansen
Facebook is a ultimate joke and way overblown in discussions about technology. Mark Zuckerburg was on the news the other day saying his ultimate goal was to connect the entire world to the Internet. Basically this is just a PR move to get his name and ugly mug out in the media as he likely noticed Facebook wasn't making much news recently and the most important thing in technology is seeming to stay relevant. Whenever you see news stories or press conferences with stuff like this account and Zuckerburg speaking it is only one reason for it. To get free press coverage and basically free advertising in general in the corporate media. Facebook does not spend much of their budget for things like this especially for television and why would they have to anyway. with such a genius as Mark Zuckerbur when he speaks it becomes a media event. O yea he wants more people on Internet so he can charge more for ads something I am sure he didn't mention in conference.
Facebook is a ultimate joke and way overblown in discussions about technology. Mark Zuckerburg was on the news the other day saying his ultimate goal was to connect the entire world to the Internet. Basically this is just a PR move to get his name and ugly mug out in the media as he likely noticed Facebook wasn't making much news recently and the most important thing in technology is seeming to stay relevant. Whenever you see news stories or press conferences with stuff like this account and Zuckerburg speaking it is only one reason for it. To get free press coverage and basically free advertising in general in the corporate media. Facebook does not spend much of their budget for things like this especially for television and why would they have to anyway. with such a genius as Mark Zuckerbur when he speaks it becomes a media event. O yea he wants more people on Internet so he can charge more for ads something I am sure he didn't mention in conference.
Michael Moss food book well researched
Green Bay running out of streets to name for Packers
Guy Baldwin
Green bay is a pathetic American. I saw a news item that Green Bay is starting to run out of streets to name after their football heroes. They have lambeau,Starr, Nitchskie, and so forth streets named after American heroes of the gridiron. You know these guys really accomplished alot to have city streets named after them from tackling grown men in pajamas to throwing a football a distance into another grown mans arms. Now I know there is not much to look forward to in Green Bay and that all these white Americans care about sports. The football worship and obsession has to be strongest in dull places like Green Bay, but the fact that a place has so many streets named after football players I find fucking appalling. Was tere no war veterans that were killed in action overseas protecting the interests of the elites. Was there no fireman that drowned in the green bay tryng to save a drowning child? Well if there are any in the future they may have a hard time overturning the names of football players on streets and elsewhere in the glorious place that is only known at title town USA. This town sucks ass.
Green bay is a pathetic American. I saw a news item that Green Bay is starting to run out of streets to name after their football heroes. They have lambeau,Starr, Nitchskie, and so forth streets named after American heroes of the gridiron. You know these guys really accomplished alot to have city streets named after them from tackling grown men in pajamas to throwing a football a distance into another grown mans arms. Now I know there is not much to look forward to in Green Bay and that all these white Americans care about sports. The football worship and obsession has to be strongest in dull places like Green Bay, but the fact that a place has so many streets named after football players I find fucking appalling. Was tere no war veterans that were killed in action overseas protecting the interests of the elites. Was there no fireman that drowned in the green bay tryng to save a drowning child? Well if there are any in the future they may have a hard time overturning the names of football players on streets and elsewhere in the glorious place that is only known at title town USA. This town sucks ass.
How much longer does Heffner have??/
Playboy's economic concerns continue and Hugh Hefner does not have much time left on planet
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Playboy recorded another quarterly loss of about fourteen million dollars and how this old mans company continues to survive is a joke. Everything except licensing continues to drop and lose money for this old dweeb and I wonder how much longer he and his company can really keep going. The quicker he exits the entertainment and celebrity scene the better this country will be as this guy is a dickhead. Playboy has brought nothing of innovative worthwhile entertainment since 1955. That is about the time that Hugh Hefnerlooked like he belonged to spend any company with women as these . The image of this geriatric Hefner still acting like a twenty something year old playboy is a total disgrace and embarrassment to men. Playboy will continue to lose money for the rest of Hefner's little life he has left. I really wonder if anyone takes this man or company serious these days. Porn is so easily affordable and available on the Internet it should of made this mans company irrelevant by now. This guy is stuck in the sixties and looks like he is in his nineties. Old gross Hugh Heffner is what is wrong with America and he will be public enemy number four with us at the left Shark and we look forward to the day to read his obituary in the paper. Of course I have been saying that for over ten years on the Internet so i am sure this old fuck is not going anywhere soon and will be paying to muff dive twenty something blonds for another ..yets say five years.
Tunisia political assassinations are just normal
First it was Chokri Belaid. Then right wing Islamic gunmen killed Mohammed Brahmi setting up Tunisia the birthplace of an Arab spring into possible turmoil. If Tunisia becomes another MidEast country with instability no country in the Middle East will ever have stability. What I see happening in the Middle East is the same thing you saw in Latin America has the right wing and left wing battled each other and usually the right prevailed because of our meddling into their affairs. The best thing for Latin America was the United States to stop treating them like a banana republic or if these countries were Puerto Rico or something. These Middle East countries need to sort out their own problems among themselves and battles that needed to be fought during European colonialism may finally take place. If the Islamofacists win then it was meant to be. Fascism has a history in the Middle East and seems to be the best way to control a population that will be entirely fighting a civil war if their leaders never give everyone a shot in society. The notion of a European Nation-state will always be foreign to a people who have lived with tribal customs and kinship ties forever and no amount of American-European capitalism system with a small elite at the top will change things. Arabs are not Chinese or Japanese folks who will sell out their culture and soul to Paris high end fashion clothes and purse makers. Arabs are a strong people who will always be male dominated and not allow tiger women or education be served for gender parity or in most cases female supremacy in society. I hope Arab men continue to be men and fight and hopefully one day will influence the effeminate men of the West that battle,adventure, and conflicts are more entertaining than going to the mall with your trophy girl.
Michael Savage and other right wingers blameObama for bored Oklahoma murders
Michael Savage is another white savage only concerned about black on white crime and this bored teenage trio murderers in Oklahoma have really given these right wingers a new cause. Chris Lane had all the privileges in life in a rich Western country like Australia whose land was stolen and has an abundance of resources. Mr Lane wanted to travel and tried hard living the American lifestyle even coming down to sport of choice. He had a baseball scholarship and has an elitist wanabee world traveler he decided to Major in finance. I don't know what his popi did for a living but it is safe to say his father likely had a leg up in life as well getting his son to study abroad. Well I was listening to this asshole Michael Savage and he seemed so concerned with the color of Mr Lane and the perpetuat rs of this crime. Instead of focusing on the real issues of desperation and impecunious in rural areas in this country that yes may indeed involve boredom to do something incredibly stupid. If these teenagers..native born Americans had the same opportunities that a wealthy white kid from Australia was able to have maybe these crimes would not take place. Assholes like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh don't want to think about factors like this. They blame a black president and then go on the air saying his policies contribute to this hate.Right wing radio hosts don't want to think about the unequal opportunities for certain people born into this country and how are elites make it easy and possible for foreigners to come here and prosper when we have tremendous human capital not being able to given a chance to prosper. When this nation comes to grip with this palpability then these heinous crimes may start to be a less common occurance in rural and urban areas.
Outspoken Beth Murphy needs to shut up
Beth Murphy is a cow. This bar owner of icky Murphy's bleacher is one of the most outspoken critics of Wrigley Field trying to get more modern and into the new century. Ms Murphy has made her fortunes from the luck of the location of her bad bar and she seems to think because she is an immediate neighbor of the Chicago Cubs organization and their old ball park that she can dictate anything into the conversation. Beth Murphy is a nobody and perhaps just a leech who profited from stealing what is a product she put little into inside Wrigley Field.This woman is so nutty she actually believes that no one will come to Wrigley Field without the bars. No one came in the seventies has been her response showing her ignorance and complete misunderstanding how cities have changed and improved. This ugly scarf wearing whale is a typical entitled business owner that got her product for free and put peoples live in jeopardy with steel constructed mini bleachers on a fucking roof of a building built at the turn of the century. The roof top bleachers is just a disaster waiting to happen and I would sue and hold the Chicago Cubs personally responsible for any accidents that could happen. They should of done a better job at putting people like Beth Murphy out of business's for building their own temples and stadiums outside of their ball park to view games.
This woman should feel fortunate enough and be happy just having a bar next to the ballpark instead as with most white people they get greedy for more. Beth Murphy is somebody that should have no voice and if the Chicago Cubs organization had any balls they would move out of this neighborhood and rooftop thief neighborhood. Instead they actually meet with people like Beth Murphy who should be only running a god dam dive bar serving drunks in Cub gear. Eventually one way o0r another these rooftop owners will lose their view as Wrigley Field either moves or expands and gets larger like most baseball stadiums. The whole fact that neighbors could steal a view for themselves shows how old and derelict Wrigley Field is as a Major League ballpark.
Laurence Kotlikoff was seen on bloggingheads TV talking to some guy about Wall Street reform. This black guy gave Laurence a hell of a time arguing every little aspect of Kotlikoff's criticism of Larry Summers being named next head of the Fed. This guy on blogginghead Tv showed Mr Kotlikoff no respect and basically is a defender of Wall Street and its domination of the Federal tresury. Glen Lourey is the host of this particular bloggingheadstv channel and the title of this debate was if Larry Summers was in bed with wall Street. The way Mr Loury disrespected and argued with Kotlikoff it should of been renamed is Mr Loury in bed with Larry Summers. Larry Summers is obviously scum for even being considered for this post as no one rises in world of finance and being the top banker without fucking over the system. The academic Mr Louryhas trust with people in high powerful positions everywhere and it is fools with that trust that allowed the so-called leaders (people with money) to dominate and screw up everything except for people like them.
Cougar Face weighs in on Wisconsin Kenosha casino battle
Casinos are the perfect redistribution plan the white man could ever think of to give justice and money back to Indian people. News comes from near by Kenosha County that Menominee Indians
are desperately trying to install a new casino but it is the Pottawatomie Indians and that scum man Governor Scott Walker putting up the fiercest resistance to these plans. They are worried abut the fact that their casino in Milwaukee would be impacted by the new casino in neighboring Kenosha County. if this project goes through little will effect the casino in Milwaukee and this is all hogwash. The Menominees have has much right to financially improve conditions for their tribe as any other Indian tribe in the state of Wisconsin and what folks like Governor Walker most fear is the spread of new wealth from displaced Indians as we return all over to lands that were long ago lost to the pirates of capitalism.Profits from the 25 Native American casinos approached 600 million and every Wisconsinite is within two hours of a casinos. Obviously the folks at Pottawatomie in Milwaukee are worried about more competition and their casino being pressed to improve services and attractions which may be costly. Good luck to this new casino and I hope it gets built and help more tribes to prosper and keep taking these old white peoples money
Fast food workers finally ride up
Tony Miselli
Fast food corporations and maybe greedy restaurant owners are a little more nervous these days. It appears that finally fast food workers will strike more often and demand a living wage in this country. Unions could really start regaining their strength if the service workers in this country unite and demand fair wages. The reason they are paid so miserably over the years is because they were prevented from forming unions for so long from these food corporations. Restaurant owners have for long been allowed to pay two or three dollars an hour and forcing paying customers to subsidize their employees in form of tips. This policy needs to en and a fifteen minimum dollar an hour wage needs to be installed for all food related workers. Clearly the preparation of food and what you eat is as important as Auto manufacturers job or a plumber. These people can and do out work any pathetic sap on Wall Street but unlike them these workers cannot rig the system and make write in their own incomes like the banking and financial trading industry is allowed to thanks to out corrupt government. The lengths that corporations like McDonald's and Wal Mart have gone to squash the labor movement and opportunities for Americans to earn a better wage is treasonous and clearly a government that is not concerned for all its citizens is to blame for this. If companies cannot provide a decent wage to survive on then they should not be allowed to set up operations and exploit the desperate in our society. Less than ten percent of income generated by fast food conglomerates goes into wages for the millions working and providing a difficult service that even fucking allows these companies to operate. It is so pleasing to see these strikes all over America and lets hope they continue and help rebound the balance of power in this country.
Fast food corporations and maybe greedy restaurant owners are a little more nervous these days. It appears that finally fast food workers will strike more often and demand a living wage in this country. Unions could really start regaining their strength if the service workers in this country unite and demand fair wages. The reason they are paid so miserably over the years is because they were prevented from forming unions for so long from these food corporations. Restaurant owners have for long been allowed to pay two or three dollars an hour and forcing paying customers to subsidize their employees in form of tips. This policy needs to en and a fifteen minimum dollar an hour wage needs to be installed for all food related workers. Clearly the preparation of food and what you eat is as important as Auto manufacturers job or a plumber. These people can and do out work any pathetic sap on Wall Street but unlike them these workers cannot rig the system and make write in their own incomes like the banking and financial trading industry is allowed to thanks to out corrupt government. The lengths that corporations like McDonald's and Wal Mart have gone to squash the labor movement and opportunities for Americans to earn a better wage is treasonous and clearly a government that is not concerned for all its citizens is to blame for this. If companies cannot provide a decent wage to survive on then they should not be allowed to set up operations and exploit the desperate in our society. Less than ten percent of income generated by fast food conglomerates goes into wages for the millions working and providing a difficult service that even fucking allows these companies to operate. It is so pleasing to see these strikes all over America and lets hope they continue and help rebound the balance of power in this country.
Does Paul Teutul Sr care more for his dogs than humanity
If Paul Teutul Sr was not an average bike builder I think he would of been a dog breeder. Paul Teutul Sr like many Americans love animals and in some cases care more for their pets than having taxes raised to help their fellow man. Many wealthy people cry over tax increases because it would cut into their income to buy ore expensive pure breed dogs or show horses. People who collect animals and put them in captivity clearly have issues and problems and Paul Teutul Sr clearly is in this category. He has built an empire of zoo barn yard animals on his property. Senior has all sorts of animals in his palace as a tribute more to him than real concern for the welfare for the animal. he has goats,Bufdfalo,lambs,ponies,donkeys and even a fucking Yak. A Yak. This would be OK if his primary occupation was a farmer instead of a bike manufacturer but in reality what Paul Sr does is just a small segment of what all rich people do across this nation. In order to have more and avoid taxes they come up with all sorts of charities or petting zoos in order to have their money spent elsewhere than on national welfare socialist policies that Europe is known. Some people would rather have animals than a great government program that aids the less fortunate than business owners like Paul Teutul Sr.
Bears in Colorado on the prowl
The encroaching of bears in human settlements in recent weeks clearly show the destruction of black bears habitats in Colorado is reaching a boiling point. The affects of suburbanization and the spreading out of the human population in need for more big homes and roads as infiltrated many habitats of big mammals in this state. I happen to notice a couple of news items in recent weeks that clearly blazon this fact of destruction of the black bear forest habitat. One hungry bear was caught on tape trying desperately to take a dumpster back to his den smelling the amount of wasted food this corporate chain eatery likely wastes everyday. This is a very amusing video and shows the attempts bears will go to for a free meal.
Baxter pointed out a few weeks back about another desperate bear that didn't care where it was going and scrounging for food or drink. Another black bear wandered into a bar until he realized he didn't belong or there was nothing available. This story was incredible in that people were still in the bar and did not even see their furry stranger. these stories didn't say in the media at the time that the likely reasons why these bears are wandering is that their habitat is being destroyed in a daily basis and crush of sprawl that Colorado has experienced in the past few years. No word of the sprawl that is making bears crawl to business backdoor and alleys made the news.
Fuck Face Bob Filner just another perverted Californian politician
Alex Mousoulpolous
Bob Filner is this disgusting old man that used politics and power to attempt to get away treating women like dirt. If this guy was a janitor or window washer I am sure the old pervert would never attempt to do the things he did to women who worked under him. This sixtysomething year old grayheaded old white man would grope females who had to work under him. One of the reasons men get into politics is to get into positions where they can financially benefit themselves to have better access to more desirable women. Apparently this was not enough and this mayor of San Diego felt entitled to touch and stick his tongue down the throat to any woman he felt comfortable enough around the offices. This man was the mayor of a major American city and I think that is what is the funniest thing about this story.
Then the guy in all practical purposes of complete arrogance has been fighting these calls to push his ass out of his lucrative cushy public servant job. This guy has just now resigned and blamed a lynch mob mentality for his resignation. No He should put the blame to his groping entitlement mentality as an elected leader in America who thinks he can do anything he wants. This guy should be pushing carts at Wal mart and may be now that he is gone.
Bob Filner is this disgusting old man that used politics and power to attempt to get away treating women like dirt. If this guy was a janitor or window washer I am sure the old pervert would never attempt to do the things he did to women who worked under him. This sixtysomething year old grayheaded old white man would grope females who had to work under him. One of the reasons men get into politics is to get into positions where they can financially benefit themselves to have better access to more desirable women. Apparently this was not enough and this mayor of San Diego felt entitled to touch and stick his tongue down the throat to any woman he felt comfortable enough around the offices. This man was the mayor of a major American city and I think that is what is the funniest thing about this story.
Scumbag Houston Rocket player Terrence Jones kicks a homeless white guy
Guy Baldwin
Terrence Jones was walking with his crew after a night of heavy drinking. The very big Black baller was showing his swag but not getting any from the opposite sex and was leaving with his entourage. He was sexually frustrated and pissed the bitches didn't give him more attention despite the fact he clearly pointed out he was an NBA ballplayer. The scumbag was leaving for the train or limo when he saw a homeless guy living on the street because corporations are not hiring many people these days. Could it be because they are helping subsidize NBA commercials. Likely. But Terrence was living the highlife thanks to this pathetic economy that pays sports gamers so much money. Terrence still wasn't feeling like a man and decided to kick this poor homeless man in the balls as a joke to his paid entourage. He did a bad white boy stomp and it will cost his stupid ass some dough and possibly a backup NBA career. Luckily, a cop was racial profiling this large group of assholes and saw this NBA player kick the homele3ss guy. he called for backup and tackled the son of a bitch millionaire back up NBA player who maybe plays four minutes a game. With the bad publicity this incident caused hopefully the prick will play 0 minutes in the NBA next year. If the cop had not witnessed this incident clearly the homeless guy would never of brought about a case in yet another attack in a nation that worships NBA athletes and allows homeless on our city streets. As far as the coward fuckhead shithead Terrence Jones, I hope the NBA kicks out this black guy and blacklists him from ever wearing an NBA uniform.
Rise of the Warrior Cop and the swat harrasment of America
Troy York.
Rise of the warrior cop is an interesting book about the police state we find ourselves into today. This process of the militarization of the police force is brilliantly explained in this masterpiece by Radly Balko . The book gives a brief history of the formation of the police force about 1840 in America and then goes into detail the key landmarks and court decisions from the past forty years that have expanded the police power in this nation. We have a police force that resembles a mix of Middle East dictatorship and the white guys from the star wars movies.
This book will give protesters a more in depth analysis of what they will face as police have turned to tough practices to protect the upper elements in society and their institutions. Radly details key moments in history that allowed SWAT teams basically to bust into peoples homes or parties if they even suspect an ounce of marijuana may lay in wait. He shows how the drug war and these raids help fund the military machine from all sorts of police departments across the nation from large cities to local municipalities. The militarization of the police force is a key cultural shift that we need to have exposed in order to perserve our liberties that these mini-armies threaten all over the land. Hopefully more books like this one comes out.
Rise of the warrior cop is an interesting book about the police state we find ourselves into today. This process of the militarization of the police force is brilliantly explained in this masterpiece by Radly Balko . The book gives a brief history of the formation of the police force about 1840 in America and then goes into detail the key landmarks and court decisions from the past forty years that have expanded the police power in this nation. We have a police force that resembles a mix of Middle East dictatorship and the white guys from the star wars movies.
Les Leopold and Helanie Olen featured on this favorite podcast
This is one of the better pod casts with two of our favorite writers for the people. We have read both books and both authors are heavy in our bookshelf at the left shark offices in Chicago. To learn more about these two writers listen to this podcast and enjoy the wisdom of two of the premier writers out there about the economy and screw job the few at the top are committing against this nation.
Helaine Olen
In Pound Foolish, journalist Helaine Olen exposes the hype and hokum the personal finance industry has perpetuated. She shows that while most Americans believe their financial fate is in their own hands, the deck has been stacked against them.
Olen writes the blog Where Life Meets Money on She was the former writer of the Money Makeover feature in The LA Times and has also written for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, BusinessWeek, and, among others.
Les Leopold
How do they do that? Where does all that money come from? It turns out much of the wealth sloshing around at the tippy top has actually come from the 99.9 percent below.
Les Leopold’s new book, How To Make A Million Dollars An Hour, reveals the links between the obscene levels of wealth made by hedge fund managers and such financial crises as the European sovereign debt crisis and the mortgage meltdown. He shows how hedge funds bet against investors and won, beggaring people, school districts, unions and municipal governments — all so some people can pull down millions of dollars per hour.
Leopold’s last book was the acclaimed LOOTING OF AMERICA. He’s executive director of the Labor Institute and Public Health Institute in New York and also writes for AlterNet.
Ned talks about a couple of jump games and jump in general
Jump games are pretty simple and fit the mobile gaming platform really good and there are some games that are better than others. Some games are worth your time and day and can be challenging and fun at the same time. Most jump games suck and are not worth your time to download and try. i will talk about a couple now. First of all lets talk Space Jump. This exciting simple jump game is cute and perhaps the best jump game thus far. You are a space man/alien that is traveling through space and jumping up different platforms. You can find exciting options that will get you higher faster and this game has some unique challengers trying to make you fall into the deep space canyons of the universe. A very fun jump game.
Panda Jump is at the extreme opposite end of this space jump.
Is it a plant or a sea worm
Gus Perkowski
The Green spoon worm is found hidden in coral rocks of Australia and if you were a creature that looked like this you too would try to hide from the rest of the world. This is one of the weirdest bugs I have ever seen and technically it is not a worm or bug. The amazing thing about this thing is the female is like 200 000 times bigger than the male. the male green worm spends entire life in the females sexual chambers cleaning and fertilizing her eggs for hatching. A pretty dull life when one considers it and I imagine this evolutionary process is one of the strangest ones you will find in the ecosystem. I just wonder if this thing is a delicacy in Asian restaurants.
Milwaukee bar owner blasts robbers
Baxter Lomax
This news made me proud of my profession. news out of Milwaukee is that a bar owner shot one of three would be robbers who rushed into his dive scary shithole and attempted to rob the customers and the owner one night last week.
I have been in Milwaukee and briefly worked there at a shithole bar like this. Milwaukee is a scary town that like Indianapolis is getting worse by the day. I was pleased to hear that charges will not be filed against Mr Kochanski for wasting one of these street thugs and I am always packed whenever I have a work shift at the Itasca Inn. of course my bar is in a much better neighborhood that the Concertina beer hall on 37th street in Milwaukee. People who rush a bar like this have got to be cracked out of their mind not to think the owner or somebody drinking will not be packing. Criminals are getting desperate in hoods across America as the options of retail theft and robbery become more difficult and limited and really how much money did they think they were going to get from this place. to all the bar owners and bartenders in scuzzy neighborhoods I say be careful and start packing.
This news made me proud of my profession. news out of Milwaukee is that a bar owner shot one of three would be robbers who rushed into his dive scary shithole and attempted to rob the customers and the owner one night last week.

Noble Knights went extinct thanks to the Chicago gaylords
Cicero's Noble Knights gang found out you don't mess with the Gaylords
Alex Mousoulopolous
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There was this bad ass greaser gang in Cicero called the Noble Street Knights. In the seventies a Gaylord named Psycho was in a burger joint in Cicero when he bumped into one of these punks. This Noble Knight knew Karate and put Psycho under in a coma that he never woke from again. The Gaylords were pissed that this White gang with no history with the Gaylords would off one of their own in a senseless murder such as this. The Gaylords invaded Cicero and put many Noble Knights to the hospital with knife wounds in retaliation for what happened to one of their own. The Noble Knights didn't know what hit them and the fury of bloody revenge the Gaylords showed to them was unforgiven. The gaylords kicked and smoked this White greaser gang away. Thay totally paid the price for the actions of one overzealous member that used his karate expertise to kill a Gaylord teenager. The Noble Knights were never the same after these attacks from the Gaylords and slowly faded away
Jared should be Indian

Any Subway sandwich shop I go to these days are run by Indians and makes me wonder why their spokesperson is this goofy White guy. Just like how Dunkin Donuts failed to show the real ownership with their long lasting company spokesman some years back, Subway does a disservice when the vast majority of ownership is not ever shown in their promotions. I have yet to see a Subway since 1995 that was not owned or run by Hindu Indians. Jared is a joke and I want to see a Indian doing Dunkin donuts, 7 11, or Subway commercials to show the real diversity ..or lack of that these companies have operating their respective franchises. Counties inundated with franchises like these instead of independent family businesses are a big urban and suburban problem of corruption I believe and one of the primary causes of food deserts. The Indian and Arab could care less what they sell to inner city residents and are primarily concerned about profits over health. Likewise the proliferation of cigarette stores in ageing suburbs is another problem that can be traced to the Indian immigrants that monopolize 7 11 stores in an area making it unsuitable for competition in the small market or deli business. Indians have done their part very well in making the suburbs a very lame looking environment without connivance store or donut competition. You can thank corporate assholes like Jared for that.
Egypt on the brink of anarchy
Ali Muhammed
I have been predicting for years that Egypt will see complete chaos like Yugoslavia and Syria after it as the country is headed for complete disaster. America is not far behind and it will be obvious all this spending on military equipment and weapons of war will eventually destroy both civilizations. Egypt will be first and over six hundred Islamic protesters were massacred the other day by the US backed and equipped military dictatorship. This is the same military leadership type rule America and Israel has used to suppress Islamic movements in Egypt over the years. The American war on Islam is now progressing at a faster rate and just like the American Indians this is a war they plan on for hundreds of years to whipe out a competing force to their capitalist agroextraction type lifestyle. The only thing standing in the way of Western elites are these Islamic movments athat are just as economically based as it is relgiously based in their opposition. Egypt may be another country split in two as the Israelie and zionist forces in America seek to make a secular or christian country next to Israel pushing the Muslims South. it wouldn't be shocking as we have seen the same forces create another country carved out of Islamic Sudan into a state away from islamic control. The Muslim brotherhood needs to start the war and indeed there are encouraging signs. Twenty four policmen of the military were gunned down in the Sinia and I fully expect the whole house of Egypy exploding as Muslim freedom fighters fight for democratically elected leader to return to power.
I have been predicting for years that Egypt will see complete chaos like Yugoslavia and Syria after it as the country is headed for complete disaster. America is not far behind and it will be obvious all this spending on military equipment and weapons of war will eventually destroy both civilizations. Egypt will be first and over six hundred Islamic protesters were massacred the other day by the US backed and equipped military dictatorship. This is the same military leadership type rule America and Israel has used to suppress Islamic movements in Egypt over the years. The American war on Islam is now progressing at a faster rate and just like the American Indians this is a war they plan on for hundreds of years to whipe out a competing force to their capitalist agroextraction type lifestyle. The only thing standing in the way of Western elites are these Islamic movments athat are just as economically based as it is relgiously based in their opposition. Egypt may be another country split in two as the Israelie and zionist forces in America seek to make a secular or christian country next to Israel pushing the Muslims South. it wouldn't be shocking as we have seen the same forces create another country carved out of Islamic Sudan into a state away from islamic control. The Muslim brotherhood needs to start the war and indeed there are encouraging signs. Twenty four policmen of the military were gunned down in the Sinia and I fully expect the whole house of Egypy exploding as Muslim freedom fighters fight for democratically elected leader to return to power.
American nightmare the story of Jim Crow
Cougar Face
American nightmare is a complete look at how Jim Crow laws rose in the South and the framework that the states used to make this awful institution legal all over the old confederate South. Jerrold Packard makes a complete recollection of segregation in American society from the first months of slaves being shipped to Virgina for the first time to the eventual defeat of this racist practice that spanned generations and limited economic opportunities for a people that build up much of this nation. This book gave me more knowledge at how officials in local areas changed or created rules and laws to limit black votes and how this sinister synergy spread like a cancer to other Southern communities who borrowed the same tactics.
The book describes the leaders and events that help bring down this stubborn installed system white Southerners used to monopolize all of the wealth in the region into a few pale hands and families.This book mainly focuses on segregation in the South and mentions little of segregation in the North that existed as well. I was also disappointed the bok didn't mention the segregation of Native American communities in parts of the South where the community still existed side by side with the blacks and whites. Aside from that this is a highly recommended book for those who don't understand the racism and struggles former slaves still had to endure many years after the civil war ended.
American nightmare is a complete look at how Jim Crow laws rose in the South and the framework that the states used to make this awful institution legal all over the old confederate South. Jerrold Packard makes a complete recollection of segregation in American society from the first months of slaves being shipped to Virgina for the first time to the eventual defeat of this racist practice that spanned generations and limited economic opportunities for a people that build up much of this nation. This book gave me more knowledge at how officials in local areas changed or created rules and laws to limit black votes and how this sinister synergy spread like a cancer to other Southern communities who borrowed the same tactics.
August Busch was an idiot and typical inherited American business non-sucess story

August Busch the Fourth was not well liked by daddy and may of been the reason he refused to buy Modelo and branch out in the international market. The third did not like his work ethic and how he spent the company's money on booze,parties, and women. He served about two decades in the family brewing business and had nothing to show for his effort except coming up with the Budweiser frogs. That was like so many moons ago and he also came up with the less clever and much more annoying Wassssssup campaign. That is about all that August Busch ever really did for the
family business. When it came for a chance to get rid of the business August Busch was more than willing to sell to an international company that was thrifty and not going to run the Anheuser-Busch business to the ground that his shit fuck son would of undoubtedly have done. Its good to see this company owned by foreign interests and no longer by American globalist family that battled each other and that did nothing but run another company down the toilet in their greedy habits. The Busch family didn't deserve their name on what was a large American iconic brand of beer.

Cowbirds a rotten species
Cracker Polly
Cowbirds are another type of bird species that plants its eggs in other birds nests and then expects their chicks to be raised for free. This bird looks like a crow but acts nastier. The bird also intimidates birds to raise their chicks buy checking in on the nest it laid its eggs and making sure the birds show priority to the bigger cow chick bird. This is a nasty and ugly bird that nature somehow evolved making it totally dependent on other species for its own survival. It has a brown head and a black body and a temper unlike any other creature with feathers.This bird would be nothing if not for the will and hard work of the foster birds that unwillingly raising these stocky son of a bitches eggs at the expense of their own hatchlings.
These birds also just hang around snacking off cows hence tha name of thge species. Needless to say other birds of a different feather will not flock with birds that hang around malodorous mammals all day. I am just glad parakeets are spared from being around this bird and having a cage protect their nest from being infested with cowbird hatchlings to raise.
Cowbirds are another type of bird species that plants its eggs in other birds nests and then expects their chicks to be raised for free. This bird looks like a crow but acts nastier. The bird also intimidates birds to raise their chicks buy checking in on the nest it laid its eggs and making sure the birds show priority to the bigger cow chick bird. This is a nasty and ugly bird that nature somehow evolved making it totally dependent on other species for its own survival. It has a brown head and a black body and a temper unlike any other creature with feathers.This bird would be nothing if not for the will and hard work of the foster birds that unwillingly raising these stocky son of a bitches eggs at the expense of their own hatchlings.

The cocksucking of Ross Walsh

Some many months ago Ross Walsh went to an Iowa college football game. he thought it would just be another ordinary football game in the autumn as many Iowans have little else to do. he had followed the routine before and going to Iowa football games was starting to be a drag. There was nothing special,but on this day Ross would never forget this Saturda
y in the fall. Somewhere else in the stadium there was a attractive married blond named Lois Feldman. She had a little too much to drink and was getting a bit tipsy. She didn't care for these games and only went to please her husband. She was a house wife and mother and her husband ruled the house and paid the bills. Lois decided to go to the ladies room to powder her nose and tinkle some of her many .drinks that afternoon. Lois Feldman walked into the men's bathroom and met Mr Walsh. She decided to perform a sex oral job show in a stall that would of maid Seka blush. Men who normally would of been in the stands cheering the yellow and black of the hawk eyes were cheering the beagle face and beak nose of Ross Walsh. He had the best hand and blow job in his fucking life before security came and ended the show and arrested the two strangers having bathroom sex. how the hell this dork got this woman to do that in a two minute encounter nobody will ever know but it will go down in Iowa lore.

Boring baseball goes with instant replay
Guy Baldwin
Baseball is the ultimate corporate game with the vast majority of tickets bought up by corporate interests to pass on to others. This game draws well in a select few regions of America but ultimately its demise will occur because of the popularity of the football games especially when people wake up from the booze and really watch the game. baseball announced that it will be having instant replay which will be another long delay of finishing this sport. Baseball is starting to resemble the longness of cricket and soon it will fail the same way cricket failed to catch on a century ago. Instant replay for close actions can occur frequently in this game and what is the reason for having umpires if their judgement cannot be trusted. This game is so dull and when the old gray heads following the game die this sport will die. They may keep trying to install the traditions to the next generation but ultimely there will be a financial doom for this sport in a country that is becoming more diverse yet the fan base stays one color. What the boomers don't realize is today's youth don't have time to watch games as they are too occupied with living life than watching men in pajamas decide if somebody touched home plate.
Baseball is the ultimate corporate game with the vast majority of tickets bought up by corporate interests to pass on to others. This game draws well in a select few regions of America but ultimately its demise will occur because of the popularity of the football games especially when people wake up from the booze and really watch the game. baseball announced that it will be having instant replay which will be another long delay of finishing this sport. Baseball is starting to resemble the longness of cricket and soon it will fail the same way cricket failed to catch on a century ago. Instant replay for close actions can occur frequently in this game and what is the reason for having umpires if their judgement cannot be trusted. This game is so dull and when the old gray heads following the game die this sport will die. They may keep trying to install the traditions to the next generation but ultimely there will be a financial doom for this sport in a country that is becoming more diverse yet the fan base stays one color. What the boomers don't realize is today's youth don't have time to watch games as they are too occupied with living life than watching men in pajamas decide if somebody touched home plate.
Judd Hirsch was to ugly for television

Ned Baily
Taxi is one of my favorite shows yet again it has some characters that brought it down. There was some reason Judd Hirsch always got top billing for this show and what is was for I can only guess. He seemed to be the central character and I don't really know why. Maybe they wanted to make the TV program somewhat realistic finding a filthy actor that could pass as a real taxi driver. This guy and his frequent trips to the coffee machine gulping coffee down on the show made me ill. This guy offered nothing to Taxi and Alex was an overly used character. he should of been replaced following season one much like the character John was never rightfully seen again. Judd Hirsch was to ugly even to be on the set as a prop man for the television program Taxi. Sometimes make that every time I opp in an old DVD and watch a taxi episode I wonder what the hell is this dick head doing on this classic program. This was another seventies TV program where the pay phoe was frequently featured and used. This use to be an object on the wall that was a phone and you had to put coins in to make a phone call for all of you who don't know. Judd Hirsch would be on all five seasons of Taxi and I bet if the show went eleven seasons like Cheers his mug would be in all eleven seasons. Well I am watching season one again so you will see quit a few taxi posts and observations coming up to give you a warning.
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