Mike Ditka is an old man and usually old men who have been rewarded through corporate practices of financially throwing money in the sports industrial complex want little change. This is a man whose only claim to fame if from being a loud jerk and a football coach for a number of years. A man who proudly recalled how he beat the shit out of his brother for dropping a fly ball in a game he was pitching. Mike Ditka is a sociopath psychotic deranged old geezers and his defense of Daniel Snydors insistence of insulting Native peole with the nickname redskins was shameful. Last week Mike Ditka said it is an honor and respect of naming Indians. If Indians were ever in a position to own multi billion sports franchises and industries maybe they could repay guys like Ditka and name the team the Custers some day.
Rick Morrissey wrote a great article on-line and in the paper about the intolerance of the redskin name and how ignorant Ditka was even getting involved and blaming liberals for wanting to change this precious name. Ditka says that it has been the name since they were founded and just that fact should never have it forced upon them for change. Morrissey brought up the point that Mike likely would never travel to the Dakotas and call out the term redskin to anyone he encountered. Mike Ditka is a dummy but not this much and the reason he wouldn't use the term redskin in the face of an Native American is that he dam well knows it is a racial derogatory term not unlike calling others repulsive racist terms reserved for black comedians. Ditka personally would only used the term in making idiotically laced interviews on lame Redskin fan podcasts as he did this past week.
I'm sure if he did use the term redskin in the face of a strong, young Native American Mike would get a tomahawk chop to his seventy four year old neck making his skull numb like the numbskull coach Ditka is showing the world he is. No doubt corporate money over the years is getting this fuck Mike Ditka more outspoken as he worries about politicians like Barack Obama changing things he finds precious and we all know this includes keeping a racist vile nickname in place in our nations capital. R
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