Christmas is a season that worships consumption and the obsession of playing children And the child-like adults in this culture. As a secularist, I cant say I am very disappointed that a shitty federal Religious holiday has been overtaken by other malformed forces in society. In is modern age with the techno luxuries that come with it opens the door to the spoliation of youth into product and toy demanding nauseous urchins whose love can only be bought off like a freaking politician. With this in mind I just wonder if Eddie Munster of the Munsters received another Wolfie doll. Eddie Munster was a annoying child character in that classic minster television program called the Munsters. I hated this character that added little to the two seasons the Munsters were on broadcast television.
Aside from a few school settings there was really no reason for a young Eddie Munster type character. I would of preferred maybe a daughter or twins where one was a the beloved and preferred creature-like than the other normal Marilyn daughter. There was just something odd about the age gap and the choice of Marilyn being there but not actually a daughter. About the only bright concept of the Eddie Munster monster- type son character was his beloved love of a wolfie doll. This type of doll just fits perfectly for a obsessive toy for this character. I just wonder if Eddie or any other boy monsters received a doll this Christmas. They could of improved the character by giving Eddie a hipster type beard that was part of one or two episodes where little Eddie had a hip beard. This I think would of really made the character more interesting and fit better this awesome cool show that should of been on as long as some of the stupid crap like the Simpsons that are somewhat inconceivably allowed to remain on television for years.
Marlene Garcia illustrate the demise of taxi drivers
Terry Blue
Taxi drivers complaining about Uber and that their profits are down fifty percent were given a platform again in the media. Chicago Sun Times columnist Marlene Garcia had a column on taxis and ow their earn Gs are down so much as I pared to a few years back during their monopolistic regime. Before Uber and Lyft came along passengers needing a ride were restricted to a few crony Italian cab companies whose contributions to political campaigns far outweighed their investments into improving the passenger experience and industry.
Marlene Garcia did admit that the rise of application based competitors are much better for the customer. These foreign taxi drivers make me laugh now that they complain about the new involvement of rich men into their monopoly and they thought little about the old system and bringing in these fools from Sudan and Afghanarabstan wrecked havoc on the traditional American taxi drivers who were pushed out of the taxi market. Boo hoo for Akkoc Tekin and his sore back. Marlene points out the struggles of this Turkey from Turkey whose earnings have dropped but are still five times higher than what the jerk can earn in downtown Istanbul. Business is very very slow as this article points out but refuses to indulge into the reason for crappie rude service for generations that these unassimilated drivers and their low class hygienic habits and risky driving methods have rightfully earned an established and ostensible reputation.

Thomas Piketty gets it with his book Capital
Alex Mousoloplous
Thomas Piketty has a seven hundred page book criticizing capitalism and this has many it he business press humiliated and angry as it became a best seller and was the talk of educated masses for the past year. His meticulous examination of the evidence and how it takes capital to create capital leaving power concentrated in the same families and hands through generations. The book is covered with graphs and charts illustrating the dips and rates of income throughout societies and how the wealthy always seem to preserve their wealth through generations regardless of the sudden impact of depressions and major wars. Piketty also looks at how colonial powers were able to offshore capital ownership for years building capital as land and resources became scarce at home and other land was available with weak natives to exploit and build an tear national portfolio of more capital for European powers. Piketty basically says the only reason the European states from England to the Dutch to Portugal became powerful was because of this resource extraction from other peoples lands. As control of this capital became more expensive and costly to maintain armies to subdue the effective profits and benefits were exorbitantly reduced.
This inherited wealth and current unequal distribution of income and wealth reverbs to this day throughout the world and this book by Piketty ants to explore this phenomena of continued inequality among nations. Thomas goes through technological advances and the narrow flow of income and asset valuation into urban areas while at the same time creating a devaluization of agricultural lands and rural wealth as an elaborate plan of this new swing towards increased inequality in the world. This theme I wished was a bit more explored by this great French economist and maybe his future work will Analyze this fact that the world elites and oligarchs have helped contribute and pro one with their venture capital. These capitalist vultures want the power to control what areas receive I vestment and what projects these investments will park their money and they want this to be in areas where most will be crowded out and not be allowed to drive thru. The result is more cheap corn syrup for obese people in automobile and truck areas on the periphery of elite cities while the rich get their Manhattan, Paris and London's free of the middle class outside of tourist spending consumption idiots. Piketty points out the importance of central banks to the crisis of 2008 avoided a worse depression than 1929 but failed to address the structural problems of financial transparency of globalization and the rise of inequality with targeted job destruction and creation in America. Thomas correctly reminds the reader that as awful as the Great Depression was it did enact serious reform and radical changes of tax structures and necessary government spending toad the masses.
The great Piketty also demonstrates the possibility that elite educational institutions do their best to keep massive inequality as the high cost of attending Ivy League and other institutions is a barrier to many and the legacy advantage to children of graduates from school give an unfair advantage to children of the advantaged. Admission decisions are often made from the dependency of these u universities to the donations of rich donors and graduates of these schools who often use their obscene financial domination to help get unqualified family members in these "prestigious" palaces of higher education. What really makes these places prestigious is just that any of the past graduates have established higher incomes through generations through this process of selection for membership to upper echelon of government and business. There is absolutely no transparency to these selection process to places like Harvard and Yale.
Portrayal of Disney legends as terrorists and kidnap victims just wrong man
Arnold Buckley
The website Jezebel not too long ago illustrated ow a pro-Israeli group was using Disney characters I. Their public relations campaign against Hamas. This group used Aladdin cartoon icons as princess Yasmine and Aladdin himself as bloodthirsty terrorists in a totally racist campaign. It showed the characters as holding other famous Disney characters as hostages from Snow White to Cinderella and as Mark Shrayber writes was horrified to receive this in is email box.
This was back during the height of their last war and this so called artwork is a example of warped propaganda that the internet is becoming more and more of a political arena . It was just plain wrong to portray these wonderful Disney characters as somewhat sinister primarily because of their ethnic origin man. These comics portray Palestinians or those supportive of the land claim causes of this poverty-stricken group as monsters who want to kidnap family's and women to fund their diabolical causes. Of course the fact that these causes of land abuse are legitimate is besides the case that this Israeli group will never comprehend. Good article from Jezebel and the lawyers from Disney need to be on top of this one right away man.
George Will an old geek
Andy Cruz
George Will is another conservative that has used the Eric Garner death to decry the overabundant taxes on great products such as cigarettes. This old man says that a police nanny state was responsible for the death of Eric Garner and I wonder if he should think all crimes should go unpunished. Maybe if the possibility of shoplifters lives can be ended with an arrest attempt then maybe it is over-policing that consists of punishing this crime. Eric Garner was taking sales of this awful product with his cheaper prices and cigarettes are a large source of tax revenue for municipalities. The number of offenses that Eric Garner had amassed for this same violation was staggering and I wonder if the same individual had repeatedly taken stuff from George Will's four car garage in the same span if he would have the same feelings of overcriminialzation. If anything government should of banned this poisonous product years ago that puts incredible costs to our health care system and no other product with all the deadly chemicals and addicted behavioral producing products would ever be allowed on the market now days. Perhaps this is what is unsettling to conservative nuts like George Will as they desperately seek new ways of attacking rightful regulations of destructive products they want on the market.
George says cigarettes are over expensive in this progressive state of new York but I wonder if one can make the same excuse about expensive purses and Jeans. Why don't we just allow men like Eric Garner to make smash and grabs and be allowed to sell jeans cheaper on the black market. Taking a death o0f Eric Garner which is a rare incident and then using it to complain about the nanny state is a lame tactic. It should come as no surprise that a lame old man like George Will would use this to some talking point and I wonder where a George Will would draw the line on what constitutes a crime or not. Apparently if it is a crime that somehow can be used against the powers of what the geek perceives as big government he will say it is an excessive crime and caused by over regulation of products.
George Will is another conservative that has used the Eric Garner death to decry the overabundant taxes on great products such as cigarettes. This old man says that a police nanny state was responsible for the death of Eric Garner and I wonder if he should think all crimes should go unpunished. Maybe if the possibility of shoplifters lives can be ended with an arrest attempt then maybe it is over-policing that consists of punishing this crime. Eric Garner was taking sales of this awful product with his cheaper prices and cigarettes are a large source of tax revenue for municipalities. The number of offenses that Eric Garner had amassed for this same violation was staggering and I wonder if the same individual had repeatedly taken stuff from George Will's four car garage in the same span if he would have the same feelings of overcriminialzation. If anything government should of banned this poisonous product years ago that puts incredible costs to our health care system and no other product with all the deadly chemicals and addicted behavioral producing products would ever be allowed on the market now days. Perhaps this is what is unsettling to conservative nuts like George Will as they desperately seek new ways of attacking rightful regulations of destructive products they want on the market.
George says cigarettes are over expensive in this progressive state of new York but I wonder if one can make the same excuse about expensive purses and Jeans. Why don't we just allow men like Eric Garner to make smash and grabs and be allowed to sell jeans cheaper on the black market. Taking a death o0f Eric Garner which is a rare incident and then using it to complain about the nanny state is a lame tactic. It should come as no surprise that a lame old man like George Will would use this to some talking point and I wonder where a George Will would draw the line on what constitutes a crime or not. Apparently if it is a crime that somehow can be used against the powers of what the geek perceives as big government he will say it is an excessive crime and caused by over regulation of products.
In the Dominican Republic if your a baseball player you are free to go
Guy Baldwin
There is more and more evidence that star athletes have a double standard when it comes to the criminal justice system. perhaps this is most evident in third world Latino countries and especially those in the Caribbean. Chicago Cubs baseball player Starlin Castro keeps getting himself involved in bar shootings yet somehow the guy keeps getting let off after a nightclub shooting injured six peope and his entourage was involved
. Earlier in the month Castro and another Dominican baseball player prospect was in a SUV when a car pulled over and started shooting at them. Starlin Castro also had several rape allegations somehow mysteriously drop against him over the past few months and clearly the officials over in the Dominican Republic just cant wait until baseball season starts up again and this bozo goes to the States. There is such a growing double standard for wealthy baseball players and other athletes in this growing world of inequality and it is because of this many Latino players feel the need to arm themselves as they return to a land where there is tremendous wealth gap and criminals know of their extravagant salaries to play ball. Evidently the authorities are fans of stupid old beisbol and seem to keep clearing this Chicago Cub player everytime he gets into another precarious situation which is predicament of his personality.
There is more and more evidence that star athletes have a double standard when it comes to the criminal justice system. perhaps this is most evident in third world Latino countries and especially those in the Caribbean. Chicago Cubs baseball player Starlin Castro keeps getting himself involved in bar shootings yet somehow the guy keeps getting let off after a nightclub shooting injured six peope and his entourage was involved
. Earlier in the month Castro and another Dominican baseball player prospect was in a SUV when a car pulled over and started shooting at them. Starlin Castro also had several rape allegations somehow mysteriously drop against him over the past few months and clearly the officials over in the Dominican Republic just cant wait until baseball season starts up again and this bozo goes to the States. There is such a growing double standard for wealthy baseball players and other athletes in this growing world of inequality and it is because of this many Latino players feel the need to arm themselves as they return to a land where there is tremendous wealth gap and criminals know of their extravagant salaries to play ball. Evidently the authorities are fans of stupid old beisbol and seem to keep clearing this Chicago Cub player everytime he gets into another precarious situation which is predicament of his personality.
Elisa Lam's death baffles many including our Lee Park Kong
Lee Park Kong
The mystery of Elisa Lam's death and nod being found in a water tank has developed much speculation and discussion through the net. Elisa was a Vancouver tourist and blogger that for some reason decided to go to Los Angeles and stayed at a real seedy motel known for its strange occurrences over the years. The motel has been home to two of Los Angeles infamous serial killers and one the nights talker did die within a month of Elisa Lam's mysterious death. Elisa was seen on the elevator camera talking or hiding from something in the moments before she disappeared and no be was seen in either the hallway camera or the elevator cameras at the same time. She was reaching out like she was either possessed,on drugs, or lost in another dimension and ow exactly she got to the roof with the numerous alarms and locks.
The water tank cover also had to be extremely difficult for a one hundred pound woman to lift open enough to crawl through so how she got through to it is also baffling to investigators who still don't know if her death was a homicide or suicide. The way Elisa was discovered also also as strange as her actions on her last known day. The water in the hotel where most of the people were transient renters was becoming more and more murkier and disgusting looking. Some noticed a foul taste and many people complained for days to management of this crummy flophouse hotel before they finally sent an inspector up there to check it out. He looked down and saw some brown murk and upon further examination he discover it was a body.
Was Elisa driven to her death by the spirits of Richard Ramirez known satanist as some Internet folks speculate. Strange mist can be seen at times in this elevator video images of Elisa in this video and this seems a possibility. Of course this woman like so many was also bi polar and maybe she used her intelligence to end her life portraying one of her favorite movies in Asia that involved a similar fate for the lead role. There still are no real answers close to two years after her death.
Neil De Grasee Tyson astonished
Cecil Brewster
The trolling of Christmas and the fairy ale of Jesus Christ was successfully accomplished by one Mr Neil De Grasse Tyson the other day as he tweeted the importance of this date for one sir Isaac Newton. Issac Newton really did accomplish something and was a real person as opposed to the fore mentioned individual whose existence is about as proven as Santa Clause the man who stole his birthday holiday.
Neil's important tweet was Re tweeted twenty thousand times need caused much uproar through the media and through social media channels. Religious conservatives have long held this man in contempt for questing silly Religious dogma and explaining the necessity of factual based discussions on the formation of the universe not some old book created in n era when 97 percent of the population was illiterate and all the information about the world was faulty. Tyson seemed surprise to the amount of sharing and reactions to his twitter tweet. Perhaps he failed to realized this is not a easy time in the Obama era for Christians in this country. They see their numbers dropping in the Western world and whose only growth in numbers is in Africa. Christians in Africa are still in a savage state where they basically use their new religion as some excuse to plunder their Islamic and pagan neighbors in orgies of blood in many pars of Central Africa. They see a resurgent Islam in the Middle East that clearly is a result of years of Christian colonialism and much evangelizing attempts that Christians have tried through their charities and ability to keep the region poor with corrupt dictators backed by the Christian West. They see a new Pope from South America who really is concerns about things like social justice and equality and a world less willing to let Christians maintain their tolerance and bigotry to be hidden under their religious banner.
All this and given that many Christians are starting to wonder why they are as despised as traditionally they have despised others is making many unsettled. Any attacks on their precious holiday makes them edgy and upset as they no longer have the control to torture dissenters and mockers as in the past. Christians have alot more to worry about their fatuous religion than what one popular astrophysicist has tweet to his fans.

Tom Brady and his mental exercise training
Devid Berkson
Mostly the great quarterbacks are masters of the important mental game that are often discussed as part of the importance for athletes. Tom Brady has mastered himself into the elite class of this quarterback position and evidently he has some strategy for his gutsy performances in this rough game where the vast majority of players look like overweight Jumanji tribesmen instead of molecule ramble models such as himself. He has played some fourteen seasons against some of the most indomitable defensive ruthless players whose main goal of this brutal sport is to take the head of the opposing quarterback.
With his in mindI happened to catch Tom Brady on his usual Westwood one radio stint between games one weekend and he explained to the studio half time mic guy that these rest to his success was mental exercises and training. He proclaimed that the mental exercises are as important as any physical exercises he has ritueled before game days. He wouldn't elaborate on exactly what the fuck he meant and as a football player I imagine that it likely wasn't to complicated. I really doubt that he was cooking up physics diagrams before games and I can't really imagine the fantasies that Tom Brady would cook up Irving already the ultimate fantasy world one could imagine. His fantasies might include simple desktop office computer jobs or maybe as afast food worker in order to motivate him to continue to excel. Maybe the mental training that Brady didn't want to go more into detail was just simple math exercises like seven times seven is fourteen and plus three additions which would come in handy playing NFL quarterback and keeping track of scores
With his in mindI happened to catch Tom Brady on his usual Westwood one radio stint between games one weekend and he explained to the studio half time mic guy that these rest to his success was mental exercises and training. He proclaimed that the mental exercises are as important as any physical exercises he has ritueled before game days. He wouldn't elaborate on exactly what the fuck he meant and as a football player I imagine that it likely wasn't to complicated. I really doubt that he was cooking up physics diagrams before games and I can't really imagine the fantasies that Tom Brady would cook up Irving already the ultimate fantasy world one could imagine. His fantasies might include simple desktop office computer jobs or maybe as afast food worker in order to motivate him to continue to excel. Maybe the mental training that Brady didn't want to go more into detail was just simple math exercises like seven times seven is fourteen and plus three additions which would come in handy playing NFL quarterback and keeping track of scores
Rundown jagoffs have Jeff Berwick on their show
Tony Miselli
Jeff Berwick is some chain smoking bastard that started a dollar vigilante YouTube channel in his personal crusade against central banks. He appeared on Kristan Harris and Mike Paczensey and those fags Rundown Live program as they bash the fed and programs run by government usually to help people not like them. Berwick is a fool who blasts the ability of government to tax as he spends ten thousand on cigarettes and his addiction was clearly seen as he chain smoked through this interview. He is a man who likely owns much wealth where he can benefit from if the dollar collapsed whether it is expensive paintings or gold rocks. He talked about the debt people are in and Western countries and he hates the debt system. This guy says ere is nothing like a free market and he is plainly upset that those beneath him are not working for three dollars and hour instead of having government mandated minimum wage.
Jeff Berwick is an idiot and fails to remember when we had a free- market those who got rich was through other people not being free. Berwick would love to go back to the era before federal reserve and income taxes where cigarettes were 2 cents pack and forced labor was cheaper. Jeff talked about how great Mexico was and how they don't have the regulations like in the states. Mexicans need to watch this guy and others including a Jesse Ventura and what he is doing in their country. It is dickheads like Jeff Berwick that a few generations ago took Texas from Mexico. He says that it is all propaganda about safety in Mexico not being so bad despite the thousands of beheadings and now tourists cannot venture out from their hotel areas. Jeff Berwick and libertarians are basically a group of people who want more inequality in society and have week governments who cannot resist the manipulation of a class like them who want know rules and want it their way. This guy talked about how the population is on chemicals like Prozac and people have no skills while he inhales chemicals on this I terrier with no less eight full cigarettes in a forty minute interview. This clown wants privatization for everything government is needed in society from firemen being volunteered (free) to garbage collectors who run and zip themselves to death as apparently is done in his utopia of Chile. I'm sure if a Jeff Berwick was in a position where he would have to work as a garbage collector he would not be praising the efficiency and ability of a privatized garbage collection. The jackass I key never worked a day in his life and his hard labor and I am sure whatever real work he does is not very different or more labor intensive than sitting in a chair talking and smoking all day. This is a guy who thinks the United States was a really great place before the New Deal. There is a whole galaxy of these dollar bashes and anti-government libertarian wealth hoarders out there on the World Wide Web and Jeff Berwick is one of the most sinister ones. These are guys who love to go to Vegas and gamble their money and decry government taking any of their incomes to help the needy and those who didn't inherit stolen capital. He thinks it is not greedy corporations that are the problem and how he bashes government w these with these other two idiots it is clearly evident who these three stooges actually represent and funded with their complete nonsense.
Jeff Berwick is an idiot and fails to remember when we had a free- market those who got rich was through other people not being free. Berwick would love to go back to the era before federal reserve and income taxes where cigarettes were 2 cents pack and forced labor was cheaper. Jeff talked about how great Mexico was and how they don't have the regulations like in the states. Mexicans need to watch this guy and others including a Jesse Ventura and what he is doing in their country. It is dickheads like Jeff Berwick that a few generations ago took Texas from Mexico. He says that it is all propaganda about safety in Mexico not being so bad despite the thousands of beheadings and now tourists cannot venture out from their hotel areas. Jeff Berwick and libertarians are basically a group of people who want more inequality in society and have week governments who cannot resist the manipulation of a class like them who want know rules and want it their way. This guy talked about how the population is on chemicals like Prozac and people have no skills while he inhales chemicals on this I terrier with no less eight full cigarettes in a forty minute interview. This clown wants privatization for everything government is needed in society from firemen being volunteered (free) to garbage collectors who run and zip themselves to death as apparently is done in his utopia of Chile. I'm sure if a Jeff Berwick was in a position where he would have to work as a garbage collector he would not be praising the efficiency and ability of a privatized garbage collection. The jackass I key never worked a day in his life and his hard labor and I am sure whatever real work he does is not very different or more labor intensive than sitting in a chair talking and smoking all day. This is a guy who thinks the United States was a really great place before the New Deal. There is a whole galaxy of these dollar bashes and anti-government libertarian wealth hoarders out there on the World Wide Web and Jeff Berwick is one of the most sinister ones. These are guys who love to go to Vegas and gamble their money and decry government taking any of their incomes to help the needy and those who didn't inherit stolen capital. He thinks it is not greedy corporations that are the problem and how he bashes government w these with these other two idiots it is clearly evident who these three stooges actually represent and funded with their complete nonsense.
Sam Sedar irate about police backers and supporters
Bradly Handly
There was a New York police shooting after months of anti-police promotion by liberal activists and anarchist agenda seekers. One of them was Sam Sedar with his Ring Of Fire radio show and podcast as they had numerous anti-police activity on their programs following the Eric Garner and Michael Brown deaths. Every year it is inevitable with the number of police and criminal activity in this country that there will bell ice actions that result in death.
This occurs to people of all ages ,races, and countries and has been going on since the creation of a police force. Something sinister is occurring where there is an over-emphasize on these police shootings that are overall very small when compared to overall crime and murder in this nation that is not done by the hands of police but criminals. Eventually this pure hatred lead to the cowardly ambushing of two New York policemen by an insane black man named ismaaily Brinsley who surprising was a Christian. No mark that he was a recent convert to Islam and a black Muslim at that. Sam Sedar went on a bizarre rant the other day about how people are attacking the protestors and using this tragedy to diminish the cause of police brutality. The real brutality is black urban brutality against all peoples whose appetite for thug glorification and criminal activity is having insidious results for themselves and just hide under the shield of racism and policing of suspicious activity. The police around the country will not stand back and wait for the next attack as scores of losers and haters have been arrested for posting similar threats against the police on Instantgram and Facebook like this idiot from Baltimore.
This loser shot his ex-girlfriend and then went to New York looking for the easiest opportunity to kill police. This clearly was a result of weeks of anti-police crusades by these protestors likely funded by Russia or other forces looking to cause dissension within America. The victimization effect that is pushed. To the brains of black youths will result in more imprisonments and attacks on a strong police force and their backers not willing to sacrifice themselves to the Ike's of liberals lie Sam Sedar who want to see endless protests
This occurs to people of all ages ,races, and countries and has been going on since the creation of a police force. Something sinister is occurring where there is an over-emphasize on these police shootings that are overall very small when compared to overall crime and murder in this nation that is not done by the hands of police but criminals. Eventually this pure hatred lead to the cowardly ambushing of two New York policemen by an insane black man named ismaaily Brinsley who surprising was a Christian. No mark that he was a recent convert to Islam and a black Muslim at that. Sam Sedar went on a bizarre rant the other day about how people are attacking the protestors and using this tragedy to diminish the cause of police brutality. The real brutality is black urban brutality against all peoples whose appetite for thug glorification and criminal activity is having insidious results for themselves and just hide under the shield of racism and policing of suspicious activity. The police around the country will not stand back and wait for the next attack as scores of losers and haters have been arrested for posting similar threats against the police on Instantgram and Facebook like this idiot from Baltimore.
This loser shot his ex-girlfriend and then went to New York looking for the easiest opportunity to kill police. This clearly was a result of weeks of anti-police crusades by these protestors likely funded by Russia or other forces looking to cause dissension within America. The victimization effect that is pushed. To the brains of black youths will result in more imprisonments and attacks on a strong police force and their backers not willing to sacrifice themselves to the Ike's of liberals lie Sam Sedar who want to see endless protests
India on the brink
Ali Muhammed
A massive attack in India last week received little Western coverage but rings about the boiling turmoil and hatred in India's Northern most provinces against internal migration patterns in this dynamic country. I have often said that India and China will break up before they rule the world as the business press and some world economists love to predict.
These two countries are home to some of the most massive inequality societies you will find and it is only a matter of time effort Vietnam type guerrilla campaigns, revolts, uprisings or whatever you want to call it will tear these countries apart. In the state of Assam the Bodo people have been fighting for twenty years to carve out a state and independent homeland of their own and last week they took to the streets killing about seventy people mostly members of another tribe that is not local called the Avasadi. These tribal people are perhaps the darkest and ugliest untouchables you will see over in India and one can kind of see why the other Indians of economic status and normal looks would disdain these idiots. The Bodo have been protesting migrations of other peoples into the region for a resource depletion and wealth extraction of their lands by outsiders and this uprising is similar to others we have seen around the world since 1994 and the Zapatista uprising in rural Mexico
. In a sense these Indian wars are no different than from our own Indian wars of a century ago as traditional lands that for a millennium belonged to a particular group and has seen an attack on their culture from migrants taking their jobs and eroding their political power which is very important in this large democracy. India recognizes some six hundred and fifty tribes whose way of life is quickly changing for the worse under the pressures of globalization and resource depletion in the world. Globalization is code word for group identity structure where the forces of economic rule want very hard to erase national identities and create a two class system of the haves and the have nots who exist to serve them. Many of these indigenous tribes in India are wing forced to sign agreements in various states in languages they do not understand that practically gives away their lands and the wealth that exists underneath it. Combine this with an exploitative labor condition India and China that would of made British blush with embarrassment and you see the real reasons for the celebrated economics growth of shitholes like India that are so gleefully recognized by the scumbag likes like Forbes, Bloomberg Business, and the Economist publishers in the West. So e of the most violent clashes in India have not been the more publicized Hindu-Muslim clashes but the indigenous uprisings against the effects of brutal capitalism that many of the media do not want information spread around the world.
These two countries are home to some of the most massive inequality societies you will find and it is only a matter of time effort Vietnam type guerrilla campaigns, revolts, uprisings or whatever you want to call it will tear these countries apart. In the state of Assam the Bodo people have been fighting for twenty years to carve out a state and independent homeland of their own and last week they took to the streets killing about seventy people mostly members of another tribe that is not local called the Avasadi. These tribal people are perhaps the darkest and ugliest untouchables you will see over in India and one can kind of see why the other Indians of economic status and normal looks would disdain these idiots. The Bodo have been protesting migrations of other peoples into the region for a resource depletion and wealth extraction of their lands by outsiders and this uprising is similar to others we have seen around the world since 1994 and the Zapatista uprising in rural Mexico
Michael Savage predicts a coming civil war
Carl Olsen
Michael Savage laments the fact that there is a socialist conspiracy because the local San Francisco media ignores him despite his tremendous radio reach and ratings. This and many other lunacy can be fond in his latest book called "Stop The Coming Civil War" as he goes through. List of his usual complaints blaming environmentalists for halting dirty polluting oil production or governmental attacks on our great for-profit health care system that only takes care those with much money. Michael Savage speaks for the corporate ruling class and he will frequently use distortion a d blatant lies to make the side he is against look bad to his demented listeners.
His whole chapter of climate change is co plate lies as he ignores what the majority of scientists say and says some bullshit about the planet actually getting cooler when evidence points to human action as the cause. This is a guy who sees nothing wrong with complete massive burning of trees and old fossils having as no effect on the environment because he profits and is benefited from big oil. This is a man who wants our resources to continue to go to military spending and wars feeling safe his stupid ass will never go and fight the defenders of Islam in foreign lands where we want their resources so assholes like Savage can drive big automobiles. This book is divided in chapters where he says Obama and his administration is already waging g war on the American people. For twenty years Savage has been a divisive voice on the scene and has been a fountain of misinformation and his vision of liberty means those with the power and wealth shall not share it with the people whose labor produced their wealth over the years through the abuses and exploitation of low wages and impractical working conditions.
If anything there should of been many civil wars in this country had not the brutal actions that those with the wealth have used on organized efforts to level the playing ground. This is what worries men like Michael Savage who realize that their ability to withhold the anger of the public is declining as more and more become informed. Savage wants to make it a right-left divide when it is actually a divide of greed and money hoarding by a ruling class that doesn't want inequality to remain and avoid a more equitable culture such as socialist European post World War economies have provided for their citizens
His whole chapter of climate change is co plate lies as he ignores what the majority of scientists say and says some bullshit about the planet actually getting cooler when evidence points to human action as the cause. This is a guy who sees nothing wrong with complete massive burning of trees and old fossils having as no effect on the environment because he profits and is benefited from big oil. This is a man who wants our resources to continue to go to military spending and wars feeling safe his stupid ass will never go and fight the defenders of Islam in foreign lands where we want their resources so assholes like Savage can drive big automobiles. This book is divided in chapters where he says Obama and his administration is already waging g war on the American people. For twenty years Savage has been a divisive voice on the scene and has been a fountain of misinformation and his vision of liberty means those with the power and wealth shall not share it with the people whose labor produced their wealth over the years through the abuses and exploitation of low wages and impractical working conditions.
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