Jahil Okafor is a troubled nineteen year old overpaid athlete. The teenager is receiving millions in annual income in this twisted economy and still he can't keep his head straight. The guy got into a bar altercation some time ago where a guy pointed a gun at his fucking head.

With this in mind WGN and Chicago area radio sports veteran announcer mark Carmon made big excuses for the actions of this Jahil. He said it is so tough for young athletes when they make the millions and then have to go through life under the spotlight and the elite pandering from the media and this joke Cameron to these athletes is also part of the problem and why these pricks fuck up. This Cameron said that this Okafer has more talent and skill than the average person after a phone call from somebody question the judgment of Cameron's comments. There are many other people in extreme poverty who actually have it more rough in life than an NBA athlete who shouldn't be on the receiving end of all these millions regardless of their athletic talent that an ass Cameron thinks is worthy of scholarships and CEO type pay. NBA basketball players only are allowed to make millions because of the corrupt unwise spending and rules of big time corporations diverting money into areas it shouldn't be going and this idiot Carman deserves a pie thrown in his face as the cameras roll. This jackass Cameron supported that athletes receiving millions should get the benefit of the doubt when making these mistakes as the phone caller stated that anyone else would of been thrown in county jail for the night for pulling a similar stunt on the Brooklyn Bridge. Dudes like Mark Carman make excuses for these athletes and think they deserve special status and annulment of their actions because they are sports heroes for jerks like him. A Carman also will give more respect and credence to athlete because they game the system making so much ore with their limited talents in life outside of handeling a ball and giving excuses for the corporate wolrd to dictate monetary flow for their economic influences in society.